My Sidelock Wasn't Cleaned for 3 1/2 Years

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Jul 8, 2012
Central Florida
I hunt with a Sile Hawken Hunter which is a short-barreled Hawken clone. Years ago I bought a Hubbard Mag Spark and have shot BlackHorn 209 powder in it since. After a range session today I cleaned it. The last time it was cleaned was the summer of 2016. I had hunted with it many times and if I shot at a deer, I quickly reloaded and hunted again. After 3 1/2 years I thought it was time to clean it and see what condition the barrel was in.

The barrel was very dirty but otherwise there was no corrosion, pitting, whatever. Since BH 209 is really a smokeless powder, it was the same as if I fired my .25-06 without cleaning it.
Others had predicted woe and gloom but nothing of the sort happened.

Just passing this along for general knowledge.
On the contrary, It is very humid. If it were black powder, I'm sure the gun would be ruined but smokeless powder is ..ah, well .. non-corrosive. In this case with additives to make smoke but still the corrosive property of black powder is not a factor.

I have heard for years how it's mandatory to clean a muzzleloader after each session it is shot but that simply does not apply in this case. I do clean any black powder gun the same day it is shot. Otherwise my other BP guns would be trashed.
I'll stick with "real" black powder, thank you, very much. :)

Smokeless powders and muzzleloaders don't play well together. More than one video on you Tube where some ... I won't insult the "humans", "people", or "morons" by claiming those in the videos are among their number ... intentionally blow up a perfectly good ML with smokeless powder.:what: :fire::cuss::fire:.

They have not collected their Darwin Award (yet) because so far, they have been smart enough to use a string to fire it, and not be with-in 50 yards or so of it when it goes off.
Actually it is part real Black Powder... It is a factory duplex powder made from KIK brand black powder. The smokeless helps to give a more complete burn of the BP so fouling less of an issue.
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The Panhandle ( the real Florida) has the Gulf along the southern side.

Humidity is high every where and the "Desert" repretation comes from the crappy soil most of the state has from having been underwater a couple of times in pre history. At one point ( in the last 30,000 years since folks showed up )peninsular Florida was almost half again as wide as it is now and the Panhandle extended much further into the Gulf as well....but warming is new and man made!

that is a good testimony to 209 powder because of the low elevation and high moisture you have in the air. if it dont rust their it should not rust anywheres. i use it all the time with my side locks and a magspark nipple. many ise in a percussion with number 11 primers in that they put a small amount of real black under the 209 powder. also ive talked to several who use it in flintlock rifles with real black up to the touch hole. lots less cleaning between shots. 209 powder is a very accurate powder
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