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You are right wingman,

It is getting to the point where you will need a college degree just to get a job above minimum wage. The skilled trades are disappearing and being replaced by cheap, mass-produced stuff made in China or Mexico. Soon only the wealthy or educated will be able to move up because the typical jobes that allow the poor to advance will be gone.
I would also find it hard to believe that no one in DC has given thought to the risk and possible consequences given the curent public atmosphere in much of the effected parts of America.

I think it is a bit hard to put ourselves in the minds of people who have learned, over many years, the fine art of repressing common sense when expediency rears its ugly head. Some may be stupid enough not to see the dangers; others appear to be able to ignore, willfully, whatever is inconvenient. I think many of the D.C. crowd have convinced themselves that "It's Not Going to Happen, or If It Is, It Won't Happen to Me and Mine." Self-delusion, micro and macro, is what makes the world go 'round, no?

Wingman, you're probably right. It took a while after WW II for the trans-national corporations to develop and gain ascendancy. With the end of allegiance to America and the control of American big business by MBAs, marketing mavens, and computer geeks, the whole picture of capitalism changed.
Invansion Route:

This is exactly the route I would follow to physically invade and split a country. Pacification would then be the only thing left and easily handled with a culturally Balkanized and disarmed population.

Of course -- why invade when your enemy is giving you everything including your real estate?
This is exactly the route I would follow to physically invade and split a country. Pacification would then be the only thing left and easily handled with a culturally Balkanized and disarmed population.

Of course -- why invade when your enemy is giving you everything including your real estate?

Yes, China, are you listening? We already know of course that the Chinese are making serious inroads in Latin America. Who knows what they are really planning long-term?

Then again the battle zones today seem to be our shopping malls.

As for the real estate, just wait. The Chinese aren't going to take paper forever.
longeyes, it's less the cost of labor at US ports than it is the volume of shipping. The west coast ports are overloaded. From what I've read, freighters sometimes circle for days, offshore, waiting for a dock.

If you look at a map, you find that San Francisco/Oakland are not good waypoints from which to move cargo eastward. You have Seattle and San Diego, basically. So, Mexico's west coast. Mexico is improving its rail network, and has already rebuilt the highway from Chihuahua City to Ojinaga (across from Presidio, Texas).

Add to this the dozen or so new LNG ports that are to be built. The known US reserves where drilling is allowed are estimated at 8.4 years at present use rates (USCE estimate).

Mexico is improving its rail network, and has already rebuilt the highway from Chihuahua City to Ojinaga (across from Presidio, Texas).
Just out of curiosity, just where did poor disadvantaged Mexico get the money for these projects...? And doing all that building, how come they can't keep their people employed down there:confused:
Well, last year, illegals in the USA sent 20 billion U.S. dollars back to Mexico. That'll build a lot of highways. We're financing our own demise. Cool, ain't it?

Well, maybe we can learn something from Mexico regarding our national priorities? Mexico is improving its rail network and ports, what are we improving? We have an annual Federal budget of $2.5 trillion and we are slowly decomposing? What does that teach us?
It teaches us that excessive self-indulgance leads to obesity and obesity kills, Longeyes.

Just out of curiosity, just where did poor disadvantaged Mexico get the money for these projects...? And doing all that building, how come they can't keep their people employed down there

Most of the money in mexico is in hands of 4% of the population, and if we
do regain control of our government that is our future.
Anybody read FUTURE SHOCK by Alvin Toffler? It's been around for 36 years.

Here's the first sentence:

"In the three short decades between now and the twenty-first century, millions of ordinary, psychologically normal people will face an abrupt collision with the future."

One reviewer summarized it pretty well:

"Thus the 'future shock' thesis provided a particular sort of thesis about social change, economic development, the role of technology and, overall, the ways that organisations and individuals might begin to come to grips with them."

There is little that is new under the sun.
*Drops Coffee Mug* *Shakes head & Rubs eyes* Am I Seeing things, or did Our Gooberment just turn the USA on it's head.....:scrutiny: :barf:
Most of the wealth of this country is in the hands of 1% of the population, the Mexicans are pikers.

Well, we're on the same path, but Mexico lacks our extensive middle-class. Let's not exaggerate. Mexico's famed 47 Families pull all the strings down there. Certainly we're getting more stratified but power is still much more widely disseminated here.
Maybe all the Limbaugh fans can try to get through on his show,

He'll be all for it.

I can hear it now, don't get excited about this. Bush is so cunning he has something up his sleeve here, it's a rope-a-dope.:barf: I'm so sick of him anymore, and sick of the whole Dem vs Repub WWF wraslin' show.

Enough. I am awake now.

If you want to tell a radio guy who will be properly outraged, call Micheal Savage. You're wasting time with the Bushbots.

What are we going to do people? Seriously, what? All the talk about when will we know when we are no longer free, it's happening now, right in front of us, snowballing by the hour. I'm a young guy with young kids, and I fear for my children. More now than ever before.

