New Bill in Tennessee Allows Gun Owners Hurt in Gun-Free Zones to Sue

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Sep 13, 2011
New Bill in Tennessee Allows Gun Owners Hurt in Gun-Free Zones to Sue

If you would be normally carrying, but someone put up a "No Guns" sign and you go in the place and you get hurt because you are now unarmed and defenseless.

You would be able to sue the property owner in Tennessee if this bill passes.
According to the article, the bill has a "very specific purpose". Senate Bill 1736 is sponsored by Sen. Dolores Gresham, R-Somerville.


"If a Tennessee grocery store bans guns on its property and a black bear or wild hog kills or injures a person who otherwise would be carrying his or her gun, the gun owner would be allowed to sue the property owner if a newly introduced bill became law."


“It is the intent of this section to balance the right of a handgun carry permit holder to carry a firearm in order to exercise the right of self-defense and the ability of a property owner or entity in charge of the property to exercise control over governmental or private property,” the bill states."
That's just wrong. If someone effects a gun free zone, you have no obligation to be there. If you make the choice to do so, you are responsible for your own act, and the possible consequences. Feel unsafe, don't go there, but don't blame someone else and expect them to pay you if you do.
Lot of bears and hogs in the grocery stores down in Tennessee?

I have been to a grocery store in Gatlinburg that had a couple bears in a large observation area in the back that you can pay to see and feed. Ignorant tourists have also fed the wild bears in that area a lot making them less afraid of humans, so I wouldn't be surprised if one decided to walk into an out of the way convenience store.
Ill conceived notion, would go nowhere, cases easily dismissed or overtuned on appeal as being post hoc ergo prompter hoc. Why? because it would be almost impossible to demonstrate that having had your weapon would have prevented your injury.

I don't like GFZs, either, but if you are in a place of your own free will and able to leave at any time, the owners/operators of that place don't have a duty to protect you from malicious people. It is their responsibility to make sure that the roof doesn't cave in on patrons, that floors just mopped are marked as wet, etc., but they have no duty to vet each person who enters, nor to protect you from dangerous individuals.
Would not do anything. You can sue now, but you won't get anywhere, and this would not change that.
Lot of bears and hogs in the grocery stores down in Tennessee?

I don't know about Tennessee, but here in Oklahoma I've seen quite a few stray dogs make it into a grocery store. I'm sure that one of those attacking somebody is a little more plausible.
It's a stupid bill that doesn't fix the problem we have in Tennessee with no gun signs. Maybe writing a decent bill that fixes that problem would be smarter.
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