Almost thought I was in yet another bad situation last night

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Sep 10, 2008
SW Arizona
As usual, last night I went for my evening walk, in which I usually walk about 3 or 4 miles. I usually just hit one of the washes that lead into BLM public land, but now and then I just stay on the dirt roads, no particular reason, just depends on my mood.

So while walking last night, I walked past one of the few houses out that way, and as I was just about past that property, I heard a dog barking, and a woman yelling something, to which I assumed she was yelling at the dog? As I got further down the road I could still hear this lady yelling something, then I heard a vehicle start up. So now I'm probably 1/2 mile from that property when I hear the same vehicle coming up the road, nothing unusual, just driving along normal.

Then just as the truck came up on me, it stopped. I kept my awareness, but wasn't really concerned too terribly much. When the truck continued on, they cruised by me at may 5 - 10 mph, than as they passed they drove on down the road. I didn't give it any further thought, that is until the truck stopped about 1/2 mile up the road. They sat for about 5 minutes with the motor running, then suddenly flipped a U turn and started heading back my way, real quick and in a hurry. They were going 50 - 60 mph, maybe more. As they rolled up on me, they locked up the brakes and came skidding to a stop. I immediately stepped back to put some distance between me and them. I was already unsnapped and had my hand at the ready position. The first thing I said and with a friendly inquisitive tone, was what can I do for you, ya lost, are you ok? The woman in the truck started unleashing a volley of incoherent cursing and yelling, the male didn't say much. I continued to inquire as to what their problem or situation was, but continued to get nothing but yelling and cursing, but had my hand planted firmly on my gun by now.

Then as quick as it started, it was over and they burned rubber out of there, didn't ever get the bottom of their story though.

My first impression would be that it passed you and then waited with the motor running while someone retrieved something they didn't want anyone walking up the wash to accidentally come across.
Did you not think that you ran across a house full of meth addicts? Tweakers act exactly as you described this interaction. I hope you are not planning to walk on by that spot again and escalate this.
Your reaction was fairly good (as I read it -and I'm a long, long way from a quiet dirt road with a seriously suspicious vehicle on it....). If it were me, the moment that car turned around and headed back my way I'd have made a point of leaving the roadway and assuming a defensive position (no weapon drawn -but if there's decent cover I'd be behind it....).

You made out okay but in my world the events you encountered would have had my defensive flags flying... but then I live near Miami.
I would not take my evening walks near that place again. They could have been thinking you were doing something other than taking a walk. The dog they have did his job by alerting them someone was out there and who knows what they conjured up in their heads after that. She runs in and gets the old man, telling him what she thinks is going on and he reacts. They get to imagining all sorts of things after that.
Maybe you look like you are carrying by being probably at the ready and if he had a firearm in the vehicle it could have gone bad.
I'd call it a close call and stay away. Next time they see you they might have a plan.
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My senses tell me you were lucky. When that truck stopped and turned, I would have been in a defensive position off-road. You got their attention. I would be concerned. Avoid potentially bad situations at all cost. Being armed doesn't always make you the winner.
So you didn't get the trucks license plate number?

Did you have your cell phone?


They did kind of act as though they were under the influence of something, they were bouncing off the walls, so too speak.

No, I didn't get the plate number, I tried, but it wasn't lit, and my vision just isn't that great to begin with.

They live at that house, I've seen the truck countless times over the last couple years at that house.

As for taking a defensive position off the road, that was my first thought, but there was no safe way to do that without risking falling down a ravine / wash.

The one advantage I did have though, was I had on a high intensity head lamp, and when they came skidding up, I looked right at them and seriously blinded them, thus giving me the advantage to see what, if anything they were reaching for, or may have already had in their hands.

As far as changing where I walk, that isn't happening. I live in a rural area, and I have exactly two directions to walk. One direction takes me to a less populated area, the other towards more dogs and houses, something I don't like to deal with.

What I think I'll do is over the next couple days, during day light hours, I'll stop and see if I can make contact with them and explain "who I am", and that it was me they spoke with "the other night". I think it may have just been a case of mistaken identity, they might have thought I was a BG trying to burglarize their home or vehicles?

That's a bad idea, IMO. I think contacting the Sheriff is a better one. Druggies can take a dim view of strangers at their door.
It's really a bit of a catch 2+2 in this regard. As some of you are aware, I have literally experienced countless deadly incidents in my life time. Several of these incidents have been triggered by me either calling the police to report a crime, or by testifying in court that I witnessed such and such crime.

Calling the sheriff would be fine if, what I had to say could be in any way substantiated, and it can't it's just my account. And if by chance they are involved in drugs or other illegal activity, they may get angry and then focus their attention on getting retribution, or just because I called the cops.