For all the 'it's easy, vote em out' crowd: Politico X gets voted in, has 2-4 years to persue his globalist agenda, opens all kinds of Pandoras boxes. Now not reelcting him will do what exactly? If politicians in the founders days blatantly ignored the constitution and sold out our soverignty, they would not sit around and say "gee, how do we vote this guy out?" THE WORD IS T-R-E-A-S-O-N. Of course, polititians then were not super-citizens who were exempt from whatever bilge they pumped out of congress or the white house.

This is the real deal folks. No more speculation, it's happening and happening N O W, now! What do we do?
Hayseed raises a very good point: What ARE we going to do about this? I'm a young person as well, no kids (irrelevent, though) and fear that there may come a time where nothing CAN be done about it. I've always voted since I turned 18, but as has been mentioned before, power corrupts & those that get into office just seam to run amok.:banghead:

so now what?
Somewhat OT but another give away by this administration.

Return of the Great Social Security Giveaway

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Last year around this time I wrote about a serious threat to Social Security that was moving ever closer – a threat so great that it could truly break the bank of our already dangerously fragile Social Security system. The threat is the ongoing "totalization" negotiations between the US and Mexican governments. An agreement on "totalization" would make hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens eligible for American Social Security. Press reports just last month reminded us that these talks are continuing and will likely be completed this year.

As I wrote last year, under such a "totalization" agreement, even if a Mexican citizen did not work in the United States long enough to qualify for Social Security, the number of years worked in Mexico would be added to bring up the total and thus make the Mexican worker eligible for cash transfers from the United States. To qualify for American Social Security, a Mexican citizen would need to work in the US as short as just 18 months!

Totalization is nothing new. The first such agreements were made in the late 1970s between the United States and several foreign governments to help American citizens who were sent abroad by their companies. From there we have come, nearly 30 years later, to the point where an estimated 160,000 Mexican citizens would be eligible for US Social Security in the next five years.

Ultimately, the bill for Mexicans working legally in the US could reach one billion dollars by 2050, when the estimated Mexican beneficiaries could reach 300,000. Worse still, an estimated five million Mexicans working illegally in the United States could be eligible for the program. According to press reports, a provision in the Social Security Act allows illegal immigrants to receive Social Security benefits if the United States and another country have a totalization agreement.

Those in favor of sending US Social Security benefits to Mexican citizens argue that the crushing poverty in Mexico demands some form of US assistance to that country's aged. While the poverty in Mexico is truly deplorable and saddening, the fact remains that the US Congress has no Constitutional authority to enact what is essentially another foreign aid program. I would applaud any private citizen who wishes to help his fellow man living in poverty, whether in the US or Mexico or wherever he wishes. But for the US government to force this kind of "charity" is both immoral and illegal.

When Congress returns late this month, it should take the opportunity to re-affirm that Social Security is an American program designed to benefit American retired workers. That is why I introduced HR 489, the Social Security for American Citizens Only Act, in the current Congress. This act forbids the federal government from providing Social Security benefits to non-citizens. It also ends the practice of totalization.

Bringing hundreds of thousands of impoverished foreign workers into the Social Security system will surely break the bank, depriving millions of our seniors who contributed to the system all their working lives of that which is rightly theirs. That is no way to treat our seniors, be they from this generation or coming generations. As I said last year, we should be shoring up the system for those Americans who have paid in for decades, not expanding it to cover foreigners who have not.
I dunno, Hayseed, Apex. Our elected representitives refuse to represent us. They're pretty much looking us in the eye and saying "What're *you* gonna do about it?" They have the power and our vote doesn't appear to influence them at all.
I contacted my House Reps yesterday and was told by their underlings that they were unaware of this plan as was most of the rest of Congress.
What the hell...

One thing you can do is stand back and breathe deeply. De-focus and look at the trends evident across the land. Across the land because if you focus on the idiocy oozing out of DC you'll get a distorted picture of reality.

I personally am optimistic. The reason is simple. For the first time in my political kubbutzing I'm seeing push back. Push back is possible because we are now finding out about the nonsense much earlier in the public policy cycle. The alternative media is the reason. We can now see issues forming long before the talking heads tell us about it. I picked up on the north american union about 2 years ago after first meeting of the three amigos. Then when the CFR's document came out I was all ears.

Altermative media is now allowing Joe and Martha Sixpack to take action. Example? Minutemen on the border. Minutemen moving to the border kicked the public policy cycle into the second phase long before the ruling class wanted to deal with it.

Another example was the Dubai Ports fiasco. Alternative media blew the whistle and Joe and Martha went to work and the ruling class backed off temporarily. We'll ignore the economic debate for now.

Bush made an incomprehensible nomination to the supreme court and was promptly bitchslapped by Joe and Martha. He back down. We'll see if his nominees pan out as expected.

Congress acts on immigration with two radically different approaches. The house goes with enforcement first. The senate goes with amnesty. The alternative media lights up congressional fax and email. The senate persists in its amnesty and the house effectively kills the senate bill. What happened? Joe and Martha threatened house and senate. The house bill provided cover to the senate so it could pass what the ruling class really wanted to happen. Bottom line is immigration will be the issue in the November election as well it should be. The senate wants a bill, any bill, and the house ain't falling for it.

