CNN P Morgan talking gun control again tonight

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The left doesn't do anything on accident. Morgan knew Alex would do his rant/shtick and Piers would play it straight. However if someone like Jones wasn't on the show...being ticked off...who would be? John Lott? Wayne LaPierre? Probably not.

Alex got out his message. Not necessarily ours. Suppose that another issue with the left, they find someone from the fringe and put them up as an example of an entire group in their attempts to marginalize their enemies.

I like that Jones explores radical things. A lot of it I don't agree with but that's OK. Perhaps his radio and website are more appropriate venues for him than a liberals TV show...if he can't dial it back and stay on message that is.
i really wouldn't sweat it. both sides have their fruitcakes and moonbats.

besides, his ratings aren't exactly substantial
Alex is reflecting a chunk of the American population that thinks like him. He portrayed this strongly.

I did not like the part where he started sounding like a nut job and blabbing all kinds of incoherent words and statistics. He could have left out the part out about the boxing match as well.
I'm a pretty firm believer of the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" philosophy. Those that have chosen sides, will most likely continue to be on that side. those on the fence, however, whether they agree or not, the hope is that these kinds of things get them to look into what the debates are about on their own. "what is this loon talking about?" or "Hmm... that sounds right." that being said... i'm still not sure where i stand on how things will play out due to this interview :confused:

there were many video game companies that got a lot of flak for making extremely violent games (Rockstar). The media blasted them as evil, and gave rise to the likes of Jack Thompson (The premiere video game nazi). All this did was help further sales of said games...
besides, his ratings aren't exactly substantial

Sometimes stuff like this fades into oblivion, but sometimes numerous media outlets, independent or otherwise, will take a segment like this and run with it regardless of the source's ratings.

both sides have their fruitcakes and moonbats.

This we can most certainly agree on. All we can hope for is that they at least cancel out.
It was hard to watch, and I just watched bowling for columbine. He looks like a full blown wack-a-doo. I understand emotions running high. That is no excuse.

Yes, they are trying to take our firearm rights.
Yes, I've scraped more worthy things off of the bottom of my shoe than piers morgan.
Yes, we should we be angry.
Yes, the numbers for murder rates have went down.
Yes, men and women have a right to protect themselves.
Yes, a vocal and well spoken advocate is a good thing.
Yes, I'm tired of fearing what might happen.
Yes, something is not right about blaming firearms when it is people who actually kill.

If you think for a second that the people who book this show don't know how an over the top at least half-way crack-pot would act you are dense. These are the types they always show on T.V. after something bad happens. They always find the craziest or most feeble minded fool to talk to. I'm sorry Mr. Jones, but I feel we as a whole of 2nd Amendment supporters should distance ourselves from people that act this way.
After the interview they're up there lying their asses off saying the FBI statistics aren't true and the garbage Kennedys that came on later saying that the 2A isn't about defense against a tyrannical government.

Alex is out there sometimes but almost everything he said was right on. Glad someone finally told Piers Morgan he's free to go back home if he doesn't like it. It doesn't really matter how he acted, the battle lines have been drawn. Nobody watching CNN or Piers Morgan is going to be like "gee I was for gun rights but this Alex guy sounds kind of crazy, we should turn them all in." The battle is in Washington right now, it doesn't matter what the people think(exhibit A: Obamacare).
If Alex Jones is involved, chances are, I don't want to be. The man is the epitome of tin foil hattery, and he DARN SURE doesn't represent me in any way shape or form. Any sort of association with him is met with instant suspicion if not outright dismissal by most thinking people. He represents me like Hitler represented the Jewish population. I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they are associated in any way with the man. Even if they have valid points, being associated with him damages credibility.

It doesn't really matter how he acted,

BS!! If he is out there representing gun owners, as he appears to be doing, it most certainly matters how he acts. I want ANYONE supposedly representing my interest to be dignified, respectable, and decent. Just because the opposition can sometimes act as fools and animals doesn't give us reason to do the same. At this point, its about public relations as much as anything, and I don't want AJ being the guy to represent our side of things. I'd rather a credible person, who isn't sucked into (or creates) every conspiracy out there, who doesn't act act rude and belligerent, and who generally doesn't come off as a total tool much of the time be representing us. He does more damage than good, and that goes for almost any cause he throws his weight behind.
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Im watching right now, it was something hearing Alex Jones. I like the first part when he said 1774 will rise again. But after that he begun to sound weirdo. Oh Jesus, this is not good . He was more of a loonie type.
A lot of Alex's rantings are conspiracy theory nonsense but you can't deny he got cold hard facts in while Piers did his little "ask hardly relevant questions and pretend like its the best argument ever formed" deal. Piers made no effort to legitimately counter the statistics Alex provided, which frustrated Alex to no end. Alex saw this as valuable and rare air time for his school of thought, and jumped on the opportunity a bit to energetically.
Piers probably knows deep down that his arguments for a new AWB aren't close to legitimate compared to the arguments against one. He knew if he called on a hot-head like Alex Jones then he wouldn't even have to bother making his argument, he could just look on him condescendingly as if to say that liberals are level headed, rational people, while conservatives are radical paranoids. Alex played right into this of course, but not without providing thought provoking statistics and logic.
What was worse than Alex was Piers' "what gun was used in Aurora?" argument. Alex tried to explain how rarely long arms are used in violent crime, but was of course ignored. That's probably the worst argument for a new AWB you could make. It's like saying your mom spilled decaf on herself and got burned, therefore civilians shouldn't have access to obviously super dangerous assault decaf.
Id never heard of Alex Jones prior to that interview...and i hope i never see him again. That guy is nuts.

