Are you primarily a collector, shooter or both?

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Dec 26, 2018
It seems as time goes on and after moving to another state last year. I do more collecting than shooting. I know Covid had a lot to do with it but also, I am not able to just walk out back and shoot like i did on my previous property and have to find places to shoot. Sometimes I wonder if i am still as enthusiastic as i was before about shooting, although i love to, it takes a lot more effort to shoot these days. Ammo has never been an issue as i was hoarding for decades when on sale cheap, I dont think i will ever run out, lol.
I'm definitely a shooter, I love being behind the butt plate squeezing triggers, but I shoot with purpose, it culminates each fall during big game season.
Shooter and accumulator lol. I do "collect" certain things, but my overall "collection" consists of everything from an early 19th century militia musket to an FN PS90.
Both but more collector than shooter. If I ever get a place out in the country, I want to set up my own outdoor range. Then I may become more of a shooter.
When I started I was a shooter. Now I'm old enough shooting is still interesting and fun, but I'm more of a collector in various items. Not that I don't shoot any more, but most of my rifle shooting is more research than having a specific goal.
I still prefer firearms to other collectables. I did quit collecting ex-wives though.
I have reduced range time to once or twice a week but the number of guns has increased slightly this year. I own no gun that I haven't shot and guns that have not been shot for a few years are usually sold, making much needed place in the safes.
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