Principal Does Not Like My Desktop Wallpaper

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Does not compute:

In NY state and Pennsylvania they have laws similar to ours. * Those states and some cities around the U.S. openly flout the 2nd Amendment.

Pennsylvania's VERY gun friendly, and its laws bear zero resemblance to CA or NY. :scrutiny:

(*gwa45 note: Teapot's Canada)
Here's mine at work:
I've posted here several times on THR when bragging about some of my "Toys". BTW, I have dual monitors and the image is on both, so while I'm surfing gun websites, they can see some of my guns.
originally posted by History Prof
Again, my original post was not a flame at you. You seem to have taken it as such. My apologies if you did

Nope, no offense taken. Re-reading my posts, I can see where a bit of frustration leaked through at the thought that this sort of silliness would not be corrected. Wisconsin education does have a fairly powerful union presence, with all the ups and downs that come with. This "seems" like a situation where a strong union would work for the forces of good. You are absolutely correct that the outcome of RioShooter's situation is dependent on the strength of his local representation.
While it is true that at school, or any employer, they may limit what you put on your (their) computer.

Still, you may have some options if you want gun related images.

What do you teach? Find some photos or art that can be related to your subject AND is gun related. An bit of artwork depicting a hunt. Something depicting a literary scene (with a gun). Soldiers on patrol. Even if you aren't a social studies teacher you may be able to get away with a photo of our military guys carrying their weapons, it is patriotic, and if you are a vet especially it will be hard for them to say anything. At least, you can probably display the 2nd amendment (though, if they consider that political and the students can see it you may need to forget that one).
That is a terribly irresponsible thing to do, having an SKS as your wallpaper! You are lucky you were let off so easy and that no one was hurt, if I were you I would immediately send an apology letter to the principal!

Hope everyones sarcasm meter is working today :)
Picture "Encourages" Kids

Today I asked the principal why the picture was a safety hazard. He replied that the picture "encourages kids." I agreed to change the picture. This guy is someone you don't want to cross. He had his best friend removed from the faculty because of a difference in opinion over a policy issue.

BTW, I teach Technology Education (used to be industrial arts). When I teach a unit on aeronautics, no one has objected to posters of fighters, bombers, and rockets in the classroom.

Many of my students are interested in firearms, and they could be used to teach physics, chemistry, woodworking, metalworking, history, and many other academic areas. It's unfortunate that I can't use firearm information to motivate my kids, because motivation is really the key to learning.:banghead:
TheArchDuke said:
""""SuperiorMarksman_18 wrote:

>My dad calls it the "pussification" of America.<

Puttin' you on notice that I intend to steal that and use it at my first opportunity...""""

I think its Michael Savage that refers to the "Wussification of America". I guess that's the FCC-approved version.

I had an animation of an STI as my screen saver and MY WIFE (who bought my first gun for me as a Christmas gift) freaked out. I still can't figure it out. I can only think she's worried about what neighbors or my daughter's friends my think. Oh well.
Get a very large poster of the Constitution, add to it the phrase, What part of THIS do you not understand? Post it to your class room door. Ask the principal what is offensive about the sign, then ask him if it is true, what right he has to limit your speech.
"he stated that my desktop wallpaper was a safety violation." A picture of a gun may be considered 'brandishing' in his state.
You could ask the guy if seeing a pretty girl encourages kids to rape... if so, tell him you agree, and he should order all the female students to wear burkhas. Then say "but what about gay students? They might find males attractive..." and suggest that he wear a burkha, too. If he balks, say that a dunce cap would do just as well.
All of those flippant replies probably hit the

proverbial nail on the head. But, sometimes it is a matter of survival. If you are going to risk your job is it worth over a certain principle??? I cannot answer that question for you but....we all have to somehow get by in this world and each of us has a different opinion about how to do that. As was previously have to pick your battles.
if the government ever took our guns, which to me seems nearly impossible. then they would regret it as soon as the next war rolled around and took place on home turf. that would be the ultimate slap in the face to the government.:banghead: :banghead: :cuss: there will probably never be "world peace", so arm yourselves, and dont be afraid to show that you shoot.
Who knows, maybe someday you will be the one to save your principals a$$ .:rolleyes:
Yeah, they banned my Guns & Ammo magazines and NRA shirt from HISD school grounds for "promoting violence." Sheeple, ugh... :scrutiny: :barf: :mad:

You wouldn't happen to be in high school, now would you? Thats where its worst.
Your principal would have loved my 2nd Amend. lesson on the Clinton Gun Ban. I draw a full-auto M16 on the board and then erase all the bits that the 1934 NFA and the Clinton Ban deemed bad and illegal. Then we have a discussion on how these changes affected crime. I usually get wide-spread agreement that Clinton had idiots writing laws for him.


>proverbial nail on the head. But, sometimes it is a matter of survival. If you are going to risk your job is it worth over a certain principle??? I cannot answer that question for you but....we all have to somehow get by in this world and each of us has a different opinion about how to do that. As was previously have to pick your battles.<

Seems like it was just a little over a couple hundred years ago that several upstanding gents staked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor
on a principle by signing their names to a document that we know as the Declaration of Independence.

