Pulled gun for defense

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Never had to, hope I never do, but I have had my hand on the grip with it still concealed a couple of times my situational awareness bells started ringing. Did this action make them move elsewhere or false alarm? Don't know, don't care, its the results that counts!
I won't elaborate here in the open forum, I seem to get a good deal of doubt cast at me, which frankly only causes me to experience an even greater amount of what i suppose could be described as PTSD. So if you are honestly interested in hearing about the potentially deadly encounters I've experienced, please feel free to PM me, I have 47 years of the worst possible circumstances to share. It can often be painful to relive these events, but I think it has a therapeutic effect also.

"When seconds count, the police are minutes away"

I won't elaborate here in the open forum, I seem to get a good deal of doubt cast at me, which frankly only causes me to experience an even greater amount of what i suppose could be described as PTSD. So if you are honestly interested in hearing about the potentially deadly encounters I've experienced, please feel free to PM me, I have 47 years of the worst possible circumstances to share. It can often be painful to relive these events, but I think it has a therapeutic effect also.

"When seconds count, the police are minutes away"

Maybe if you stopped being so dramatic people would find you more credible.
I won't elaborate here in the open forum, I seem to get a good deal of doubt cast at me, which frankly only causes me to experience an even greater amount of what i suppose could be described as PTSD. So if you are honestly interested in hearing about the potentially deadly encounters I've experienced, please feel free to PM me, I have 47 years of the worst possible circumstances to share. It can often be painful to relive these events, but I think it has a therapeutic effect also.

"When seconds count, the police are minutes away"

Yeah man I recall some of the stories you shared in another thread a few months ago. It was that thread about your "neighbors" pulling up to you while you were out walking.

Sounds like you are on the extreme right side of the bell curve when it comes to bad encounters.

Do you have a number for the OP though?
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3 times (all 10+ yrs ago).

BTW, cops just killed an armed robber near my house this week.

Kids today are more bold/violent.

IMHO one should carry more now than ever!

Once at a gas station at 11pm in a part of town I never should have been in after leaving a haunted house.

2nd was when a man and his friend cornered me at my car in broad daylight after leaving Dick's Sporting Goods and started being very assertive that they needed some money.
Eight times in total, never had to pull the trigger though....... Usually just the sight of the handgun had an adverse effect on the bad guys courage levels :what: :eek: leading to elbows and buttholes as the only targets left to shoot at! :rolleyes::D
I've "laid hands" on a pistol several times but I've never actually displayed it to the threat. The most recent was early last year with a good-sized drunk dude making threats to me and two others. He had armed himself with a 4' long 2x4 and he was quite enraged. Thankfully he was all bluster but he did come withing 10-12' of us several times during his tirade. I was pocket-carrying an LCP that particular evening.
Once. Crowded park at sunset beside Joe's Crab Shack in Louisville Ky. I wasn't yet married so I'm guessing summer 2009. I had parked as close to Joe's as possible for dinner and my girlfriend (now wife) and I were walking towards joes. I got her there and immediately turned to go back and move the car so we wouldn't have to walk through such a sketchy area after dark, and I felt certain in the 45 minute wait for dinner I could find a spot. Anyways, I get 2/3 of the way back to the car and I see a group of teenage guys running at me with a huge gray pit bull leading the charge. Instinct kicks in, adrenaline dumps, I square up to the threat as I pull and aim. As the gun comes out the kids turn and run. The dog kept coming. I had maybe another 1/16" inch of trigger pull when I saw the stick in the dogs mouth. Big puppy just wanted to play. I quickly pocketed the gun and got to the car. It was a scary experience, but even scarier is the thought that EVERY signal for danger was there and I reacted to it almost with the use of deadly force, to a threat that was not actually a threat but rather a perceived threat.

If you ever go to that Joe's, pay to park by the restraunt. Don't try to save a few bucks by parking at the waterfront park and walking over.
Only twice. Once on a really big cat that was startled by my dogs at night and sounded like a 150 LB crackhead charging me, the other time on an empty house that I forgot to set the alarm on and was wondering why it wasn't beeping at me to punch in the code.

Better safe than sorry :)
Never towards a human.

