What if a state wanted out of U.S.

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Jan 2, 2003
Phoenix Arizona
It may seem to be a stretch but let's say at some point in the near future a state decides that they have had enough of Washington's interference and decided to sucede. Would a second CivilWar result or would the right of self determinantion be honored? Just curious what you all think.
I'm with Delte Elite on that.
I think Texas was the only one smart enough to get that provision when they joined the union.

The one time we tried to use, we got the War of Northern Aggression for our trouble. :(
Would a second Civil War result or would the right of self-determination be honored?
Before the Civil War it was taken for granted that states could secede. Since that travesty, I'm afraid that Washington, D.C. wouldn't let that happen.

I think California needs a regime change. The 4th didn't get much action in Iraq, here's there chance, wouldn't be much of a fight though.
I think Texas was the only one smart enough to get that provision when they joined the union.
It is unfortunate, but it is only a myth that Texas has a provision somewhere that they can secede. I wish it were so, but it is not. As much as I love America (shoot, the National Anthem brings tears to my eyes), I would rather Texas was a Republic again.
I'm afraid that it would never be allowed to happen. I'll put on my tin foil beanie and predict automobile accidents for the leaders of the movement. The Washington DC .gov has gotten to the point where they can't allow any dissention in the ranks for fear of what might happen if people realized that they didn't have to put up with the crap coming from there.

Besides, if they tried they would lose their highway funds... (which seems to be the favorite tactic to keep wayward states in line)

I agree with DE - except I think the list should be longer.

Places many Americans wish would leave the United States:

CA., MA., DC., hmm...must be a few more besides just that!
I think the Feds would use all available financial pressure. Then all available political pressure, then all available force.

There is ample precedent, ranging from the Civil War to the Bonus March to Waco.
Besides, if they tried they would lose their highway funds... (which seems to be the favorite tactic to keep wayward states in line)

Hey it works! :scrutiny:

Guess what, we both have a special place in carnivore right now......
I'm afraid that it would never be allowed to happen. I'll put on my tin foil beanie and predict automobile accidents for the leaders of the movement. The Washington DC .gov has gotten to the point where they can't allow any dissention in the ranks for fear of what might happen if people realized that they didn't have to put up with the crap coming from there.

Besides, if they tried they would lose their highway funds... (which seems to be the favorite tactic to keep wayward states in line)

I think it would go WAY beyond that. All federal funds being provided to state governments would be cut. Funds for schools, funds for highways, funds for medicine, you name it. I wouldn't be surprised if federal grants/loans would be cut/denied to residents of the seccessionist state...or at the very least the threat of it. I'd even expect to see border style roadblocks set up at the entry and exitways of the state. Shipments of goods going to/from that state would be subject to all applicable laws/tarrifs/taxes regarding international shipments. It'd probably get REAL ugly.

Of course, it brings an interesting point...with the eradication of federal taxation and federal laws regarding monetary issue, would the state be able to modify it's own structure in order to maintain fiscal solvency away from the government dole? Would the state .gov just become a mini federal .gov?
For all you hotshots who get off on CA seceding, falling into the sea, etc., try imagining a Cuba--with 35 million souls--on your border. I live in L.A. Why don't you all come here and do something to change things? California used to be a great place but it is withering from within. What a lot of you don't get is that the "California disease" is an epidemic that infects ALL of the United States. Don't kid yourself that it doesn't.
The workers paradise would never consider secession. If the state and local governments of that state stand for anything, it is getting every possible penny of tax money and hand outs possible.
Now throwing them out of the club is another story.

"Why don't you all come here and do something to change things?"
I would rather have my eyes poked out with a toothpick than go to LA.
Yup, all the Feds would have to do is cut off all entitlements to the state and the sheep would fall back in line.

The more entitlements doled out the easier to control the sheep.
I take this post as more of a "how to" question rather than a challenge to whether secession is possible. Review the California/Aztlan model. Slack border security with an impoverished country, accomodations for the illegal intruders in jobs, language and benefits. Have the Feddies declare amnesty every generation or so to grant "citizenship" without the scholarship of our Constitution. Add questionable voting security and before you know it you have a new and foreign voting majority and gov representatives reflective of their constituents sympathies. It isn't secession, it's repatriation!
There was and still is a partial cesession movement out here in the west.

It started before WWII and actually was gaining quite a bit of support politically. They were unhappy with the funding and roads situation. Monies coming from the fed were filtered through the big cities and there was nothing much left for the others, so they decided to create the 51st state (48th at the time I believe) The State of Jefferson consisted of Northern California and Southern Oregon. Mainly rural areas of the two states were fed up with not getting financial support they needed, and also tired of being dictated to from the larger, more liberal cities ( LA, SF, Portland) THe movement came to an abrupt stop when the japs attacked Pearl Harbor, thus starting WWII. Lately the movment has picked up, the website: www.stateofjefferson.com must be lacking $$$ because it was pretty nice a few months ago, now, well you'll see. Im not sure what happened to it??????

I found out about it while on a trip to califorina, driving north on I-5 just before the oregon border, the web address is painted on the roof of a massive shed, you can see it for a mile or so.

Thought I'd pass that along.

I believe texas retains the right not to leave the union but to split up into 5 distinct states as part of the union. Which, if you could split it right, would make things with the electoral college a lot more interesting.
Texas did originally have the power to secced from the Union. We did, and reverted back to being an independent republic (not a member of the CSA). After the war of Northern Aggression Federal troops occupied Texas. Texas was never readmitted to the Union. At least this is what the Republic of Texas claims. They are an interesting group (not all kooks), and some of their arguments make quite a bit of sense. The question seems to be whether Texas is actually a member of the US, or an occupied territory.

Like I said, interesting, but niave.

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