Funny statistic on Ammoseek this evening...

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You'd be amazed what one kid with no life and a homemade searchbot can do to mess up someone's stats.

Speaking as someone who once received 14 robocalls in a single hour thanks to someone else who either hated me sight-unseen or couldn't program his gear properly, I don't get as amazed by this kind of weirdness as I once did.

However, .577 Snider? Hilarious dude!!
Great news! I can’t wait for the resurgence of the .375 H&H Flanged... its gotta be breathing down the old .577 Snyder’s neck... :thumbup:

Stay safe.
Yeah, but were all the *searches* performed by live people and of the live people, how many searched more than once?

I figure in the end, Ammoseek knows what their doing and while I'll keep my own powder dry and watch the world turn, I recognize that electro-ammo-marketing is their dominion.

Words are fun!

In point of fact, I find the returns fascinating and would love to know the facts behind them.

Was an article written? A blog? Etc...?

Have people so given up on searching for the *normal* ammo that those numbers for the rarities have always been there but have now risen significantly?

Or, have a passel of basement-trapped S.A.D. inflicted gun-nuts just gone on a Red Bull propelled, forum-fantasy binge?

Considering that .577 Snider probably hasn’t been produced commercially in over a century.......?

Guessing it’s a bug.

Either that or IMA paid someone somewhere to write a blog post extolling the virtues of the single shot hand loaded Snider as a post-apocalyptic survival rifle and 25 people all searched for it at the same time.
I just screwed up Midways algorithms when I searched primers 200 times (probably) going back and forth trying to get SPP to add to my cart!:mad: No luck. :thumbdown:
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