Stocking Up On 12ga Ammunition

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Sep 20, 2007
What would be the smartest choice when it came to stocking up on 12ga ammunition? I'm in the process of stocking up for my rifle and handgun ammunition and want to make sure I have adequate ammo for my shotguns, as well.

What variation of loads would be the smartest and most effective if a SHTF scenario occurred?

If you were to have approximately 500 shells in storage, how would you break down the numbers?

I want buck shot and slugs for sure, but should I have lighter birdshot/target loads in my reserve too?

Please share your thoughts. Thanks for your time.
If you already have a rifle & hand handgun I would get 25 no.4 buckshot, 25 slugs, 450 field loads.
I focus mainly on buckshot and stick with 00. The majority of my stock is 2 3/4 but I do have one ammo can of 3 inch handloads and several boxes of 3 1/2. I only keep about 5 boxes of smooth bore slugs around for special purposes. If your planning on staying it make sense to stock up on shotgun ammo. If your planning on travel, your better suited for carrying rifle ammo. Much lighter.
Birdshot is for training, practice, varmint elimination, small game hunting, wingshooting, clay games etc.

Buckshot is for training, practice, large game hunting and defense.

Slugs are for training, practice, large game hunting and defense.

The ammo list for my last 1-day shotgun class was 150 birdshot, 30 slugs and 30 buckshot. That ratio would be kind of light on the slugs and buckshot I'd prefer having on hand. I don't really keep a lot of birdshot around in relative terms, but probably 50% birdshot, 25% buckshot and 25% slugs is about the ratio that's actually in the ammo cans here. There won't be much traditional wingshooting and small game hunting going on - most of that is better taken care of with traps and snares. So the amount of birdshot consumed will be much less than in usual times.

Find buck and slug loads that will actually run in your gun when it's hot. That means running the gun hot with that load - about 15 rounds as fast as you can load and shoot should do it. Reliability is the first consideration, and the most important. Get ammo that performs the way you want it to perform, comparing patterns for buckshot and groups for slugs and selecting brands/loads that meet your needs.

Most people just buy what's cheapest, but if you're smart you'll do your homework before you buy in quantity.
What variation of loads would be the smartest and most effective if a SHTF scenario occurred?

for my survival birdshot load I'm going with a heavy field load 1-1/4oz #6 will work for critters, birds and varmints.
Another SHTF thread? OK, fine.

If society collapses, you will spend a lot more time trying to feed yourself and your family than you will dealing death to others. If you're routinely in firefights, you're going to die anyway... you'll never use up a vast hoard of combat ammo for combat purposes.

If you're genuinely worried about long-term survival scenarios, as opposed to just running looters off your lawn, get birdshot. You can then feed yourself with the birds and rabbits and squirrels and raccoons and oppossums and rats (hey, it's doomsday survival, right?) and such. Except to the extent you intend to go deer or boar hunting, in which case hang onto a couple of slugs.

But, mainly, set aside the notion that SHTF is going to be like Xbox Modern Warfare. It wouldn't be. And if it is, you're going to die fast anyway.
But, mainly, set aside the notion that SHTF is going to be like Xbox Modern Warfare. It wouldn't be. And if it is, you're going to die fast anyway.


I shoot more shotgun than anything else-averaging about 15,000 rounds per year - I have a few slugs and some 00 buck somewhere in the stash the other 10,000 rounds on hand are reloads with reclaimed shot - does wonders on clay targets and small game
I wouldn't consider 500 rounds to be stocking up - I buy a lot more than that any time I buy shells. Not sure what you're stocking up to do, but I'd buy loads appropriate for whatever the intended use is, i.e., birdshot for birds, buckshot for large varmints, etc. Generally one will fire more times at birds than anything else, because the limits are higher, and you miss more.
While you're buying stuff get a Wolff extra power magazine and install it. The factory springs are pretty cheap springs. The best buckshot load I have found and seen tested is Federal"s No 1 buck load. But like Fred said you need to find out what will run in your gun when it's smoking hot. Plan on shooting a whole lot of ammo.
Slugs for larger game and defense
Light birdshot. (Bulk target load) for small animals and birds
Heavier birdshot (#4). For larger small game animals and birds
Buckshot (00 standard not low recoil) for medium to large game and defense
What would be the smartest choice when it came to stocking up on 12ga ammunition? I'm in the process of stocking up for my rifle and handgun ammunition and want to make sure I have adequate ammo for my shotguns, as well.

What variation of loads would be the smartest and most effective if a SHTF scenario occurred?

If you were to have approximately 500 shells in storage, how would you break down the numbers?

I want buck shot and slugs for sure, but should I have lighter birdshot/target loads in my reserve too?

