Writing an essay - help needed!

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Mar 2, 2006
Greetings, American rednecks and hillbillies...

I am a Swedish law school student and for the next 3 weeks I'm supposed to be writing a 10 page essay on something that has to do with constitutional law. Because I'm so controversial I decided to do mine on American gun philosophy (ie legal, philosophical, pragmatic etc perspectives on it). I have a pretty good grasp of the subject but I need some help with what to put in it and how to structure it.

I was thinking of 3 sections: one with legal info about the 2A and other important laws and concepts. Also, court rulings. The second section will be about philosophy with the usual natural rights explanation and all that. Maybe also the counterweight to tyranny argument. The third section will be about pragmatics, ie demonstrating that guns have good effects in society. Here I will use John Lott Jr and Gary Kleck as sources (help needed finding more).

Maybe I should have a historical section with info on the gun laws of Hitler and other tyrants?

Any ideas? Gimme your feedback, folks...
oh dear,

whilst i am not a redneck or hillbilly, i do have some cousins who are.;)

the big starting place in weapons theory begins with initiation of use of force.

who and under what circumstances can/should one use force?

defence of self? loved ones? property nesessary for continuation of life?


once one has made that determination. argument over the tools involved in the use of force is less arduous.

look for the essay "A nation of cowards."

HMM! Why is it that I sense a "troll", especially with the nick of "Classical Liberal"? Add to that, you're asking us "rednecks and hillbillies" for TECHNICAL advice? Durn, I done had to look up the meaning of "pragmatic"! I thought that it had something to do with a "prag" that was automatic, but I didn't figger out what a "prag" was!

Sorry if I have offended you, but I think that I'll pass on giving you my thoughts and suggestions.
I'd suggest that you include in your research both the "Federalist Papers" and the "Anti-Federalist Papers", from the period during which the Constitution was written. You'll find that leaders on both sides of the political aisle were unanimous in their conviction that arming the people was the only sure way to prevent future tyranny, and that this was an innate and inalienable right - which is why it's in the section of the Bill of Rights reserved for such pre-existing rights, not conferred by the Constitution, but recognized by it as already being in existence.
As you can see... you will probably not get the type of responses you were hoping for. Because you start your thread with "Greetings, American Rednecks and Hillbillies", you come off as being arrogant and condescending.

In case you’re not familiar with the term “troll”, as it has been applied hear, it means someone that is intentionally trying to upset the populace of the forum. It is not uncommon for Pro-RKBA forums to experience trolls. Generally they call us names, or just yell about how wrong we are. Additionally, they tend to be “liberals” or more correctly “leftists”, so your name is simply triggering some additional red flags. Trolls can also be as spies for the Anti-RKBA side, simply keeping track of our interest and trying to figure us out. I’m sure this happens on both sides.

Based on the rest of your post, it doesn’t necessarily appear that you meant any harm or disrespect. But you started your post by putting people on defense, and you’re sure to see some extra resistance, sarcasm, and general hostility as a result.

The fact that you are European is of little regard. However, there is a notion that you will not inherently understand our concepts or our view of our Second Amendment. This is simply considering the differences in cultures. The biggest notion that comes to mind is that many European nations see their people as Subjects, while those in the US are considered Citizens. I mean no disrespect, and I admit that I don’t know a lot about Sweden (Government, culture or people). This notion of Europeans is largely based upon the fact that the US is often made fun of. Consider that we are often called Cowboys or worse by those in Europe – and all of this from the differences between the two cultures. Europe sees us as cowboys, we see Europe as socialists - considering that the US stresses the individual, whilst Europe stresses the collective. Or at least this is my understanding of the situation.

You may want to respond with a more detailed insight of your understanding of the issues you are asking, as well as your position, and what you’re trying to accomplish with your report. Once you have done this, perhaps the forum will get past the stigma of a possible troll and actually provide you with some insight.


Indeed. I think I will discuss the Declaration of Independence and the COTUS in two places:

1) Interpretation of the 2A (ie proving that it does not mean "the right of the federal government to control the National Guard" by looking at ancillary documents, such as the Federalist papers, that clearly mention the right of the individual).
2) My discussion of natural rights theory. Europeans are used to the concept of states granting them rights (which is really a philosophical dead-end) so I must be extra-careful to get this section right.
Oh, dear. I can see humor does not carry very well on the Internet :neener:

If you're neither redneck nor hillbilly, simply disregard my greeting. Personally, I like when people call me a redneck.

