SHTF daydreamers

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You are all thinking too small on the natural disasters. Here's one that nobody has mentioned. Global natural disaster. The more unlikely of the two (at least in my lifetime) is the planetary magnetic poles reversing. The geological record shows that this has happened several times in the past. Nobody knows the impact, but since we're looking for a worst case scenario, let's say it acts like a planet wide EMP.

Katie bar the door!

And of course, asteroid impact. If it is a dinosaur killer and you happen to be in the same hemisphere, it is probably not survivable, surely not long term. But the other hemisphere and the equatorial region should sustain life. Dinosaurs died out because of their mass. Plenty of life survived the mass extinction, it was all small. And those were animals who had no control over their environment. Man would fare better.
I think I enjoy them because I read Robert Heinlein's "Tunnel in the Sky" when I was a kid.

I think a lot of us would like an opportunity to just start over with a clean sheet of paper.
Hardware - I think you're envisioning pole reversal wrong.

First of all, it doesn't just happen spontaneously in a day. It happens over a long period of time. No, it is not like a global EMP.

Also, as for impact, we've historically survived it before. It would screw up a lot of equipment, but we'd adapt. We've done it before and we'll do it again.
Who fantasizes?

I own a farm, collectively my family owns the 820 acres surrounding my farm. We have livestock, weapons, stored food supplies, farm implements, seed, etc.

I like civilization, I like being able to zone out on the sci-fi channel on some nights. I do not idealize SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, I truly understand what it entails and would prefer civilization over it.

While I would never like to have a SHTF situation ever hit, I have prepared for it.
Between Katrina and the LA riots you can expect a regional, short term SHTF almost every ten years.

Not being prepared is ignoring history.

I am voting for earthquake as the next big SHTF. California if we are lucky (more prepared) and mississipi fault line if we are not (less prepared, worse earthquake history in the fault line, more national infrastructure hit)

The mississipi fault line is the more worrysome since the last time it hit it blew out windows in New York, and did would be a horrendous disaster to every less-than-perpared city along said river.

A disaster of that scale might even be bad enough to kick in other SHTF scenarios involving blue helmets on US soil. (unlikely, but possible)
I'm not saying I'll purchase a firearm because it's what I'd use to help Rowdy Roddy Piper rescue women who were hot stuff when I was 14 from a post apocalyptic town filled with angry killer mutant frogs, but if you ask me, "What gun for mutant frogs?"

You ever wanna see someone walk on water? My girlfriend must have seen Frogs when she was a kid or something... Was in her folks' pool one evening, one jumped in, and she just _levitated_. She's scared bleepless of the cute little critters.

So... Soon to come in Bogie's Bunker - I've got both Frogs and the Roddy Piper flick on order...

But hey, the SHTF thing goes WAY back... Cinematically into the fifties, at least... But I think it came into its own in the seventies - I mean, who wouldn't want to drive a big RV through the wastelands?
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