Question for Colorado residents...

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Aug 27, 2008
Tampa Bay, Florida
If I walk into a gun store in Colorado specifically looking for a Glock 17, what will I find?

-No Glock 17s
-Glock 17 with 10 round magazines
-Glock 17 with 15 round magazines
-Something else?
I'm going to say your going to find 10 Rd mags with any G17 you find for sale by an FFL unless you have proper LE credentials. Last time I commented on the CO law I got a weeks vacation so I've chosen my words carefully.
If you possessed factory 17 Rd mags prior to the law going into effect you can use them in any gun you choose.

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I hope I'm not causing any controversy, I'm simply planning to move there soon and also wanting to buy a Glock 17 in the near future (and wondering if I should do so before moving).
It's going to depend on the retailer.

I'll tell you what I've seen recently. This was not at big stores like Gander, Cabela's, Sportsman's, etc.

At the LGS.

Pistols configured similar to a Glock 17... in the display case, but without the magazine. That's what you might happen to see in the occasional LGS. If you buy, you get the five or so disassembled parts that used to be a magazine.

This of course is not a universal norm. This is not what you'll expect to see in each and every LGS. I've been in gun shops that do it this way though. Just FYI, and stay legal.
If you can only have ten round mags... Just buy more of them!

The Virginia Tech shooter used 10 round mags in his Glock, he just brought along more of them...

Mag restrictions are useless. It takes two seconds to swap one out so what's the big deal?
David Blane said:
Mag restrictions are useless. It takes two seconds to swap one out so what's the big deal?

You are certainly correct. No big deal. However, Colorado has sadly turned purple in the last 2 decades, and so the powers that be have passed these restrictive laws , which of course are absolutely worthless, like all gun control laws.:rolleyes: They only affect the law abiding citizen.

I will now stop addressing the choir! :D
One key issue here is that 15 rounds is a rather unique number for a mag restriction. I believe that NJ is the only other state with such a restriction, most everybody else with limits being 10 rounds. The result is that handgun manufacturers make full capacity mags (16, 17, 18, ???) and they make a 10 round ban mag.

At the LGS, you will see a G17 with a 10 round mag sitting next to a G19 with a 15 round mag. In some shops, a full capacity G17 mag repair kit may be available for purchase- what you do with it is your own business...
You will find a G17 and whatever mag Glock ships with it to be compliant. Be it a 10 or 15 round. Now if you already own the mags when you move here then you are good. The onus is on the state to prove you bought them after the ban. And every county sheriff in the state, other than Denver and Boulder County, have gone on record stating they, nor their office, will enforce the ban. To date I only know of one guy that was charged with it and that charge was later dropped...
I bought a Walther PPX last year, which is a 16 round capacity. The FFL was nice enough to disassemble the magazines and send me out the door. What I did with the "parts" was my business, lol. There was even an officer inspecting my purchase at the gun show exit, he saw the "parts" and didn't say anything.

I think there are a fair number of FFL's that hold this law in contempt and will do this.
If I were limited to 15 rounds I'd rather buy the G19. In fact I'd rather have the G19 and use 17 round mags in it assuming they were legal.
Glock is now making 15 round mags for the G17. Stores may have some by the time you arrive.

There's legal & there's enforceable & there's counties/cities that do/don't enforce. Look on Facebook for El Paso County's sheriff 's stance, for example.

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In a lot of smaller "mom and pop" gun shops in Colorado, you're going to find a Glock 17 with 17 round Magazine "Parts Kits" (which consist of complete but disassembled magazines).

Almost all the Sheriff's and Chief's of Police have flatly stated that they will not enforce the magazine (or UBC) law because they are unenforceable. Most of us here don't care and I've been buying 30 and 40 round P Mags every time I go out of state.

Come arrest me ... I'll call Dave Kopel and now we'll have someone with "standing" in the law suit you statist pukes.
In my part of the state in the locally owned shops you walk out with whatever mag was shipped with the weapon...... I have experienced this multiple times since the toothless law was signed into law.
Steel-Horse, my dad bought an M&P Sport 5.56 a few months back, at a gun show. The rifle had the 30 round P-Mag with it, the guy just disassembled the mag and boxed it up.

The law is a complete joke.
I think you're better off picking up some magazines before you move.

ETA:Whether or not the Sherriffs have stated that they will enforce the ban it's still the law and I've always been told that we don't advocate breaking the law on THR.
The same magazines are available now as were before the ban. As Shooter stated, they remove the bottom plate with the magazine still in the package and tell you that you are buying a kit. It happens thousands of times per day.
For what it is worth. If I was moving into........a restricted area I would have a private sale G17 with me from out of state. LOTS of mags, including some happy sticks.

With the anti's shiny law so blatantly being worked around, I would be sure there is NO paper in State for some hand wringing member of the Demonic party to find on the NEXT round of BS they pull on you guys.

Just sayin'
Several folks have pointed something out and I feel the need to address it. THR, as a whole and as a forum, does not ever condone illegal activities. I am only speaking for myself and the reality of the climate here at this time. Things could change, rapidly. The next round of local elections or municipal appointments could see folks that are very willing to enforce the law as it is written. So proceed with caution and only do what you are willing to take full responsibility for.
Pistols configured similar to a Glock 17... in the display case, but without the magazine. That's what you might happen to see in the occasional LGS. If you buy, you get the five or so disassembled parts that used to be a magazine.


Selling the gun with a "magazine repair kit" complies with the ridiculous law.

As pointed out, the law is pretty much unenforceable and virtually no LE is interested in trying. Which is fine for now. The issue that regime changes may operate differently have been pointed out, but the more important consideration is the long game they were playing with this one; anyone born after the 1 July 2013 effective date can never legally possess a magazine over 15 rounds in this state, because it would not be possible for them to have owned it prior. That is why we have to get it overturned.
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