Walking my dog presented a problem one time. Luckily a boot in the snoot changed his mind. Biggest darn Shepard I ever saw. :eek:
Once in the early 1980s. Early one Sunday morning on a deserted stretch of interstate, two thugs in a banged up pick up truck tried to force me off the road until I pointed my S&W Model 57 .41 rem. mag. at them.
Twice I've grabbed my gun out of fear but I never let the threatening person know I did it. Once I pulled up on a woman and 2 kids walking alone on a ridge road about 10 miles from nowhere. The kids didn't have shoes on. Then when I stopped to help here comes the reason she was there. Her husband with big case of the red rump. He started screaming at her as soon as he got out of his car and I was grabbing my Tec-9 just in case. I kept it under the dashboard. I certainly didn't want to shoot anyone but that guy was off his nut. I thought he might go after the woman just for talking to me and my friend.

Second time some loon in a car thought I wasn't driving fast enough so he got right on my bumper. I'm talking a foot off of it. I was going 55 in a 40 mph speed zone across a bridge so there was really no way to pull over but I did slow down so he could go around but that just made him more irate for some reason. By the time I got to the end of that bridge I had my Sig out laying in the car seat just in case he got worse. The loon followed me all the way to where I picked up my daughter and HE actually called the cops on me. Once the cops saw I was there to pick up my daughter they never thought a thing about my gun laying in the seat. They apparently knew that the guy was a lunatic already. I just didn't know what to expect from him and with my daughter involved I didn't want to take chances. But again I never pointed my gun at him or anyone else in this world for that matter.

There were other times I thought about getting ready but I didn't. And there were times I wished I had a gun because I definitely would have used it. Two armed robberies come to mind. I nearly went to jail for one of them. How's that for justice? The cops thought I was in on it because I was the only person in a crowded gas station lot that saw the robbery. I spent Christmas Eve saying "I don't know who did it" over and over and over and over. I wonder if that technique actually works and if it gets innocent people to confess just to get the LEO's to shut up. Not exactly great police work IMO. They knew good and well a guy was planning on robbing the place. They had it staked out. But because I couldn't tell them if the guy was black or white they didn't believe a word I said. The guy was covered head to toe including a parka with a deep hood and a pair of gloves. He had his back turned to me the entire time. I guess I should have walked over and took his picture. I really thought they were going to lock me up for that. They thought me and the attendant at the gas station dreamed up the whole mess.

I can kind of relate to gamestalker. People tend not to believe me on these boards because a lot of weird things have happened to me. I don't know his story but I know mine and I know people accuse me of lying what I definitely ain't lying. I have a religious conviction against lying and I adhere to it tightly. Sometimes people on these boards don't believe things because they don't have any similar experiences in their lives. Like my uncle who was kidnapped and forced to drive a getaway car for a gang of bank robbers back in the 1930's. He was 12 at the time. He escaped and the hoods came looking for him wanting him back because apparently he was good at driving. And the cops always try to shoot the driver so none of them wanted to do it. They also didn't want to go in grandpa's house and face a shotgun just to get their driver back. Lots of people have not believed that story but it's the gospel truth as it was told to me by my grandmother. And she had no reason to lie about it and wasn't in the habit of lying about anything.

My life has been anything but ordinary. And people who have had ordinary lives tend to not want to believe that someone else didn't. It isn't like my whole life has been one long crazy story but I've had more than a few things that were pretty strange.
My doctor's former roommate did so, in the normally very peaceful and well-policed Germantown suburb of Memphis, several years ago.

The doctor had left his office at midnight, just minutes from the city park.
A car followed him as he made three sharp turns. Somehow he decided it was safer to go home than drive about five min. to the Police Station.

He called his roommate about this before he got to their driveway. When parked against the garage, the thugs' car then parked immed. behind Dr. B,. blocking his car.

The roommate walked out with both hands high in the air like Yosemite Sam, a handgun in each hand. The thugs decided to quickly leave, and had probably targeted the doctor hoping to have access to drugs.
As a former private security officer I have drawn my duty weapon several times when conducting a building search where it appeared that the building had been broken into. There was also one arrest situation where I had to draw my weapon.
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