URGENT How to: Bumpstock ban stay, but you must join...

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Sep 4, 2011
Must be done today Monday...

Sorry if some of my technical isn't exactly correct here. Want the word to get out. MODS; I will post a brief 2-3 lines in General forum, with a link to this in Legal. The skinny can be found in the top paragraphs, here...


It's very simple. Under 3/25/2019 Alert 1 and 3/25/2019 Alert2 are the appropriate links. If you join (and the suggestion is $1) you are protected during the legal proceedings. SO SAYS THE FED. This isn't a cure, it's an extension past tomorrow. So options are 1-join, become part of protected 2-saw it up or turn it in. WHICH MAY STILL HAPPEN. LATER.

Operative word here is , LATER
Ok then don't join, and saw away. Enjoy your dollar savings.

To others, I suggest you read the chronological list of legal actions filed just today. It's all there.
Well, I did some very quick research and the FPC is a non-profit. They do sell stuff but all in all, it seems legit-ish.

Donated $10, you never know.
I call BS. Laws are not restricted to or from members of a particular club, organization, or political group. Appears, to me, to be nothing more than a membership ploy.
It's a stay suspending enforcement for the plantiff organization's (just like there was a personal stay for the individual plantiff in the Utah case). This kind of thing happens all the time.

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