"Common sense" Is it just me...?

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That's why we have a Constitutional Republic.

In too many cases, "common sense" is based on nothing factual, with little consideration in its construction.

"common sense" gets you what all governments evolved to throughout history.
Common Sense. Of course there exist "common sense" gun laws. None of them infringe on one's rights but rather hold one accountable to be responsible (as in: your are responsible by law to what happens with the bullet after it leaves your gun, regardless of what your motive was when firing it).

Antis and using the term "common sense" to mean MORE gun laws and those which INFRINGE. In the "spirit" of incrementalism, many spouting such "common sense" only state an intent to infringe a little bit (magazine capacity, semi-auto, etc). Infringe is infringe, it doesn't come in degrees I don't thing.
It’s Obama’s latest messaging for the intellectual lazy to support his gun confiscation plans. You don’t want terrorists and criminals to buy guns do you? Well then, we need common sense guns laws to prevent them from doing so. As we know, none of Obama’s common sense executive orders would have prevented any of the mass killings from occurring.

Obama isn’t manipulating on common sense but the “stupidity of the American voter”. (Jonathan Gruber)
"Common sense" is EXACTLY the reason the Founding Fathers gave us a Republic - and not a cursed "democracy" (another word the antis do not seem to understand). If you study history it is very obvious that every single "democracy" that world has ever seen has ended the same way every time - in complete ruin. The liberal antis have absolutely no concept of studying history and learning from the mistakes of the past. The irony of these people using the term "common sense" is staggering.
Whenever an anti-gun cultist uses "common sense gun control", I reply:

"Is that anything like common sense slavery and Jim Crow? Or maybe common sense anti-sodomy laws?"

That seems to make them VERY angry, by which time I'm playing them like a Stradivarius.
Indeed, the adversary has made the “commonsense gun reform” trope central to their message. Using the phrase “common sense” is like a preemptive thermonuclear strike. When you throw out a term like “common sense” in the war of words, you’re immediately claiming the high ground and establishing your position as a given. It’s up to the opposing party to knock you off.

You can preface the most specious of arguments with “common sense” to have the upper hand in virtually any debate. Part of the reason “common sense” is so pernicious is that it sounds so disarming.

So how do you go about fighting common sense? How do you overcome being the "extremist" resisting the warm and fuzzy argument that’s based on common sense?
common sense exists, i'm sure most of us have encountered our share of people who clearly lack it. common sense in the context of gun control, however, serves as an agenda-driven substitute for facts. if the left was really practicing common sense gun control, one demographic would be the obvious target, but that's unmentionable.
It's the same thing as being pro-choice, rather than pro-abortion...or anti-choice instead of pro-life. Really irritating.
It's a clever use of propaganda buzz words that the uneducated (of the gun world) people can latch on to so they feel informed.
common sense gun laws
assault weapons
gun violence
gun show loopholes
easy internet sales
90% support UBCs
I'm sure others here can post some catch phrases they use.
No matter what you think about them (antis), they are good at marketing.
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"Common sense" is EXACTLY the reason the Founding Fathers gave us a Republic - and not a cursed "democracy" (another word the antis do not seem to understand). If you study history it is very obvious that every single "democracy" that world has ever seen has ended the same way every time - in complete ruin.

Not this again -- the erroneous meme that "the United States is a republic, and not a democracy." Actually, it's both. Even in the early days, Jefferson's party was called the "Democratic-Republicans." A "republic" refers to the form (simply, it's not a monarchy), and a "democracy" means that sovereignty lies in the hands of the people. Too often, we confuse "democracy" (ordered rule by the people) with "ochlocracy" (mob rule). The two are not the same.

Democracies can be direct (such as in a New England town meeting, or the ancient Athenian assembly) or representational (such as in the federal or state governments). Either way, the people's voice is heard, either directly or indirectly. Regarding longevity, democracies have a lot better track record than dictatorships.
I'm trying to get into the habit of preceding "gun control" with "senseless." I don't think it's quite as insulting to say they're talking about senseless gun control than it is for them to say common sense gun control. Moronic and idiotic also come to mind, but I don't want to offend morons and idiots. Even better is senseless civil rights violations when it's clear you're talking about gun control. They like to think of themselves as being in favor of civil rights, but like the ACLU, they want to pick and choose among the rights they support.
I'm also offended by "gun violence." And "killed by guns." I won't rant about it. You already know...

I truly fear a severe erosion of our freedoms if the election (and congress) go the wrong way. I've seen every election since Eisenhower and never felt this scared.
When the antis say compromise, what they really mean is you give in to our will and compromise your rights. Ever notice when a liberal starts talking about some liberal mantra they will not let the other person talk or they talk over them. Liberals do not want facts or others openios to get in their way.
It's a clever use of propaganda buzz words that the uneducated (of the gun world) people can latch on to so they feel informed.
common sense gun laws
assault weapons
gun violence
90% support UBCs
I'm sure others here can post some catch phrases they use.
No matter what you think about them (antis), they are good at marketing.

NRA extremism
easy access to guns
easy availability of guns
America is awash in guns
permissive gun laws
sensible regulation
national obsession with firearms
Second Amendment fixation
reasonable restrictions
white male gun worshipper
weapons of war
high-capacity magazines
large-capacity magazines
protection of children
gun safety laws
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We have 20,000 gun laws on the books already. Some people don't have the common sense to realize that.

Common sense laws include laws against murder and manslaughter, armed robbery, armed sexual assault, assault with a deadly weapon. For a person with common sense, that ought to cover it.
Are we just now realizing that political actors use aggrandizing, belittling, inflatory, grand-standing, denigrating, divisive, whitewash, and otherwise fatuous adjectives to describe the great things they want or the stupid things their opponents want?
It's not just politicians who do that on a regular basis
At some point in time I read there are 20,000 gun laws in the US of A. If their wish for additions to this list are "common sense", then, what were the others? In the end the "common sense" reference from any lefty is just another word game attempting to convince those in the middle to their way of thinking. I think the only pro-gun law that has ever been brought before congress by pro-gun people that ever went anywhere is the 2nd Amendment itself!

Additionally, let them know they may loose their Communist Party card when their Dear Leader realizes that COMMON SENSE was written by Thomas Paine and originally published on January 10, 1776! I am fairly certain that Thomas would not agree with their version of the use of the words!
It must be "fair" and "reasonable" too. And guess who doesn't get to decide what fair and reasonable is. YOU! Oh yeah, I forgot "greater good".
"Democracy is the political belief that the people know what they want - and they deserve to get it - good and hard". - H.L Mencken. :scrutiny: Call it whatever you want - it's still mob rule by what is invariably the majority of all the stupid people. I believe that there was a time when the majority of the people weren't incredibly stupid. That time is long gone.
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