Please share your thoughts. Thanks for your time.
I know Americans well and can tell you there will be no SHTF scenario therefore you do not need to stock up on ammo.
I have more than a case of bird shot around here (250 in a case). Maybe 100 slugs and 50-60 buckshot rounds. We don't hunt big game with buckshot in CO very much. I've practiced more with slugs than buckshot.

I saw this brand (Rio) on sale recently for like $85/250 but for the life of me can't think of which retailer sent me the sale alert.

Wal-Mart often has these Winchester 15-packs of slugs ( ) for under $10 around hunting season.

Shotgun shells are bulky and heavy to store.
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Good question Dynasty! It prompted me to think about what I would like to have on hand. This is what I came up with so far. Im set on the amounts for the shotgun. Its still up in the air regarding the pistol and rifle ratios/amount.

1000 rounds – 60/35/5 FMJ loads/JHP loads/hunting loads

12 guage
500 rounds – 60/20/20 #6 birdshot/#1 buckshot/slugs with 10% of the slugs being 3”

2000 rounds – 40/30/30 target/self defense/hunting
What variation of loads would be the smartest and most effective if a SHTF scenario occurred?

This begs the questions:
1) What is your most likely SHTF scenario?
2) What is you location / environment? See Question #1

I ask these because they can change the dynamics of the answer.

Example#1: I am an urbanite. I lived through the Los Angeles riots of 1992 where a couple of places got lit 2 blocks from where I lived. We were on the edge of where the SHTF. My brother and I had our gauges loaded and spare ammo at the ready. 60/40 Buck/Slug.

Likely scenario #1 for me...riots. :cuss: In the current economic situation and political / societal dynamic this is a possibility. For me bird shot is low on the list.

Example #2: I am in the Los Angeles basin

Likely scenario #2 for me....major earthquake. :uhoh: Like FEMA and the .fed is going to be useful here when and for days after an 8.0 hits. :scrutiny: Protection will be the number 1 issue for me with hunting for "Game" a bit lower on the list. Like example #1 bird shot is low on the list.

Example #3: Dooms Day scenario. I am in the Los Angeles basin.....I'm screwed anyway we look at it. I'm surrounded by 15 million idiots who'll be in gridlock panic trying to drive out of here. Doesn't matter anyhow, who cares. Quetzalcoatl wins :evil: :neener:

So how do questions # 1 & 2 reflect on your situation? What is / are your likely SHTF scenario(s)? That is what you want to load out for.
The numero uno scenario is very unlikely.... I like irrational fears of gun and ammo bans from current administration. If they camp down on firearm, ammo, and aftermarket gun parts the unemployment will be even worse. No politician is that stupid.
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From my perspective, the best reason to stock up on shotgun ammo would be to fight inflation and rising costs.

In my neck of the woods, I have wild rabbits and squirrels in such abundance, that all I need to catch one is to step outside. And to bag a deer, you just have to pick the right backroad to drive down, and they practically jump right out in front of you!
screw SHTF lol. Zombies dont exist. Get some slugs if you hunt and get some birdshot for birds and some target loads for targets.
Those that believe SHTF is imminent should go pray on weekly basis and close their doors at night before going to bed.
From my perspective, the best reason to stock up on shotgun ammo would be to fight inflation and rising costs.

exactly - just reloaded the last of my $26/25# reclaimed shot...gonna suck if I have to start paying $40+ per bag
I don't shoot a lot of shotgun shells, not as many as I should probably. In my own inventory there are about 1/2 as many 12ga shells (the only gauge I shoot) as rifle rounds, 1/10 as many 12ga as pistol, and 1/4 as many 12ga as .22LR.

Just over 1/5 of my firearms are shotguns. Like the OP, I may need to consider beefing up my stocks a bit.
Anytime I'm in a store that sells ammo: I buy at least one box of

My usual buys are 12 ga. buckshot or field loads and 22s.
Those that believe SHTF is imminent should go pray on weekly basis and close their doors at night before going to bed.

Should pray every day regardless. As for locking doors, sometimes. Kinda feel sorry for the BG that meets my Mastif unannounced.

Sorry, sidetrack.
I'm a bug in guy. 500 bird/field load, 150 slugs, both for hunting. 100 00 buck for defence. 1000 rounds .45acp and 40 S&W, 2000 9MM, 1000 7.62x54r and .22lr. Less for other calibers.
My SHTF firearm is a pellet gun. Specifically a Benjamin HB22 multi pump pistol. Gunshots bring unwanted attention. And the air pistol wouldn't be that big a burden that I couldn't carry another shotgun/rifle/pistol/spear/baby, whatever. Considering that it is easier to get sparrows, pigeons (hey squab is $60 a plate in resturants) and other small game than deer, I feel that it would maxamize my minimize, so to speak. I would worry more about how much 22lr you have, if this is somthing your are seriously worrying about. I got a couple thousand, and not buying them on purpose.
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