Congress considering no recess.........

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Apr 9, 2004
SW Ohio
Just heard a report in which some in Congress are saying they should forego their summer recess. The thinking is that there is no time to waste in implementing the recommendations in the 9/11 commission report. They would work thru the summer or possibly recess and reconvene in September instead of after the Election.

Is it just me or does AWB sunset come to mind.
Possible; but if you really plan to forego summer recess then bringing it up in the few hours before everyone leaves for summer recess is probably not the best way to guarantee the success of that idea.

Sounds to me like someone is trying to score political points at home by getting an on-the-record blurb about what a hard, serious-minded worker he is compared to the other worthless politicians.
Good point, Mr Roberts!

Sounds to me like someone is trying to score political points at home by getting an on-the-record blurb about what a hard, serious-minded worker he is compared to the other worthless politicians.

Thus proving that his or herself is just another worthless politician.
Bart got this one right - this is just posturing. Remember, anything we see them do is related to this being an election year - and all they care about is being able to continue to stick their faces in the public feed bag.
Sounds to me like someone is trying to score political points at home by getting an on-the-record blurb about what a hard, serious-minded worker he is compared to the other worthless politicians.

Yeah, and he'll used the tax payers' hard-earned dollars to send out junk mail to toot his own horn about it, too.
I support frequent congressional recesses......

When they're not in sesson, they're not dreaming up stupid new laws.
I support frequent congressional recesses......When they're not in sesson, they're not dreaming up stupid new laws.
Can't disagree with that. Maybe we can convince them to take a few years off. Hell, I'd pay for that.
Looks like an opportunity for Feinstein to tack an AWB rider on a homeland security bill that congressmen will feel must be passed...!

Or maybe I'm just overly suspicious?:rolleyes:
Looks like an opportunity for Feinstein to tack an AWB rider on a homeland security bill that congressmen will feel must be passed...!

That was my immediate reaction. If there is enough political gain to be had by working through August leading up to the election for the purpose of covering a particularly sensitive topic then someone could easily make it happen. The bandwagon is large enough for all to jump on, especially those with an agenda.

How did the AWB get passed the first time?
Paranoia? Maybe, but I have a bad feeling about this. It seems too easy--big homeland security bill, election year, lots of serious congressional faces on tv. I hope I'm just being paranoid. I tend to think, though, that even if they try this, the Republican leadership will pull the dirty tricks we have been waiting for to keep it from going to a vote in the Senate. They can't let it get to Bush's desk before the election. After the election is another story....
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