Shift to NA union. Debate is following the pattern established by the Minutemen. Alternative print media outlets give it play (HE, WND). investigators like Corsi and Alden do the scholarly work. Alternative media pushes the scholarly work and provides an electronic platform (Liddy so far, but Savage will pile on quickly, then Quinn and Hannity will pile on). Talk radio will inform Joe and Martha who will go to work demanding of congress an explanation. At some point establishment media will notice the food fight and begin to publish. Once establishment media begins snooping around elements congress will begin to nose around which will propel the debate into the second state of policy formation.

What are the stages of policy formation?
Stage 1--do we have a problem? 2-4 years.
Stage 2--OK, we have a problem but what do we do about. 2-4 years. Congress acts
Stage 3--Great, we think we fixed the problem. Did the solution work. Revisit as necessary.

Typically it takes 7 years. We're in stage 2 of illegal immigration and stage 1 of NA union. What hasn't been determined reliably is if the different stages can be sped up because of the availability in information.
As mentioned in another thread concerning a side issue linked from the posted article, all this was planned a long time ago (as was the establishing of regional nation states; ours being a new Pan-America).

Pan-American Highway, system of roads, c.16,000 mi (25,750 km) long, linking the nations of the Western Hemisphere. It was suggested at the Fifth International Conference of American States (1923) and supported and financed by the United States during the 1940s and 1950s

The Pan American Union was established April 14, 1890, and is now known as the Organization of American States (OAS).
WHEREAS, It would be desirable to recommend the designation of a date which should be observed as "Pan American Day" in all the Republics of America and which should be established as a commemorative symbol of the sovereignty of the American nations and the voluntary union of all in one continental community
Minutes of the Permanent Council - Protocolary Sessions to Commemorate the Pan American Day 2001
Woops! It's in spanish. How inconvenient for concerned and inquiring gringos ;)

Not to worry, here's an address in english from 1933 that sets the mood for change. This guy even had the nerve to invoke the Monroe Doctrine in a regional context:

For that matter just go to:

And search (top right) for "Pan American Union" using the quotation marks.

The Pan-American highway is "just about trade" on the surface; it is also the vehicle for political union. One step at a time of course ;)

They have the power and our vote doesn't appear to influence them at all.

You know why? They have arranged things so that it is nearly impossible to elect anyone but a Republicrat or a Democan. I think there is only one peaceful thing to do. Join one of these parties and do your best to change it. :(
They have the power and our vote doesn't appear to influence them at all.

On this point, I disagree. They still do care what we think or do, because if enough voters want them out of office, it would still happen. That is a lever of control. While the trends are negative, there still is much that can be done legally and peacefully.

Talk to people you know; raise the awareness. Remind people of what the incumbents did when their election is up. Of all people, politicians understand self-preservation and personal interest. If a few incumbents get kicked out of office, the others will pay attention.

The way to think about it is that politicians are pressed by voters on the one side and their PAC masters on the other. They cannot displease either severely, because it would be the end of their career. Since they care about their career more than anything else, that is a lever of control. The masters have moved boldly towards perpetual incumbency, but they are not there yet and they cannot be without blatant electoral fraud and/or dismantling the entire system of representative government.
the great explorer

Many brave men searched for the Northwest Passage. It took George W. Bush, in that great tradition, to find the NorthSouth Passage! Bravo, President Bush!


I'm optimistic too, only because it doesn't really pay, in any sense, to be anything but. Stare into the abyss too long, quoth Nietzsche, and the abyss stares back into you. So be it.

The only problem I see with being optimistic about the fact that we have far better communication tools than we did in the past and the subsequent ability to turn the knowledge received thereby into votes is...

a) If we don't retain a Republican majority, and maybe even if we do, there is going to be pressure to crack down on both conservative talk radio and "maverick" web sites. Various Dems have already snorted loudly, many times, about "The Fairness Doctrine." You can assume we will hear far more about that in the times ahead. The Left understands that one big reason Bush won was talk radio. Another big issue is the continuing consolidation of media power. So far that hasn't scuttled the Web, but there are subterranean currents to turn the Web into "tv" down the pike and the 800-lb. gorilla of talk radio is not immune from either political or commercial pressure to start zipping its lip. We will need to vigilant about this, that's all.

b) A big part of what's going down with the pro-immigration push, in my opinion, is the attempt to wrest suffrage, once and for all, from anyone and anything "on the right." Current demographic trends are not favorable to those of us who adhere to the old (small r) republican values and virtues. Voting the bastards out of office may work short-term...but longer-term?
While I hope those of you who are optimistic are correct I find myself very concerned about the future of this country, I and members of my family have served in the military and law enforcement for years and unless we have change in a not too distant future we will lose what freedom we have left.

I do not see our current two party system working for us and while I'm not a big fan of street protest(peaceful) I think it may be required however it will take large numbers and I don't see the current working class willing.
I think a lot of us are still waiting to see if we can do it from our armchairs or our fax machines. We'll know soon enough if we can't. I think this November will make very clear what the next level of commitment is going to be if we're to keep the America we were given.
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