Is data from old stolen gun reports still in effect and does it matter?

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Gee... procedures not being followed - where in the world, when you deal with people... do things always go the way their supposed to? That was the entire gist of post #20...

Some agencies are very squared away and discipline quickly follows when someone drops the ball... other outfits (and we've all dealt with them during our lives) - can't be relied on to do the ordinary - much less something that requires a skilled operator to do a proper entry into a database kept by another outfit entirely....

That sort of stuff is why every young officer is advised to check computer entries very carefully before acting on them - even if it means "un-arresting" someone who was taken into custody after being found in possession of a firearm that's still listed as stolen when it was actually recovered some time before - but never cleared from the system.... It also shows just how important it is to notify the original agency when you move or your contact info has changed.... That might just be the only way an error in the system is caught before some innocent individual has been taken into custody - when it never should have happened...

As you can guess I've been down this road myself - both as an arresting officer, finding out later that the charge was improper since the item was not stolen.. and the guy who had to make sure that every weapon impounded was actually checked through the system to find out if it had been reported stolen in some other jurisdiction... Just part of the daily hassle for anyone running or working in a property room or supervising officers on the street...

I'm long out of police work (retired out 1995) but the basic stuff doesn't change... There will always be errors, mistakes, and screw-ups when people are involved in a joint effort - whether that's in a private business, a big organization - or just a hundred man police agency... Making it right? that takes a bit of effort and needs to be recognized whenever it's done...
Lack of Confidence-#25: How many of these "screw ups" have to do with deliberate omissions on the part of law enforcement bureaucrats? Is this situation a policy or lack of supervision and accountability. Those incidents that I reported are from this community, Am I made victim of theft once or twice? Can you understand the lack of confidence in this community. How many times have I heard that it's pointless to call the police since nothing is going to happen?
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