Grasp Pressure Training

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I treat the handgun grip like holding a baby bird in your fists. You want to hold it softly enough as not to crush it but hard enough as to not let it get away. That philosophy seems to work for me.

Not at all - a handgun grip pressure would easily crush a baby bird. Or adult bird, for that matter.

There are people out there who do a lot of things, things which kinda-sorta work for them. But at the top tiers of any form of handgunning, a firm grip, most commonly defined as “as hard as you can, without shaking,” is the recommended and most successful grip.
Interesting link tipoc. Now I am going to have to do some experimenting next time I get to shoot. As far as grip strength I've honestly never went out of my way to acquire it. I do think 30 years working commercial construction as a sheet metal worker has probably developed enough grip strength for me. I do believe I might be able to learn how to use it more effectively though.
Me either I've worked in industry for 48 years. Strength of the grip isn't an issue. For most folks I don't think strength is an issue. You can get stronger if need be. For most it's the type of grip, recoil control etc.
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