Rear ended a car today while packing.

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Isn't it illegal for someone to slam on their brakes in an attempt to cause an accident?


BTW - Great job keeping cool.
Isn't it illegal for someone to slam on their brakes in an attempt to cause an accident?

I would think so. When the police handed me my paperwork he didn't have the paperwork for the other driver in his hand. They told me to leave and I left. I'm thinking something else was to happen.
Rabid Rabbit wrote:

"What happened to you is one of my bigget fears. I was in an accident, lost control on a ice coated road along with 14 other cars. I said very little to the woman I hit, no one was injured, but the lies this woman told the police and insurance company were phenomonal, some were just over the top. So now I'm wondering if while I'm carrying I get into an accident and the other person, not knowing I'm carrying, tells the police I threatened, or was angry etc... towards them. I'm commuting in the Northern Virginia/D.C. area so tempers while driving, are assumed to be short. The olny thing I've come up with is recording pictures/conversations with the camera & memo feature on my cell phone. Any other suggestions?"


My suggestion, should that happen to you again, is to call 9/11, inform them who you are, that you are carrying, what vehicle you are in & its license number, and that you are remaining INSIDE the vehicle (assuming your vehicle isn't on fire).

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