Is pepper spray better than a gun for anti-thug work?

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when I was still in the Service they gave us OC training, would rather be kicked in the junk instead but anyway it is not a game stopper as said above some folks did not even stumble and cough "no effect"
they stood us against a wall 1 at a time sprayed us in the face for a set time then made us retain our weapon from attackers until time was up, a person can still have a lot of fight after being sprayed it's not like the the movies have a plan B
It most likely would stun the aggressor and give you a chance to get away at best
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I'm in law enforcement and have been sprayed with OC. OC is obviously well below a firearm in the use of force continuum. It is a horrible experience and works well on most people.

A couple things though... as others have said here you do have to aim. If you aim directly into the eyes there is enough pressure to penetrate into the eye. OC also takes a few seconds to really kick in.
It's just silly to claim anyone has an "obligation" to carry OC, though having levels of force to meet attacks posing a (presumably) less than lethal threat are a good idea.

Spin it any way you want, struggle to obfuscate as much as you like, there are times (based on timing, the attacker, physical placements, surroundings, etc., etc.) when potential victims do have the opportunity to choose which sort of weapon to employ. It's precisely at these times where they must have a choice, hence my earlier comment.

Seriously, what in the hell are you talking about? Let me refer you to
John Shirley said:
Defensive tool use will often be dictated by distance and constraints.
. Since you have demonstrated you know how to use a dictionary, you know you're repeating what I said. I totally get that you're offended that I pointed out you need experience and training, but give it a rest, already.
It's just silly to claim anyone has an "obligation" to carry OC, though having levels of force to meet attacks posing a (presumably) less than lethal threat are a good idea.

"Silly"? Because you believe it is?

Seriously, what in the hell are you talking about? Let me refer you to
. Since you have demonstrated you know how to use a dictionary, you know you're repeating what I said. I totally get that you're offended that I pointed out you need experience and training, but give it a rest, already.

You tried to bully me and you're upset because I'm not buying your personal attacks or your sarcasm. I suspect you're also upset due to posting #31 by someone other than me.

I posted this:

"One thing I do believe is that those who carry firearms (concealed or open) have the moral obligation to also carry a non-lethal weapon (ex. pepper spray.) The default action cannot always be to shoot.

I believe it should actually be a requirement of licensing. Some claim there is "no time" to choose which weapon to use. I find such people amusing and rather laughable. They either need to train or they need to train more."

And I stand by it. You responded with sarcasm and personal attacks. Enough of them that would have rendered me banned had I spewed them in your direction. That's on you.


Now, if you want to start a new thread focused on all the variables that impacts one's choice in which weapon to employ (presuming they actually need to employ one and that they have a choice) in a given situation, that's fine, bu that's another (albeit related) subject.

My point was that the option(s) needs to be there for it to possibly be chosen. If it's not an option then it obvious cannot be chosen. I never addressed WHY one weapon would be chosen over another and you labored to make it look as if I didn't know why. Shame on you.
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Be upset all you want because I rephrased your own words to point out what a silly statement you made*. <shrug>

Saying you lack experience and training is not a personal attack, it's an observation based on your comments in thread. There have been many points already made by knowledgeable people about how OC is not a magic bullet, but just another tool to potentially be used, with both benefits and risks. I saw no point in repeating them. Yes, I've carried OC on the job. Yes, it can be effective, sometimes, on some people. I'm sorry you felt the need to crap all over this thread, but since the worthwhile discussion has already happened, I might as well close it. I will be contacting you via PM.

*(since you seem to want to change history, it would be the silly, arrogant,insulting comment at the beginning of this post)
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