As for liberalism, well, this may come as a shock to you but it does not mean what you think it does. So if you're going to chide me for being a socialist commie lib-uh-ral or whatever, then I will just laugh at you and think you a silly, silly man.

As for my understanding of the issues, I would say I have a solid grasp.
I didn't mean that that was how I felt or thought of Europeans, just that some people do have that view. As in it is a common stereotype - It's just a view of some.

I know that "Classical Liberal' has a totally different context than that referring to socialists. I'm just stating that some automatically correlate any form of "liberal" as being in regards to "leftists/socialists".

The founding fathers of this country were classical liberals. Today's classical liberals are pretty much the libertarians - in which my thinking is heavily aligned with.

Sweden has law schools?

What ever happened to the good old days when they just settled things with trial by combat?

What do I know, I'm Danish and have a major attitude problem with other "Scandahoovians" anyway.

Especially the rude and condescending ones that want other people to do their research work for them.

Could always Google GunFacts as a starting point I guess.
I'm half Danish myself, actually (or whole Danish, depending on definition).

Anyway, I'm not asking people to do my research work. I was merely asking for some advice, feedback and ideas.
Someone in the US government wrote a very good piece on the history of the 2nd amendment. I think it came out of the Attorney General's office. Perhaps someone with a memory will recall it and supply a link.
Why ask us hairy knuckle dragging neanderthals for advice? Isn't that the general perception the sqeaky clean liberals with their noses high in the air have about us savage, unsophisticated unga bungas? Our advice to you shouldn't amount to a hill of beans.
Try Lew Rockwell's site

I interpreted your name in the same way as Cyanide 357... "classical liberal" is close to today's libertarians, who are in favor of government not bothering the citizenry.

In that vein, a good place to find libertarian essays on the subject is http://www.lewrockwell.com. A quick search (using the google box at the bottom of the page) yielded a couple of good sounding hits like "Gun Control Does Not Work" and "Gun Control and Genocide". Generally the essays on this site are very well reasoned and have good references which may aid in your research.

Good luck,
I would start with a historical perspective on the formation of our government. It was based on "checks and balances" as mentioned in some of the reading above. WE THE PEOPLE is a part of the government so aside from the different branches having checks and balances over each other THE PEOPLE have the greatest say. In most instances the First and 15th (plus additions) take care of a majority of unpopular opinion but if it was to become too oppressive we have the ability to react as a people based on the Second.

What government wants that hanging above them? One that was formed By the People, for the People.

Where in Sweden are you? Have you been able to make it to the U.S.?
I'm in Scania, the southern part. Sweden's Alabama :)

Yes, I've been to the US once, when I was 6. Thinking of going there this year but what's making me uneasy at the prospect is the thought of your fascist airport security policies (which are implemented in many other countries also).

The main reason I don't travel much, actually.
It's okay, CL, I know enough Swedes that I smiled when I read your first post. :)
We would love to help you write a great essay but if you address the forum that way, do you expect us to give you a friendly response?

a) There's nothing wrong with rural people. Rural people tend to have less experience in travel, less education, less money and less city manners, but they also are the ones who grow our food, are the source of our culture (where do you think Beethoven got so many of his inspirations from?), and are part of our society. Anyway, there are plenty of scoundrels with money, education and city manners.

b) I'm guessing that most of the people on this board are not rural people. Some of us, like me, live in some of America's biggest, most expensive and most sophisticated cities and jet around Europe for half the year (I've probably been to more European countries than you have). Some of us, like me, have higher degrees from top universities and have traveled extensively. Some of us are not American. There are people on this board of all different religions and races.

Yes, I've been to the US once, when I was 6. Thinking of going there this year but what's making me uneasy at the prospect is the thought of your fascist airport security policies (which are implemented in many other countries also).

Yeah they are quite offensive and upsetting. I wish they would leave us alone. The whole TSA thing is a big make-work program.
Greetings Swedish Pansy Commie.

For your philosophy section, check out the book "Nation of Cowards" by Jeffery Snyder. This is a detailed treatment of the ethics of gun ownership and self-defense (and a strong critique of anti-gun arguments).
Should I mention the Miller case? How should I explain it?

What about Waco? Should I mention that as valid resistance against tyranny?
Also, should I use Lott as a source? Though I have both of his books, I cannot vouch for the correctness of his findings.
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