Well, 3 hrs to go here in AZ

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If I had to bet on this topic I would wager that all the celebratory gunfire this past New Tears Eve was below the average, normal levels. Due to ammunition cost and availability issues.

In actuality, not. That was why I started the thread. No guessing about fireworks vs guns this year. Seemingly inexhaustable supply of pistol, and shotgun ammo. Nearer 12AM the aerial bombs came out to play, but from 9-1130 PM, mostly firearm stuff. Where'd it come from?
I heard gunshots, I heard fireworks, and the idiots kept it up until after midnight the FOLLOWING day. Nobody got hurt, that I know of.
And the idiots are already out. Same for Christmas...must have been a lot of handguns and shotguns for presents.

And yes, this is a post about shooting. Irresponsibily so.

Most sound like hi-cap timed fire, not mad minute. Once in awhile, last few sound like milked trigger burn off. No rifle, at least not full caliber. Don't understand, load-shoot, reload-shoot...box of 50 at least.

Continued irresponsibility seems to be rampant. If all the common sense folks on THR didn't raise their kids to be this way..... I won't even go into social issues...just hope 2021 doesn't let the door hit it in the ass on the way out.
I'm also in central AZ but only heard fireworks. From Friday evening through Saturday night, but only fireworks. Nice change from L.A. where I used to live.

I don't go out of my house on 4th of July or New Year's Eve.
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I was asleep by 11. Didn't hear a thing. My is a lighter sleeper than me and was complaining about all the gunfire and fireworks the next morning. She said she thought people would never quit and go to bed.
Although I don't think we've ever heard much "celebratory" gunfire around here, the neighbors down the road shoot off fireworks on the 4th of July and New Year's Eve. That, and the thunderstorms used to upset our cocker spaniel, Ruger pretty bad - he would usually go hide in the bathtub.
Ruger is almost 14 and deaf now though. He doesn't even hear fireworks or thunder.
I guess Ruger's deafness could be called a "mixed blessing" in some ways. But I'd sure rather be startled by Ruger's yelling every time a strange vehicle pulls in the driveway than seeing him sleep through the neighbor's fireworks displays.:(
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