Guns ARE killing people!!!

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The way these stories are written guns aren’t just inanimate objects that cannot cause an action on their own.
I didn't read that into it, I just read that the court found the owner non-liable for what was done after his firearm was stolen. The negligence is a whole 'nother can of worms, though. Definitely not a model of responsibility.
I'll probably get flamed for this but I kind of agree with the moms attorney. It was gross negligence in the gun owners part. To leave it 'IN PLAIN SIGHT' and the vehicle unlocked is gross negligence. In some states if someone takes something from an unlocked vehicle the police won't even investigate. Obviously the death is on the friend who took the gun and pulled the trigger because guns don't just 'go off'. There is plenty of blame to go around.

If you are a gun owner you are under obligation to own responsibly! That means locking it in your vehicle OUT OF sight when not carrying it. This tragedy could have EASILY been avoided if this gun owner was not negligent.
I’ll take reasonable measures to secure property, but in no way, shape, or form do I think I am responsible for someone else’s criminal actions (murder) stemming from another criminal action (gun theft) no matter how I store my gun.

Reminds me of ‘Full Metal Jacket’...and I paraphrase, if there weren’t people that left their stuff unlocked, there wouldn’t be thievery.

I'm going to disagree. Personally, I don't leave guns unattended except in a safe. But what I have in my car is my property. I am not morally obligated to hide it or to lock the doors. You go ahead and put those obligations on yourself, but don't try to put them on anyone else.
If your child is in your home and you leave your gun loaded on your bed in the open and you leave your bedroom unlocked, your child goes in and grabs it and shoots himself or God forbid your neighbors kid. Guess who's liable and responsible. You can puff out your chest and act like 'that's my property', guess what ITS NEGLIGENCE and you can be charged and found guilty.

Some of us need to step away from our pompous views and use this to learn from. YES the gun was 'stolen'. The kid entered an UNLOCKED VEHICLE BECAUSE he saw a firearm IN THE OPEN. If it was properly stored chances are the kid would have NEVER been tempted to do anything to the car and kept walking.
AGAIN the TEENAGER is responsible for the actual death but the negligence of the gun owner got the ball rolling.
I remember being in Montana about 20 years ago so not sure if the same now but people left rifles in their truck's gun racks in plain sight in town and driving around all the time and no one bothered them.
My guns just seem incredibly lazy. They won't get themselves out, load themselves, shoot anything, clean themselves, unload themselves, put themselves away.

Some folks have guns which are a lot less sedentary. They get up, load themselves, go out, kill people,
and come back! Never had one like that, myself, tho...
If your child is in your home and you leave your gun loaded on your bed in the open and you leave your bedroom unlocked, your child goes in and grabs it and shoots himself or God forbid your neighbors kid. Guess who's liable and responsible. You can puff out your chest and act like 'that's my property', guess what ITS NEGLIGENCE and you can be charged and found guilty.

Some of us need to step away from our pompous views and use this to learn from. YES the gun was 'stolen'. The kid entered an UNLOCKED VEHICLE BECAUSE he saw a firearm IN THE OPEN. If it was properly stored chances are the kid would have NEVER been tempted to do anything to the car and kept walking.
AGAIN the TEENAGER is responsible for the actual death but the negligence of the gun owner got the ball rolling.

So if you buy your child a bicycle, car, off road vehicle, hair dryer, swimming pool or anything else that could kill them is that also negligence, if the worst happens?

I’ll never forget running a tractor when I was a kid and a situation occurred where it was a split second between me being here now or crushed. I have thought about it from time to time over the years but never in a way where my Father or Grandfather would have been held criminally liable....FWIW I already knew where the guns were, especially the loaded ones.
Somebody must have thought that it was one of those new autonomous self-propelled, self-acting, and self-shooting handguns.....
There's a difference between a five year old and a fifteen year old. The former is too young to know better. The latter should whether it's a gun, a car or something else.

The decision in this case appears to depend on an Indiana law specifically crafted to protect gun owners. Apparently, it sets no minimum requirement of the owner such as a locked container.

In the winter, vehicles are stolen when the owner leaves them outdoors and unlocked with the engine running to warm up. Suppose a teenager steals it and kills an innocent person while trying to outrun police. Would the law hold the vehicle's owner responsible for the death?

I expect the minor who stole the gun and killed his friend has no assets. In such situations, it's not unusual to sue people with only a peripheral connection, because they have assets, in hopes of getting a sympathetic jury or a settlement.
My point is the media is so anti and jumps on ANY occasion it can to word such incidents as these to try to further their anti agenda. Why give them more fuel for the fire when this WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED if the guy wasn't negligent. Just be responsible. Yes it's a God given Constitutional Right but let's stop giving them these easily preventable instances. Just use common sense. Yes a teenager should 'know better' than to take a gun. A reasonable responsible gun owner should 'know better' than to leave a loaded gun out in the open in an unlocked car for someone to easily take.
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Don’t laugh!

I was once running a range at a youth camp.
I had a college age counselor come and asked to watch. After a while when things slowed down, I asked her if she’d like to shoot.
Long story-short;

1. She didn’t know that you had to load a gun with proper ammunition (commandment #1, treat all Firearms at all times, as if they are loaded!),

2. She didn’t know that you had to “aim the gun in order to hit something with it”. Every time!!!

3. That Live ammunition”, wasn’t actually “ALIVE”! As if it could “bite” you by exploding in your hand!

And these kind of people are getting elected to Congress and sitting on jury’s!
"Guns ARE killing people!!!"

Yeah they do that.................................... if an idiot steals one, points it at someone and then pulls the trigger.
Yep, but it is good press for them and makes them look like they care about the children, when in reality all they are doing is trying to advance gun control.

Sure, some people will vote for whatever because they truly believe they are saving children, and with good reason, but they won't look at the big picture and understand they are being duped into some legislation that will have no affect on things like this.

jmorris asked if they stole a truck and ran someone down with it would they hold the truck or the person liable. Of course they won't, it doesn't help their anti gun cause.

Do the antis get up in arms about other things that kill far more kids than guns? No, they don't, because they are not trying to save kids, just take your guns.

That said, a lot of otherwise pro gun people will say leaving a gun in a place where it is easy to steal is at least being careless, or even negligent, or worse, should the owner should be held liable for. Just think about what the average person out there will think. Not good.

It is bad press for us and one that is hard to refute/defend/debate/etc. Just bad all around. We'll just take our lumps on this one, and they know it.

They have no qualms about writing it the way they do, blaming an inanimate object, since their sideline purpose here is to teach people to fear guns. That part we can defend and debate, it's just a matter of better educating fence sitters and the general public in general.
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