Hi-Cap mag ban in AZ

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Actually, the Legislature is going to... ahem... shoot this down in flames.

Certain legislatists are merely grandstanding to their base. Much sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Even less of a chance of it passing in Arizona than here in Texas, and we've even got the senator (unfortuantely the one who represents me) who used to always file an assault weapons ban to stop doing that.

Still, it never hurts to be vigilant. Give your reps a call and let them know your opposition to the bill.
HA! With the current makeup of our legislature in AZ, it won't go anywhere but the circular file. I will contact my legislators anyway, always good to keep them informed of how we feel.
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Yeah right. Our government here is actually trying to INCREASE gun rights. They're trying right now to allow college professors and such to carry. This has about as much chance of passing as Illinois becoming non-corrupt and Republican overnight.
Democrats do not like guns. It's written into the extra chromosome they have. This should not surprise anyone.

Also, this article fails to mention that there are 40 republicans and 1 Democrat who do not support this bill.
Yup not gonna happen. Warden are you equating a political party to no corruption really? :uhoh: have you been paying attention last few years? No such thing as un-corrupt political party sadly. Atleast not in 2011. :barf:
No way is that going to pass or even moved forward. I heard about that the other day I gave my state senater a call to see what he thought, well he laughed for a little bit then said "haha you think that will pass? no way not here this is AZ"

Sooo my guess it will be DOA
I am Democrat and I love Guns.

It's just a shame that your party platform is anti-gun. As a Democrat, you should let your reps know that you feel this way.
I love the bait-and-switch they have going on here. The article starts out by saying the bill would "ban large-capacity gun magazines like the one used in the Jan. 8 mass shooting in Tucson" but then goes on to say that it "would generally ban magazines with more than 10 rounds". So instead of actually banning high-capacity PISTOL magazines (which a 30+ pistol mag is actually high capacity), they just pretend that all magazines (both pistol and rifle) that have more than 10 rounds are high capacity. What a clear, blatant dishonesty they have going on there.
The OP said:
well, it's official, AZ is trying to ban hi-cap mags. Not that I at all think this will pass, but it's scary to think that even in a state like Arizona, the legislature would try to pass something like this.

Is ARIZONA trying to ban hi-cap mags or is it just a few statist members of the legislature. That is like saying "Arizona shot a congresswoman."
Be glad my father isn't the one putting forth these attempts to limit mag size. Just after the Az. shootings he wanted all guns limited to three rounds.
Be glad my father isn't the one putting forth these attempts to limit mag size. Just after the Az. shootings he wanted all guns limited to three rounds.

I'm sure that's the idea going on in the anti-gun rights crowd's minds. First get magazines over 10-rounds banned. After that draft up legislation to ban anything over 5 rounds, and let that legislation sit and gather dust until the next shooting. Rinse & repeat until nothing is allowed.
What happens to those already in possession of stated "high cap mags"? Does that make you a automatic felon if you don't destroy them?

If the ban does actually go through.
The OP said:

Is ARIZONA trying to ban hi-cap mags or is it just a few statist members of the legislature. That is like saying "Arizona shot a congresswoman."
I was reading that after I posted it and was waiting for somebody to say something about it! :)
There is no way this will pass in AZ. LOL. It's a gesture by some gun haters, nothing more. Come on, this is Arizona. This reminds me, I'm due for my monthly trip to J&G on the weekend.

All the same, it's best that your legislator knows you have their back. Regardless of a sure thing, that's never an excuse for inaction. Give them a ring and tell them to get rid of this bill.
Good grief. I just went to the arizona bill search page (http://www.azleg.gov/bills.asp) and searched for "firearm" to try and find the house bill # cited in the original post.

What i found were 3-4 bills in both house and senate making attempts to bring back all kinds of restrictions from the AWB, to a 10 round magazine cap, to a bill to close the mythical gun show loophole, complete with wording that says "arrangements may not be made to meet elsewhere to complete transaction in lieu of class 1 misdemeanor". ***. There are all kinds of knee-jerk bad bills and amendments floating around the Arizona legislature.

When you call your representatives, it would be far easier to cite "any bill that would infringe on our rights" or something of the sort than to find actual bill numbers, since there are more than one that are egregiously bad.

I know the AZ legislature will prevent any of this garbage from getting through, but I would recommmend any Arizona residents go have a peek through the bills server like I did. Search for firearms, look at anything with a recently-modified date on it. The 10 round cap and others have a touch date of 2/7 as it stands.

what a mess. If people knew more about firearms as a matter of general education, half of this stuff wouldn't even come up. We need to get basic instruction back into the mainstream to curb the ignorance being displayed everytime the word gun comes up


HB2711 : 10 round cap
SB1586: Expansive Gun-Show Bill, including ban on private transfers on and off premises

Those are two big ones. There are more.

EDIT: 2711 is just a definition, sorry. The ban is buried somewhere else. Sorry to cloud this up, this stuff is really confusing to the lay person not involved in legal docs. If someone can shed light, by all means...
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