Poll from Harvard

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The Gentle Reader need only to Google
< harvard gun control poll >
to get a sense of both Harvard, and the issue as shaped
The Gentle Reader need only to Google
Only if you want skewed search results.

A G--gle search reveals a clear anti-gun bias. An identical search query using DuckDuckGo returns relevant search results.

I know you don't believe me. Try it yourself. It'll take you all of one minute.

Then, decide if you want to continue to support G*gle's rabid anti-gun agenda.
I believe the Gentle Reader has misunderstood the point.
It appears that it is the Harvard-based analysis methodologies & polling processes/pools that feeds the (I believe) significantly-skewed appearance of rabid anti-2A support.

I did try DuckDuckGo* w/ the same search terms. Unfortunately it gave me the same results whenever/wherever Harvard showed up. Even accounting for those predisposed findings, however, we in America appear to have been raising and purposefully educating the last several generations to be no more forethoughtful than Esau

Thanks for the heads-up for DDG.
Velly Intellesting......
No; the point is not lost. I understand Harvard's anti-gun agenda. My point is that you lost me at Google.

Goolag's massive success at brainwashing is beyond dispute. Remember what I wrote about shaping public opinion. They've succeeded at that, wildly, even to the point pro-2A THR participants are convinced Goole is their "friend."
the purpose of polling is not to assess popular opinion

It wasn't "polling".

Every psych or sociological or policy or political survey reflects some bias, either overt or hidden. Not participating simply surrenders the field to those that do.

You can opt out of the information requested after the survey or you can continue to participate in future surveys. The information is typical demographics.

The only way you should see emails from them is if you signed up for them.
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