HOT to the touch?

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HI express

Feb 4, 2005
southern CA
I used to go out shooting in the Angeles Crest Forest in the old days and I recall some guns in the really hot weather.. borderline near the desert. Some of the days got really hot when we out there and some guns got really hot to the touch if left exposed to the sun. So hot that sometimes you couldn't hold the gun for long. This was in the early '80's when I had all steel guns.

In your experiences, do you find this to be the norm or with the new guns (polymer, etc.) do you find this not to be true? What are your experiences and what is your experiences in the heat?
I have left pistols and rifles on the tailgate while shooting here in Arizona and yes they got too hot to touch. I have only done that a handfull of times and have since learned to put the darn things in the shade.
never had a problem with my glock, my slide gets hot but the grip stays cool enough to hold. You might try a grip sleeve, my friends 357 has no exposed metal in the grip area and it doesn't get too hot.
Just happened to me yesterday. Set my bhp on the back of the truck and set up some bird bombs. Came back and grabbed the gun, it was like grabbing a hot steering wheel. Tried to shoot some rounds downrange, too hot. Had to set it in the truck for quite a while to cool down.
Metal has much more thermal capacity than plastic pistol frames.
When you pick it up after setting in the sun, the stored heat efficiently :D transfers to your body.
If you hold on for a little bit, the pistol will cool down :D

It's been a long time since taking basic thermodynamics, but I think that's how it works :neener:

sorry, it was a crazy day at work
I burned my hand shooting a couple weeks ago. The cylinder got really hot and it is a single action (Ruger Blackhawk) so I had to hold the cylinder in place when I was ejecting the shells. After an hour of doing that I got a nice little burn on my hand. Not quite the same as leaving it in the sun, but that metal sure got hot...I'm wearing gloves next time.
it was like grabbing a hot steering wheel.

only a person from the desert would understand. i saw a "you know it's summer when..." e-mail once and my favorite was "when you see someone driving with oven mitts and you think 'that's a good idea' "
one has to love the annual tv reporter cooking in a parked car to teach people not to cook their kid/pets.
and yes, for those of you who don't live in the desert, it literally gets hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. here's how: lay aluminum foil down so you'll actually want to eat it. crack egg. wait 10-15min. eat. no bs. those green metal boxes for power work even better.
old people drop like flies when the power goes out.
it is cruel to walk your dog without booties.
i don't think other people can really understand.
but it's a dry heat.
oh, and glocks are comfy cool, even if you're dumb enough to leave 'em in the sun. can't argue with perfection. :D
A few weeks ago I put about 300 rounds through my SA XD 9, the last 75 or so were as fast as I could pull the trigger. The slide was so hot, it left a burn mark on my finger when I touched it. The grip and frame were as cool as could be.
I grew up in AZ, and now I'm stationed in 29 Palms. Yeah, I've got a little experience with the heat. :)

If you're out in the direct sun long enough, you learn to never remove your hands from their spots on your rifle. Otherwise they get too hot to hold. Well aimed shots are more difficult to make when juggling the rifle to try and cool it down. :D
A tip which I learned growing up in Southern Nevada, was repeated in SAS training. Wear socks with at least 20% wool to insulate your feet from the hot sand/rocks. If you are too cheap to buy $4.50/pair sock liners, use knee-high nylon stockings.

Yes, I know a little about ways to stay alive in the heat. I found Alaska, North of the Circle, easier to survive in during the Winter, than Nevada, South of Boulder City, in the Summer.

LOL, try handling a black M16/AR15 rifle thats been sitting in the sun. Yeowza!

A couple of years ago I took the NRA LEO Patrol Rifle Instructor Course, in August of all months. Occassionally during water breaks, discussions, pee breaks, etc....we would ground our rifles on our gear.

We quickly learned to cover the rifle when we did this because coming back and throwing the rifle up your face was not a good thing. And no Mattel products melted.
Yes, I know a little about ways to stay alive in the heat. I found Alaska, North of the Circle, easier to survive in during the Winter, than Nevada, South of Boulder City, in the Summer.

"You can always put on more clothes when you're cold, but you can only get so naked."

I burned the stuffing out of my hand while qualifying with my CZ75B for off-duty carry.

It only sat in the sun on the bench for about 5 minutes while I qual'd with two others, and by the time I went to pick it up with my spare mags I almost dropped the thing it was so hot.

The Glocks were just fine however. Can't imagine having to carry a metal framed firearm on duty in this heat... WAY too hot.
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