My Target Stand.

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I'm using a standard electric egg beater, my plan is to have a car battery with an inverter at the bench, with an extension cord running out to the stand. What you see me holding is a lamp dimmer that will be plugged in between the stand and the inverter. Ultimately id like to use x10 switches with a computer at on the stand so i can use it at 30 yrds +
AWESOME. you could add a servo and remote without too much trouble, problem is servos are like $10, good remote like $100. maybe there's a cheap alternative for remote, but hey wires work too so whatever, that is AWESOME (oh X10 system, missed that those are great too, and looks like you dont really need a servo just on off, very smart build
You could get a cheap remote control car for 25-30 bucks and use the radio and motor from that. Wireless and rechargeable!
years ago i upgraded my garage door and saved the old remote. a winter's project got me a turning target stand. i didn't shield any of the parts and it lasted the summer--barely.
yours is nicely done. enjoy.
I wonder if the wireless controls for a remote control helicopter would work...hell, the gears that it controls to spin the rotor might even work....looks cool!
The reason i am thinking about using x10 switches, with a laptop on the stand is that i will be able to communicate with it though a WiFi connection (plus i can add a web-cam so i don't need to use a spotting scope). With WiFi i can easily push this stand out to 300 yards without a problem, if i use directional antennas and/or homemade repeaters. I would also probably try and make a semi bullet proof box to house the equipment for the stand as i would rather not put a hole in my laptop.
That's AWESOME, until some jealous jerk face shoots your blender out of jealousy.
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