What if...

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Heh, heh... only comet people after 1930 seem to share the glory:

Hale-Bopp, Shoemaker-Levi, Ikeya-Seki, Wilson-Hubbard, Arend-Roland, DeKock-Paraskevopoulos, etc...
According to some quantum physicists, all these possibilities do exist in alternate, parallel universes...

Just imagine...there could be an infinite number of parallel universes out there whose inhabitants have never experienced the 1911! Or the BHP!!! :eek:
Heh, schroedinger's cat... all possibilities possible at any given moment are real.

At least that's how I understood it....
According to some quantum physicists, all these possibilities do exist in alternate, parallel universes...

Haha, yeah, sounds fun, but keep in mind that the Copenhagen Interpretation is one big case of "wouldn't it really be cool if this were true, screw that 'evidence' stuff, nobody needs that anyways!"
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