Whatever happened to men like that? Where are they now? Are there any left?
Bill of Rights

I suggest replacing it with a picture of the Bill of Rights. Preferably with just the first TWO amendments. Likee very much to hear what the reaction to that would be.
Definitely definitely change your wallpaper to this:

"if the government ever took our guns, which to me seems nearly impossible. then they would regret it as soon as the next war rolled around and took place on home turf. that would be the ultimate slap in the face to the government. there will probably never be "world peace", so arm yourselves, and dont be afraid to show that you shoot.
Who knows, maybe someday you will be the one to save your principals a$$ ."

It wouldn't get as far as the "next war that comes to our turf", the mere undertaking of such a thing would result in a civil war like no other on the continent. I hope it never goes there. England has been pulling that garbage on her subjects for 100 years. They've begged firearms from us to defend the Queen, only to disarm them again. Thats BS. There are no winners in war.
They've begged firearms from us to defend the Queen
In the interests of historical accuracy, this occurred during the reign of King George VI. George V was on the throne during WWI. The British did not have a female monarch between 1901 when Victoria died and 1952 when Elizabeth was crowned.

Now we return to our scheduled programming.
Hey Fosbery, a valid point. However the world has moved on since 1934. Society has become violent. Just why this is so seems to be a mystery as there are simply too many factors to account for.
I have a few theories: The automobile enabled people to move about the country seeking better opportunities. Perhaps never settling in one place makes one a perpetual outsider. Not knowing your neighbour makes it easy to visit violence upon him , more so than someone you know.
Big cities teeming with people, all strangers, leads to stress and an increasing crime rate.
The extended family is long gone in the west and even the nuclear family is just holding it's own. How are children to grow up feeling secure if the fabric of the family is being shredded.
Work; Americans and other westerners spend much of their energy working. They feel they sacrifice their time for their family's sake. Children don't need money, they need parents. Take away the parents and the children are raised by themselves, other ignored kids (from the child's point of view) and the school system. In this day and age both parents work and day care seems to be the true nurturers. Is it any wonder that children that are ignored and bored get into trouble with drugs, violence and crime?
Society seems so pre-occupied with earning money, career progression and posessions that it has forgoten its' true function; to socialize the children in order to ensure a healthy society in the future.
Any group that is marginalized for whatever reason is going to resent it sooner or later and act out in a negative way.
Poverty has increased in that the poor today as compared with the poor of the 1920's seem much better off. However the poor today expect more from life as they can see what others have all around them and in the media so these expectations cause envy.
I guess what I am saying is that fast paced living leads to problems. Allowing people to cart around their Favourite GPMG's bolted to their Ford 150's will not be acceptable today as some in the population would use it for bad ends. This is why the anti-gunners will not allow a schoolboy to buy a vicars or even bring a toy gun to school.

Hope this is to the point.

Sorry everyone I didn't mean to write all this. It just got me to thinking
Oh, I'd like to add that I would like a GPMG to bolt to a Ford F-150 if I were allowed to buy the GPMG and had the money for both.
Hey Fosbery, a valid point. However the world has moved on since 1934. Society has become violent.

I'm always hearing this. But then nobody can ever answer this simple question: then why did the worst school violence in history happen in 1927 in a rural Michigan town?

The Bath School disaster was a series of bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, USA, on May 18, 1927, which killed 45 people and injured 58. Most of the victims were children in second to sixth grades attending the Bath Consolidated School. The bombings constituted the deadliest act of mass murder in a school in U.S. history, claiming more than three times as many victims as the Columbine High School massacre.

The perpetrator was school board member Andrew Kehoe, who was upset by a property tax that had been levied to fund the construction of the school building. He blamed the additional tax for financial hardships which led to foreclosure proceedings against his farm. These events apparently provoked Kehoe to plan his attack.

On the morning of May 18, Kehoe first killed his wife and then set his farm buildings on fire. As fire fighters arrived at the farm, an explosion devastated the north wing of the school building, killing many of the people inside. Kehoe used a detonator to ignite dynamite and hundreds of pounds of pyrotol which he had secretly planted inside the school over the course of many months. As rescuers started gathering at the school, Kehoe drove up, stopped, and detonated a bomb inside his shrapnel-filled vehicle, killing himself and the school superintendent and killing and injuring several others. During the rescue efforts, searchers discovered an additional 500 pounds (230 kg) of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol planted throughout the basement of the school's south wing.

+1 on Teapot's essay

and there is some research to indicate that what he is saying is true. As far as why there was a worse act of violence the Columbine in 1927 does not disprove the essence of what Teapot said. One or a relatively few incidents do not disprove the fact of what is happening in the USA today. I am 63 and can even remember a time when I was able to support a spouse and two children on my income as a laborer on truck dock in the 1970s. We bought a house, modest, but we were buying it and had one car. But we were doing it. Can't do that now. When I was a kid in the 1940s-50s an employed wife was almost an exception. Anyway, I ramble...listen to Teapot.
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