A joke?

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Nov 21, 2011
Seymour, CT
Hi, all. Take a look at this article about a company in Utah which is trying to make guns more "fun". The article appears in our local paper, though it originated from the WaPo. If one tries to bring up the website advertising the subject/product, it is no longer on line. Wonder why.
I find it akin to insulting the engraving on someone’s shotgun… it isn’t your shotgun.

Is this the “Freedom means tolerating things you don’t like” thread, or the “Guns are only black scary tools, now get off my lawn” thread?

Just want to know if I should be lighting my hair on fire or just point out the other thread.
Stupid idea of the year

To me, the important thing is that most of us (responsible owners) don't support that company.
Responsible owners don’t let children have access to any gun, fancifully designed or otherwise.
How many humans are shot with non-personalized pistols a year? Enough that this is a not an issue big enough to waste bandwidth on.
Falls along the same line as the Nerf glock th ey caught a felon in possession of a while back.

I firmly believe no firearm should be made to look like a kids toy. If you feel like you have to have a rainbow colored toy themed pistol to somehow feel "included" in the gun culture then that's your problem. Nothing could be further from the truth and it demonstrates the individual is severely confused and misguided about the concept of firearms ownership and the implications thereof.

The response from Culper was eye-rolling maudlin nonsense.
is severely confused and misguided about the concept of firearms ownership

I know, right. They cast dispersions on fellow firearms owners and call into question their intelligence and maturity. All on something they don’t even own and wouldn’t.
Kinda like having an antiquated, four pound, seven shot pistol. Tactically speaking, that’s a deathwish in this day and age.:confused:

Uh oh! Look out! Someone is painting their tractor red! How frivolous and wasteful! Tractors are just tools, they shouldn’t be flashy.

Giant yawn. And still running well before this thread in the Autoloaders section…

(Because that’s what it’s like. Your telling other humans to get off their own lawn…:scrutiny:)
I know, right. They cast dispersions on fellow firearms owners and call into question their intelligence and maturity. All on something they don’t even own and wouldn’t.
Kinda like having an antiquated, four pound, seven shot pistol. Tactically speaking, that’s a deathwish in this day and age.:confused:

Uh oh! Look out! Someone is painting their tractor red! How frivolous and wasteful! Tractors are just tools, they shouldn’t be flashy.

Giant yawn. And still running well before this thread in the Autoloaders section…

(Because that’s what it’s like. Your telling other humans to get off their own lawn…:scrutiny:)
Scolding folks for expressing their opinions about someone's rendition of a firearms on a gun board is a bit ironic. Like or don't like, but let's not chastise others for approving or disapproving.
from the article linked in post #6...

4th paragraph

''What’s not fun, and went unaddressed on the sales page, is the reality that thousands of children unintentionally shoot themselves or others each year because they find a gun and pull its trigger. Culper Precision’s customization arrived...''

I was completely unaware that, THOUSANDS of kids are involved in shootings every year?:uhoh:
Scolding folks for expressing their opinions about someone's rendition of a firearms on a gun board is a bit ironic. Like or don't like, but let's not chastise others for approving or disapproving.
Like not calling their responsibility, maturity and intelligence into question for liking a certain pistol?

Saying the reasons it isn’t for you is different than stating those that do like it are irresponsible, immature or idiotic.
Or do I have that wrong? Sometimes my social skills don’t fit the narrative, like when I watch the news…
"A Joke?"....If it looks like a toy and is a functioning firearm, it is a tragic accident waiting to happen, no matter how well controlled. And when it did see the light of day, it would be classified as an "attractive nussance" in any court of law adjudicating such tragedy.

As an NRA Junior Smallbore Coach we teach kids to notify an adult should they be exposed to an unattended firearm (we do not use the term weapon for obvious reasoms). Trying to overcome the temptation of the real thing is hard enough without throwing into the mix a real firearm masqurading as a "toy".
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