Interesting, albeit rather obvious, article on the deer overpopulation

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I'm no expert on QDM, but what I've read indicates that part of QDM is in fact maintaining a stable population so that there is enough nutrition to grow big deer. I thought part of QDM is reducing the doe population for that reason. Maybe I'm misremembering?

I’m no expert either but judiciously shooting does and certain other deer is absolutely a part of QDM. Strategically implemented, it can aid in the rearing of larger bucks.

Unfortunately and especially in my state amongst the folks I associate with, the taking of does is borderline taboo. I have no problem shooting does and do so when I need my freezer full towards the end of the season. However, there is a culture of only shooting bucks down here. Even small ones as long as they are bucks and not does.

The idea that if your shoot a doe, you are then killing all the bucks that doe may birth, is a statement I have heard frequently. Kind of hilarious really.

Many of the hunt clubs around here have an 8 point limit, certain age range, certain score, etc that are in the bylaws. Often does cannot be taken for any reason.

QDM, in its most well executed form, requires tremendous effort to include yearly food plots with specific nutrients at specific times of the year, mineral supplements, constant year round surveillance with trail cams and whatnot, habitat development and maintenance, etc. The list goes on forever and is a job for someone who doesn’t need to work full time or it is their full time job.

IOW, the redneck version of QDM that I observe down here only skyrockets the population. Plant food plots and put up feeders and only shoot larger bucks. Even if that means not shooting a deer for years. If only a small percentage of hunters do this, the population of deer will rise.
Deer will eat almost anything. Relatives living in northern Wisconsin tried having plants or shrubs around their house. Tried....Deer don't like Tiger Lilies or Barberry bushes. But they will nibble on them until stems and branches mature in June. Thiram fungicide was very effective back in the 1970's because it had a MACE type effect of deer when tasted and Thiram lasted up to six months; wouldn't wash off easily. It is no longer manufactured in the U.S. because it can kill humans if you eat it.
Wisconsin had a "deer specialist" review their hunting practices 10 years ago and found the ideal ratio of bucks to does is about 1 buck to 6 or 8 doe. With this ratio does will produce more bucks. If the ratio increases to more does, does produce more does.
Once knew family in Appleton Wis. that loved watching deer in their yard, until one year, maybe a drought, and the deer ate anything green in his yard which destroyed $1,000s of his landscape. He doesn't like to watch deer any more.
I like to hunt deer. Venison is very heart healthy, very low in fat. I take what God gives me.
Most of the time, it's a doe. Trail cams show 20 or more bucks at night on the farm where I hunt, but our party never saw one buck during the last gun season and neither did the farm next to us. My son and I each got a doe.
I think cities need to be more creative for hunters to cull the deer. In Wisconsin, early goose hunting is permitted on golf courses to prevent geese from pooping on the greens. Hunters need to leave before golfers start playing. For the most part it works. On the way to the doctor last year, I saw a nice buck in velvet eating all the flowers on someone's the front porch in the middle of the city of Milwaukee. We also have coyotes who like to eat city people's pets and turkeys that stop traffic during the rush hour in Wauwatosa, WI. And the DNR just takes notes.
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