NPR Story on Marine Suppressor Experiment

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Aug 17, 2003
Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex

This was a refreshingly knowledgeable and unbiased story about the Marines' suppressor trials. I think it's been reported on elsewhere on the board, but I was glad to see NPR getting it right when it comes to "suppressors" vs. "silencers." It's a shame that the sound equipment can't really capture just how loud gunfire really is - suppressed or not.
Not sure what relevance the NFA language has in this context -- and for what it's worth, I was aware that NFA refers to "silencers," and I own several. As others have noted on this forum, many opponents of relaxing NFA rules regarding such devices promote the "Hollywood quiet" myth. They use the term "silencer" and insist that these are dangerous tools of the devil because they eliminate the sound of gunfire. The correct response is that these devices "suppress" reports somewhat but do not eliminate them.
Thanks for the link; I thought the article was informative. It does note that: "In firearms law and popular culture they're called "silencers."" Also interesting that they are beginning to experiment with electronic hearing protection. I've been wearing Peltors for a lot of years ...
Once upon a time, the Army issued two Maxim Silencers for 1903 Springfields per company. Hatcher said they were so well muffled that reflection of shock wave from the row of telegraph poles beside the range sounded like a machine gun burst. They were withdrawn when the brass realized the supersonic Crack! remained. Everybody knows that now but we also realize that reduced firing signature helps the shooter stay concealed even if the enemy knows he is under fire. l
Holy Crab Cakes!!! NPR has finally written something that didn't come straight out of Pravda or Mao's Little Red Book! What's next, cats and dogs living in harmony?
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