Oxygenated Spring Water Does Not Freeze?

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Jul 12, 2005
Calgary, near Rocky Mountains - Canada
Cleaning the garage, and it's been -10 or 15 degrees lately. I was moving a bunch of garbage, when I picked up a water bottle that wasn't frozen. Every other bottle, even 4L jugs, were frozen solid. This one is a 1L with a sport-cap, and it only had small hints of ice forming inside - but unlike normal ice this stuff was malleable.

Perplexed, I look at the label and it says:

Oxygenated Spring Water
By Fibremann
(ozonated non-carbonated)

Does anyone have further information on this? Is this stuff safe to drink?
Never even knew something like this was made.

Probably just freezing point depression from the other junk in it, such as the 700% MORE OXYGEN!~`111 claimed by the three or four sites Ive looked at so far...
Dissolving almost anything in water will cause "freezing point depression" (this is why a mix of 50/50 antifreeze in your car will keep it from freezing to -40)...However, I'm surprised that dissolved oxygen alone (a certain amount of which would normally be found in any water) would have such a significant effect. Any other "additivess" in there? Florine? Chlorine?
Anything dissolved in water will lower the freezing point. It doesn't even matter what it is, only the amount. (if I remember my high school chemistry correctly)

And ozone is very bad for you. I wouldn't touch that water. And to dissolve any more O2 than normal water would require higher pressure. It's got something else in there.
Agreed. The only way you can dissolve more gaseous oxygen in water would be to pressurize it and keep the water sealed. Open the cap and psssht! There goes your oxygen.

My guess? It's probably got minute quantities of H2O2 in there. Which will, mind you, degrade into ozone (IIRC) and plain water over time, not to mention in sunlight. It will also lower the freezing point of the water slightly, but not much.

I wouldn't drink a whole heck of a lot of that stuff, if I were you. The "700 percent more oxygen!!!!!" claims have already been thoroughly debunked in the good-for-you department (net result: zero) but who knows what else is in that stuff that may not be good for you in large doses.
There is a phenomena where highly purified de-ionized water will not freeze at 0 C, unless a crystal seed is introduced.

There needs to be a container with no rough spots to start the crystal seeds as well. It is a cool science experiment where you super cool the water, then drop a chip of ice in, and the whole thing freezes in an instant. I forget what temperature below 0 C it can be cooled to. I also don't remember how the water is deionized, but I think it involves repeated freezing and thawing.

But as others have said, impurities in the water, such as salt, will certainly depress the freezing point as well.
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide...heavy water is D2O.

Im kind of curious now...did it pfft when you opened it?
Isn't H2O2 Heavy Water?

No, it is common hydrogen peroxide.

Some water sources are pretty low in dissolved O2, so getting 7X as much might not mean all that much.
It didn't pfft, it was actually a little under-pressure inside.

This may sound stupid, but I never though about looking for ingredients on a water bottle before. I normally just drink tap water, so have mercy I'm bit of a noob. There are indeed ingredients listed, total dissolved solids 88mg/L; Fl 0.08 , Cl 1.1, Na 0.8, Ca 22.2, Mg 6.5, K 0.5,HCO3 90. (all mg/L). Ingredients: Water, Ozone, Oxygen.

Tegemu I shoot outdoors, because I can get to an outdoor range in the mountains almost as fast as to an indoor one across the city, so water in the winter has interest to me!
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There are indeed ingredients listed, total dissolved solids 88mg/L; Fl 0.08 , Cl 1.1, Na 0.8, Ca 22.2, Mg 6.5, K 0.5,HCO3 90. (all mg/L). Ingredients: Water, Ozone, Oxygen.

All of these will depress the freezing point. there are formulas for how much, but you'd have to digging to find them. Ozone won't hurt you, its now commonly used in swimming pools, instead of chlorination.

As mentioned, "heavy" water is simply water with Deuterium (a rare isotope of hydrogen) in place of the hydrogen atom. Won't hurt you either (there's a very small amount in every bit of water you drink)
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