CNN did a masterful job using that guy as he face of the gun rights crowd to paint us all as lunatics.
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He was chosen bec he was one of the ones leading the deport P Morgan .
Interesting, because when I heard Mr Jones speak, it reminded me of many posts I have read on firearms forums and Facebook lately. Take a close look at youself before you judge him. Let's also remember that Piers Morgan is an entertainer. Of course he is going to have someone on that will rant and rave. Deep breaths people...deep breaths.
you know, it is unfortunate that Mr. Jones was unable to keep a level head, but he is still on our side. He has the balls to say things a lot of people, particularly on this forum, do not. I applaud him for that. While he may play into conspiracy theories (I don't know enough about him to comment much on this) it doesn't make him "radical" or an extremist. Since when was fighting for our God given rights that have been written, documented and upheld in this country for over 200 years "radical or "extreme"? Those of you who think this should be ashamed. Mr. Jones is a patriot, even if he is not well spoken one. We will unite or we will fall.
Dershowitz was the scariest of all that entire show. Advocating the ownership of firearms is inherently racist ? This just in, the word racist is now completely de-fanged.
Dershowitz was the scariest of all that entire show. Advocating the ownership of firearms is inherently racist ? This just in, the word racist is now completely de-fanged.

it's not just Dershowitz that draws some kind of direct relationship between gun ownership and racism. Michael Moore also shares these views. I'm not sure how owning a gun and wanting to retain them makes you racist... but it sure works well to fire up those that are thoughtlessly pro gun control. yet another tactic to employ emotion in the absence of logic...
*Justin removes his official THR Moderator Hat, hangs it on a coat peg across the room, walks over to the couch, and sits down. He then sighs and warily eyes that hat before delivering the following.*

Alex Jones is a cretin. He is a lunatic who sees a conspiracy behind ever bush and a terrorist behind every dumpster. He is an idiot. A foil. The sort of person who I deeply and dearly wish was on the other side in the gun control debate because every time he opens his CostCo-sized maw and spouts something, it is bound to be a grenade thrown into his own camp.

Regardless of your feelings about the mainstream media and their role as lapdog to the powers that be, Alex Jones is still a thoroughly reprehensible, completely unhinged sociopath who's willing to make loud and obnoxious sounds "in the name of freedom" in order to build the ranks of his core audience.

No one capable of critical thought would take Alex Jones at face value, at least no more so than they would believe Mr. Magoo capable of actually predicting the weather or Ray Kurzweil being able to induce The Singularity through his own effort.

You should all goddamned well know better than to trust him as a primary source.

*Justin stands up, walks across the room, takes his official THR Moderator Hat off of the coat peg and puts it back on.*

As for Piers Morgan, of course the man is frightened to the point of soiling himself when confronted with the image of a gun. After all, he's frightened to the point of soiling himself when confronted with Jeremy Clarkson.
...Alex Jones is a cretin. He is a lunatic [...] who's willing to make loud and obnoxious sounds "in the name of freedom" in order to build the ranks of his core audience.

No one capable of critical thought would take Alex Jones at face value...

And just how many people who were watching CNN do we expect to be capable of critical thought. Damned few.

I dare say that fewer than 20% of the entire population has had an original thought ever once enter their heads. As much as I despise the "sheeple" concept I'm afraid it's not far off the mark.

So Morgan got exactly what he wanted. And frankly so did Jones.
And just how many people who were watching CNN do we expect to be capable of critical thought. Damned few.

I dare say that fewer than 20% of the entire population has had an original thought ever once enter their heads. As much as I despise the "sheeple" concept I'm afraid it's not far off the mark.

So Morgan got exactly what he wanted. And frankly so did Jones.

Just because CNN is a biased source and Piers Morgan is an idiot is no vindication of Alex Jones. That there are people who actually try to make this argument is utterly incomprehensible to me. People like David Icke and Alex Jones do us far more harm than good, and you should know better.
wooow.... the most disturbing part was Dershowitz (or however you spell that name) stating pretty much that guns are not part of the american culture and and and... well... guess what: the american culture is not defined by him in the Northeast/Harvard or NYC for that matter :banghead:

Alex Jones: C.R.A.Z.Y ... I'm a gun owner and that guy is just nuts. Does significantly more harm than good... great job from CNN putting an absolute loon/9-11 truther and whatnot on the program...
lol... Alex lost me when he started about talking that the government buys "1.6Billion" bullets, helicopters in the sky and armed "predator" drones in North Dakota arresting people....

sorry... that guy is just crazy. really poor representation of the average gun owner. :banghead:
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