Is there a worldwide right-to-carry map?

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Feb 12, 2007
Western Colorado
Has anyone ever put the effort into compiling a worldwide map showing where law-abiding citizens still have the right to own / use / carry a firearm? I was thinking about this today, wondering how many bastions of freedom are left in the world...
Look at your feet. You're standing on it, provided you don't travel to Illinois.
Own? Some places with laws? Carry? Some places without.
I hope that they NEVER make a map showing where people have guns. I do NOT want people to know that I have guns. I do NOT want nuts raising hell at my home!!
It would be interesting. Romania and the Czech Republic have carry. Limited carry in Switzerland and Austria. I say let's compile a map with rules and regulations to gun ownership and ccw in these countries.
My thinking exactly.
Basically, the US, Italy, Some of Spain, some of Skandinavia, All of Africa (no laws are enforceable, so there are no laws)
Venezuela, maybe a couple of others, but not many.
outside of the U.S. you have to be politically connected or have substantial disposable income to carry a gun by law.
Pakistan has a license system left over from the days of the Raj, but ownership is common, as is CCW. There is a Federal gun law plus additional laws for each state, some of which are more restrictive, some less.
Owen, i should have stipulated non third world nations.

People often state switzerland and the czech republic however, these locales are not even close as the u.s.

Im open to real world examples of where a common minimum wage laborer in other ( non third world) countries can buy and carry a pistol by law without special conditions and exuberant cost. if the example is comparative to much of california, or all of new jersey and maryland it makes my case.

does any non third world country have a system similar to may issue states such as connenticut and alabama? we will leave out shall issue states as ive yet to see anything foreign that can compare to that.
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In that case I don't think you'll find anywhere that's "close" (how close?) to the US. We're kind of special in that regard.
Not wise to compile such a map, IMO, because it would show just how unique the U.S. is. This would be grist for the antigunners who would like us to be like the rest of the world. As it is, they would like the "international standard" (by way of U.N. treaty) to be a completely disarmed civilian population.
I have heard that some countries south of the border have unrestricted carry. Probably Columbia and a few others.
Can,t imagine another country that is close to a shall issue state. Third world countries might have examples that might be put up but I bet you could find just as many in which the carrier when found out is shot on sight, beaten or imprisoned by the authorities.
Our country is so unique in so many ways compared to the rest of the world in regards of personal freedom.
The Czech Republic.

No justification needed to get a license to carry a concealed weapon and any ordinary person can get it so long as you are over 21 and have no prior criminal record. Same deal as you have in the U.S.

You can count on the E.U. changing that in the coming years :scrutiny:
The Czech Republic.

No justification needed to get a license to carry a concealed weapon and any ordinary person can get it so long as you are over 21 and have no prior criminal record. Same deal as you have in the U.S.
this is something. can a common brick layer recieving unemployement or some other government aid buy and get a permit to carry a pistol if they have a disorderly conduct conviction?

in the U.S. minor misdemeanors are not a disqualifier in most states, and in other states the only disqualifiers are felonies or the misdemeanor of domestic violence (which does not have to include anything physical, so even yelling at each other can draw this conviction is the co-habitant states that they feared for their safety).
Interesting information. When thinking of other countries that would be on a "leave the U.S." short list I've always wondered about New Zealand- I know they are friendly to hunting & the outdoors, they love racing, & in general partake in many other manly pursuits.
Interesting information. When thinking of other countries that would be on a "leave the U.S." short list I've always wondered about New Zealand- I know they are friendly to hunting & the outdoors, they love racing, & in general partake in many other manly pursuits

i understand their gun ownership laws are similar to Australia's restrictions and concealed carry is forbidden.
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