Why the hate for LCI

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A LCI won't sway me on a purchase but I prefer not to have them. I think stuff like LCI's, IL and manual safeties on DAO's should be option available to those who want them or states that demand them.
It's hideous looking on the LC9 and you should never rely on a cheap piece of metal to verify if a gun is loaded or not.
I only hate some of them. I love glocks lci but some like rugers and the one on the springfield XD are just hideous to me. Some are in the way or brightly colored. I think it has more to do with the look and placement of the lci than the actual feature itself.
Mandates feed the myth that firearms are 'too dangerious' for us common folk, and that we need a gov't to always be saving us from ourselves.

What Next?

A warning label on a gun that it is dangerious?
I actually think these 'devices' to decrease safety.

The idea that you can simply look at a gun, and then it is 'safe' to treat as unloaded is repugnant.

How many times have we read a tragic story because someone THOUGHT a gun was unloaded?
These "why the hate" and the "why no love" threads make me crazy!!
Please, isn't there a more intellectual interrogative?
I don't care for them...BUT, I do like external safeties.

They seem to be pretty disdained by the same camp.

Those who fashion themselves as operators/pistoleros, or as otherwise super confident worry (with some justification) that people will rely on the safety devices instead of using their brains.

I totally get that. It really gives me cause for concern for the number of people who own firearms who really don't understand how they work (hence the mag disconnect safety).

I suppose I could have used an LCI in a recent IDPA match. Did a reload, but a round didn't chamber, wasn't a big deal, but could have avoided the "click", rack if I saw the LCI wasn't up? I don't know, maybe not.

Perhaps I'm a purist, just wanting the manual safety and not the LCI or mag disconnect safety. I understand how the firearm works, have a fair amount of training and so long as we follow all the safety rules...we don't "need" the LCI, mag disconnect...or manual safety (which I like).

It's late, I'm tired. Maybe this made sense?
Mandates feed the myth that firearms are 'too dangerious' for us common folk, and that we need a gov't to always be saving us from ourselves.

What Next?

A warning label on a gun that it is dangerious?
Rugers already warn you to read manual before operating. As if that would make it shoot better.
Besides the notion that we've done well enough without them for the past century, I also don't like them because they're A: ugly, B: redundant to the point of stupid, C: promote BAD HABITS!
If a new gun owner learns how to shoot with a gun that has this stupid thing, he/she will likely just depend on it because its always been there for him/her. Now if this same new shooter ends up holding/using/borrowing an older style gun that doesn't have one, the odds of badness happening due to poor safety habits is WAY TOO HIGH to warrant this 'innovation' being anything more than an option.
These "why the hate" and the "why no love" threads make me crazy!!
Please, isn't there a more intellectual interrogative?

LOL, you do realize that starting a sentence with please is generally frowned upon in the intellectually community. For maximum effectiveness try wording your sentence properly.
I don't mind simple, unobtrusive LCIs. But overly large or complex ones are unwelcome. Still, I'd take an LCI any day over an internal lock. I don't want anything on my gun that's designed to make it inoperable!
No hate here, just apathy.

The LCI on my XD was nice I guess, but I still checked the chamber because that's what I'm used to doing and I don't see any benefit to changing my habits. On guns like the XD or Glock, I don't care about LCIs. I won't really use them but it probably won't stop me from buying the gun.

If you put anything similar to the XD LCI on a 1911 though, I'd never buy it. Anything like that would make a classic design ugly. I don't even like external extractors on 1911s, not for any function reasons, it just messes up the look of the slide IMHO.

On a related note, I hate the little peep holes they cut on top of the barrels. If I'm going to take the time to look through that little hole and go "Is that brass? looks like brass... Guess my gun is loaded!" I may as well just do a chamber check.
Great post everybody. I honestly did not have much opinion in them , but you have she'd some light on the topic for me
The mandates are generally just another way to limit the civilian market and drive costs up.
^^^^^^ I agree with the above. In the name of "safety" the states requiring LCI's are effectively putting another restriction on guns, and attempting to drive up cost, and reduce availibility. The boiling frog so to speak. Just look at which states require them. The are the poster children for good marks from the Brady campaign.
And :rolleyes: beginning a sentence with a conjunction....:uhoh:

And proper word usage as-well.

LOL, you do realize that starting a sentence with please is generally frowned upon in the intellectually community. For maximum effectiveness try wording your sentence properly.
Yesterday 12:03 AM

And yet perfectly respectable writers employ this disputed usage, and have done since Anglo-Saxon times. Many grammar and usage experts have also tried to squash this myth, but it seems to be set in stone. Here’s my own attempt to chip away at the foundations of this grammatical ‘superstition’ (as Henry Fowler terms such mistaken beliefs), in the second of Oxford’s Myth Debunkers series.
Guess some of you never read Hemmingway or John Steinbeck. Talk about sentence fragments and poor grammar.
On my Mk III Ruger the LCI was packed with fouling so badly after about 400 to 500 rounds that it was sticking and produced a couple of failures. After reading about them a little I simply took it out and left it open. With the port to vent out the fouling the whole inside of the gun around the trigger action in the frame seems to be building up fouling more slowly. Since there seems to be a plus side for leaving the LCI port open on THIS gun I'm planning on not bothering with a filler.
People are scared of new things.

I am not scared of new things.

I am scared of non-essential things of questionable utility slapped on a mission critical equipment that can make the equipment fail.

I am not opposed to peep-hole style ones.
My problem is that they're ugly. Especially Ruger's. Who knows what might happen if they don't load their products up with lawyer BS?
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