Congressman Peter King Proposing New Gun Control Legislation

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Aug 16, 2003
Friends in NY and around our Great Country,

Please see the video on Congressman Pete King's website...

In the wake of the Tuscon shooting, this idiot is proposing banning the carrying of handguns within 1000 feet of a public official.

And this from a Congressman who is normally pretty Conservative.

Please help us by calling and writing him to get him to withdraw this legislation.

We all need to speak up and stop the infringement of our rights and hold this idiot accountable to his base, which is Republican/Conservative.

Thank You.
Does he promise to wear a bell, like a leper, so we can avoid him?

Actually, that might be worth it....:)

Even Jon Stewart got in front of this one.

That segment was hilarious. I think the solution involved cowbells and NFL chains. It would almost be worth having to deal with that nigh-uneneforceable legislative atrocity just for the entertainment value of seeing certain reps wear cowbells to ward off "dangerous, gun-toting extremists."
As one of Congressman King's constituents, I find his proposal to be an embarassment. I listened to him try to explain his rationale on the Steve Maulsberg radio show Wed. evening, and it made little sense. He says it will only apply to public gatherings, and when questioned about its effectiveness, he explained that all of his detective and police chief friends say that those carrying will be easier to pick out of the crowd by trained profilers....shifty eyes, cold sweats, suspicious behavior, all that kind of nonesense. The fact that there were no expert profilers on hand in Tuscon, never mind a regular patrol officer, fell on deaf ears. I suspect there is more at work. Perhaps with the recent census, our south shore Long Island congressional districts will be redrawn, and he may be competing for some of Carolyn McCarthy's voters. It makes no sense to me.
The guy is an embarrassment to the GOP. As a Jewish Tea Partier, myself, I am ashamed and embarrassed to have this guy represent people like me. Anyhow, he is of the same league as George HW Bush and the other Northeast Republicans, who are, supposedly, fiscally Republican, yet are socialist or autocratic in every other respect to our personal freedoms.

This legislation is nothing more than a mockery of our constitutional rights. What power a politician will have if he can turn any law-abiding citizen into a felon, just by walking within a distance of 1000 feet.

They should pass a new law requiring high profiled politicians to have at least one bodyguard and some firearm training, not to mention a bulletproof vest.

Handshaking ceremonies should only be reserved for areas where people have been screened for weapons.
No party politics and besides, the Speaker did indeed say it would never leave committee.

So, let's find something real to worry about.
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