Citric Acid vs LimeShine

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May 25, 2011
Piney Woods of East Texas
I've used up all of my LimeShine and switching over to Citric Acid. I've got 2 lbs of this citric acid so it should last a very long time. Does anyone know the ratio between the two? I've been using about 2.5 tsp of lime shine per load (FART). Anything less than 2 tsp the brass would not come out with the glitter. The first load I did was with 1/2 tsp of Citric acid and the brass came out dull, which tells me it's may be too much. The next load will be less just wanting to know how much I need to cut it back.
Lemi Shine booster is pretty much ALL citric acid. So the amount should be the same as straight citric acid.

It is not "critical"

I bought citric acid by the pound at Duda Diesel thinking it was cheaper. Actually Lem Shine Booster at Wally Mart is less.

I do not even wet tumble but have experimented with about every type of acid for washing brass.
Acetic, Citric, phosphoric, hydrochloric Sulfamic etc etc.
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The answer lies in calculating the strength of each material and using an equal portion. If your lazy like me you use the same amount as a trial and adjust a little at a time for desired result. Honestly my best results occurred with much smaller batches and more water volume.
If you use too much your brass will get discolored, kind of a lite pink coloring on the brass.
If you get it put it back in the tumbler with just water & tumble for 1/2 hr, it will go away.
The data sheets for Lime Shine does not give it's concentration. I also figured it had some surfactants too. The reason I asked. I will try the same amount I have been using and see what happens.
Trial here seems reasonable considering the worst case is more tumbling time.
Lemi-Shine is pretty much all Citric Acid like @Rule3 said.
I think Lemi-Shine does have a surfactant of some kind in it, something to lesson surface tension of the water. Trade secret and not listed.

I use Lemi-Shine in my Ultra-Sonic at about Two full teaspoons per liter and that gets the Ph of the water down to about 2.8 Ph.

The way your cleaning your brass, I can see why your using as much as you are.

But your ratio should be 1-1 so use the same amount your were using before.
I switched to 100% lemon juice, can't get much more citric than that. 1/2 oz liquid, squirt of Dawn and hot water for 3 hours.

I thought lemonshine was citric acid with some lemon smell added to it.
Yeah with citric acid based cleaner less is more.
I use auto wash and wax and citric acid. (The acid is only like $16 for 10lbs from Amazon)
I usually whatever wash and wax is on sale, tried a few flavors and they all seem about the same, I usually end up with Turtle brand.
Be generous with the wash and wax, I don't measure I just give it a dollop out of the bottle. (couple oz)
How much acid depends on your water PH, higher PH water = more acid.
For my Lyman tumbler I used to toss in between a 9mm and .45 case full.
Now I take it out of the bag and put a small amount in an old spice jar and just shake some in to the lid. I stopped measuring exactly a while back.
To much is bad but there is wiggle room.
One you get an idea about how being off a little won't hurt.
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