Back in 1980 Yuma, Az. I caught these two U.S. Marines who were drunk, and breaking into cars, mine was one of the cars burglarized. When the cops got there, they caught them with grocery bags full of stereo's, wallets, and a host of other stolen property, including a couple of handguns. They had broken into something like 40 -50 cars in my apartment complex. Long story short, I was asked to testify by the prosecutor, and agreed to do so. Following the initial hearing the two criminals stopped me on the steps of the courthouse and threatened me, stating that if I followed through with giving my testimony, they would absolutely kill me. After all, considering they were military, they were looking at dishonorable discharge, and definitely some prison time, probably a bit of both civilian and military prison.

So I told them that considering they were already facing a stiff sentence, that threatening me was the worst possible thing they could have done. I went to the prosecutor and told him about the threat, but he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. A week later they made the first of two attempts to blow me up in my car, the second attempt was exactly a week later. Fortunately for me, both bombs failed to burst the gas tank, which was where they had placed them.

Those two men were no doubt very dangerous, deadly would be a more accurate description I think. BATF got involved, I guess because it concerned explosives stolen from the base? They ended up getting 20 yrs. in Leavenworth.

Just doing my job, I had someone's car towed from the business lot, as instructed by my boss, I was the store mgr.. These two men came in asking who had the car towed, I said I did, and reiterated that I had left at least 3 warnings on the windshield to not park in this lot. Long story short, I was kidnapped, violently assaulted, and they both went to prison.

to me, it almost sounds as if they thought you might be law enforcement and got all nervous, perhaps they had a stash of something up the road?
No offense to anyone, but that is one of the problems with the sw semi-remote areas. About half the people that live in the middle of nowhere are nice and about half live in rat holes are often half nuts with some anti-social issues. Never found that to be the case in other places I have lived. I would not go there. They don't want you around. Might keep walking on the road, but no good reason to try to be their buddy.
Gamestalker - " ... Just doing my job, I had someone's car towed from the business lot, as instructed by my boss, I was the store mgr.. These two men came in asking who had the car towed, I said I did, and reiterated that I had left at least 3 warnings on the windshield to not park in this lot. Long story short, I was kidnapped, violently assaulted, and they both went to prison."

Gamestalker, it would be interesting to know -- if you don't mind relating it -- if you were carrying a firearm when the two thugs kidnapped you, or were you in a situation where you could not carry?

As for your recent incident, if it were I, I'd not go up onto someone's porch and introduce myself, as that might trigger the inhabitants to think I knew they might be up to something illegal but not to worry as I'd not say anything to the authorities. Just my opinion.

Did you not think that you ran across a house full of meth addicts? Tweakers act exactly as you described this interaction. I hope you are not planning to walk on by that spot again and escalate this.
My brain Immediately went to meth heads too... Meth is a terrible drug. Makes people stay up for days which leads to hallucinations and other paranoia. It's really really concerning when you here a tweaker speak seriously about these things.
I wouldn't go talk to them. I think the odds of it making things worse outweigh the odds of it making them better.
Leanwolf, no, in that particular situation I wasn't wearing. The irony of it though, is I had just had a discussion with the owner a week or so earlier. as to whether he would object to me wearing, or at least keeping one in the safe, his response was no, I don't think that would be a good idea, nor do I see the necessity.

BTW, those two thugs were actually college students, body builder types, they thought if the roughed me up, the car would get brought back to the property "For Free". Just prior to their trial, they both made contact with me outside the court room, and begged me to not testify against them. My response to them was, "well, funny thing about that, I remember begging both of you to stop when you were beating me, holding me against the oven causing severe burns, choking me until I was unconscious, and now, now, you want me to have mercy on you? Enjoy your stay in Az. State Prison, Florence.

As for those people down the road, I'm just gonna let it go, I'll keep my eye's open, and avoid further contact.

Gamestalker, I agree with you. They may have had a recent burglary or car break in. Doesn't sound like a bad idea to just inform them that you are a neighbor and take evening walks that way.
My advice I guess would be to not knock on their door to discuss anything.

Is your law enforcement office available to sit down for a chat about the situation or do they insist on a formal complaint ?

If a anonymous tip would get the scrutiny of these folks started, just maybe you could stay less involved that your previous experiences. You are not the only one that wants to stay below the radar and still get the cops involved, and when the cops agree, well more tips are passed along accordingly.
WOW you are a tolerant dude....if anyone (like those two Marines) were to threaten me, I would be on 24hr armed watch.

I can't believe that Law Enforcement wouldn't take their threat seriously....I think I may have gotten a lawyer and personally sued the prosecutor for not following up and making sure these dead beats were removed from the population pending their trial.
Hey Pyzon, our LE won't hardly respond to intermediate level circumstances, much less something like this. So to answer your question, ya, it requires a formal complaint.

TINCANBANDIT, I'm anything but tolerant, LE simply didn't consider my complaint legit I guess. They didn't even collect any of the fragments until after the second device, and that was probably because other vehicles got their windows blown out.

Those incidents barely rate a 7 or 8 on my "I almost got murdered scale" of the close calls I've had over the last 45 years or so. And even though a firearm didn't save my bacon in some of the incidents, it has been the game changer numerous other times. And as other have said, just because we have a weapon on our person, doesn't mean we are invincible, but it does give us the ability to fight for survival.

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