Best "Gun" Advice or Saying?

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Dad said, "Keep your eyes open."

My mantra to my kids & grands: ALL guns are ALWAYS loaded. (no if's, and's, but's, treat, or assume) It's a placard over my safe door.
Regarding the “man with one gun” every one of us will have a different experience, perhaps making the saying a more general warning about treading lightly with anyone.

Because he grew up poor, my father was that man. Grew up shooting, combat vet, and was a decade into his law enforcement career before he could afford a second firearm. Probably still owns the best qualification scores posted by his department, though many of his contemporaries did not shoot beyond what was required.

All this to say beware ANY man with a gun.
That was my Grandad, poor but skilled.
ATLDave...speaking of guitars,, think about Willy Nelson and his guitar “Trigger’. Only one guitar for that man,, are you going to call him a fool???
Can we not argue over whether the guy with one gun is better or worse than the guy with multiple guns? I know people with 10+ guns that can’t hit the side of a barn from inside it, and I know people with 1 gun that can remove a squirrels head from a good ways off. It goes the other way also.

The sentiment of the saying is simply and truthfully that if you focus and dedicate yourself to a single skill, you will likely get good at that skill. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now let’s get back to some fun and informative sayings. Geez.
When I was a kid, every time my dad would hand me a gun, he'd ask "is it loaded?" That of course was my prompt to open the action and check. Doesn't matter if he or someone else had just handled the gun thirty seconds prior, you check every time for the habit of it.

Now every time I grab a gun, I hear that voice in the back of my head. "Is it loaded?"
The "check first to see if it's loaded" thing was drilled into me early. I drilled that into my son when he was growing up. The phrase I still remember from my youth was being asked - " Do you realize how many people have been killed by an "empty" gun ?" Along with - " Famous last words - Don't worry; It's not loaded".
ok i admit ..... to having four gun safes and not doing any type of count in a long time...... But for the record any time i have had a gun pointed at me,
I wasn't thinking about how many guns the other guy has...... No not at all, my focus was in other areas.
ok i admit ..... to having four gun safes and not doing any type of count in a long time...... But for the record any time i have had a gun pointed at me,
I wasn't thinking about how many guns the other guy has...... No not at all, my focus was in other areas.

Funny how that works. All I ever noticed was that big hole in the end of the barrel.

"What caliber was it ?"

"Dunno....what caliber is a golf ball? I mean a tennis ball.
Maybe a softball ."
I think this saying presumes things have gone south.......once you have the first one work your way to all three.
The "check first to see if it's loaded" thing was drilled into me early. I drilled that into my son when he was growing up. The phrase I still remember from my youth was being asked - " Do you realize how many people have been killed by an "empty" gun ?" Along with - " Famous last words - Don't worry; It's not loaded".
The only gun I will presume is unloaded is one that is field stripped. Of course, at that point it is pretty clear that it's loaded or not.
Funny how that works. All I ever noticed was that big hole in the end of the barrel.

I have noticed that gun muzzles are elastic. When peering down a barrel of a gun I'm cleaning, they pretty much appear caliber size. When pointed at me by some orc, they grow much larger. When cocked they appear large enough to walk down. Funny that.
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