Rule 5: Don't Carry FALs While You're Tripping On LSD

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It's hard to imagine how handling guns on large doses of powerful drugs could be a good idea. A few pills or some weed is one thing but when your perseption is all changed so you think you can communicate with trees and the clouds have taken on strange looks like Greek Gods looking down at you... - having guns isn't such a good idea.

Of course no drugs are worse in terms of gun handling then alcohol and the dissacosiatives like DXM, PCP and ketamine - alcohol leads to poor judgement and the dissacosiatives may make you not really emotionally know other people are human(or that your head is infact part of your body)
They damn well better have made sure none of them had any live ammunition available to them, before commencing the exercise.
Don't you just love how they used to test unknown drugs on soldiers?

Seriously. Were the people who organized this experiment out of their minds? "Hey, man, this stuff is good, let's give it to soldiers and see what happens!" And they discovered it made soldiers militarily ineffective! Wow, they amazing things we learn through capital-S Science!

Back in the '60s, I think one of "60 Minutes" first segments was on chemical weapons. They showed a guy shooting an M1 Garand. Then he was sprayed with BZ(?) which I believe is aerosol LSD. He couldn't even get the clip into the top of the rifle.
I have an NBC background from my USMC days and I have that video and many other ones like it from the U.S. Army. They were testing the potency and effects of a weaponized grade of BZ which is, chemically, almost identical to PCP, but much more powerfull. The U.S. abandoned BZ as a weapon because the intent was to incapacitate the enemy so they can be disarmed without hostility, but it turned out that soldiers were not incapacitated (no loss of motor skills, they just act funny) and could be unpredictable. Not to mention the feeling of invinceability and halucinations that come from the drugs. The dose that soldiers were given were many times, sometimes hundreds of times more potent than what people normaly take on the street.
U.S. soldiers were given live rounds to fire on the range under the effects of BZ to see if there was a difference. There was not. The gov't expirements with this stuff and others (LSD was created by the U.S. as a weapon) are actually quite sad because they maimed many soldiers for life due to repetitive, high level doses of these drugs. I have videos of former soldiers who still swat at imagined spiders on the walls and do all sorts of irrational things. Most were unaware of what they were taking, they just had to shutup and do as they were told.
SOP in the USMC for BZ/LSD (WHOA!) casualties is to take away the Marines weapons and tie them to a tree!
Then he was sprayed with BZ(?) which I believe is aerosol LSD.

Heck, just shoot a big ol' bomb of the stuff over into Iran then walk on in and jap-slap those bastards - heh. And while at it shoot one into my city too... :D
Tis a funny drug. Not one one should take afore a Make Me Laugh competition.
LOL That clip always makes me laugh, those poor solders are having SOOOO much fun on that acid trip.

Ctone03 said:
...LSD was created by the U.S. as a weapon...
Horse-pucky. LSD was discovered by accident by Albert Hoffmann in 1938 while he was in the employment of Sandoz Laboratories. He was researching derivatives of ergot alkaliods for medical uses. IIRC he was looking for compounds that would ease the trials of labor in woman. When he discovered the phychoactive properties of LSD five years later, one of his trials on himself resulting in him taking a bicycle ride after a dosage.

Riding a bicycle through WWII Europe.

While tripping on acid.


I have videos of former soldiers who still swat at imagined spiders on the walls and do all sorts of irrational things. Most were unaware of what they were taking, they just had to shutup and do as they were told.
Really sad that. Volunteering for such and having it bite you is one thing, being ordered to do so without knowing what the heck it is you're being dosed with another thing entirely. :(

But you never can be too careful with those phase spiders. Always popping in and out of synch with the rest of our reality. I can hear them in the walls at night, whispering and conspiring to overthrow the government and eat the bindings out of my books. :neener:
WOW!! Good thing it wasn't the BROWN acid, no telling WHAT might have happened. :eek:

Yes, apparently one of the first things Hoffman discovered was that you should never ride a bike high on acid. :p
Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

The dose that soldiers were given were many times, sometimes hundreds of times more potent than what people normaly take on the street.

I'm going to need to see some science before I buy that one. Unless the body has a limit to how much LSD it'll process at any one time, 100's of times a normal dose would effect your perceptions to the point that you'd see a difference on the range...
Sindawe is correct - LSD was made by Hoffman(who is still alive to this day!) but was used is stupid ways by the government later on.

It's hard to imagine that you could even hold a gun on a massive LSD dose. After you get into the multi mg dose range you are in a smoked DMT sort of world and have no idea what is happening in the physical world.

Such powerful doses should only be taken with a good trip sitter - not in some stupid military enviroment - no wonder it messed up people when they had no idea what they were in for and no one to help them.
I just can't see any test administrator being stupid enough to give loaded firearms to a bunch of soldiers tripped out on massive doses of LSD, and told to fire at a target. It just seems like it would be far, far too dangerous.
It just seems like it would be far, far too dangerous.

So is repeatedly administering large doses of a dangerous hallucinogen to your soldiers just to see what happens. Yet the powers that be weren't real concerned about that.

They've been testing stuff on soldiers since World War II. You test it on prisoners, convicted rapists and murderers, and that's wrong. But hey, it's okay to test it on soldiers, right? *sigh*
I did a lot of acid in 1969 and 1970, and I'm very glad that I didn't have access to guns at that time.

Between the LSD tests, the atomic bomb tests, agent orange, and God knows what else, the DOD certainly seems to have had the best interests of our men in uniform at heart. :(
Don't you just love how they used to test unknown drugs on soldiers? Maybe, at least, they were volunteers?

it seems some people still believe that the government (and Defense Department especially) actually cares about YOU, the individual.

Thousands have died needlessly...
Youthful indiscretions

I can only speak from my experience, but while tripping I couldn't even work the CD player to change the CD. I couldn't figure out the buttons and the little lights were just too much.

Now smoking weed and/or drinking while shooting is another story altogether. We used to do that all the time.

I would love to try lazertag or paintball on acid but alas I'm too old...and mature, yeah that's it. ;)
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