Found a new video

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What, exactly, does this video (coating bullets with Spam) have to do with the mission of this forum?

I agree. It was pretty cool, but not nice.
Lighten up a little car knocker. I just found the video to be amusing and thought I would share it. If you don't like it, spout off about it, I didn't make the video.

You obviously felt the video was appropriate to THR and demonstrated that by posting the link. I don't feel it is appropriate and stated so. I feel that the video is in poor taste and pointless but not to the extent that I would report it to a moderator; therefore my comment. In any event, I think the video would be more appropriate to the Legal and Political Forum rather than the General Gun Discussion Forum.

We each have our opinion and should be able to express them within the stated rules of THR.
You know how much hatred their has to be in someones heart for them to wish hell upon someone? Granted, I am an infidel hated by Muslim extremists, but I am a man of the book only by the grace of God, but it is nonetheless sad. But those who do not have faith clearly will not understand fully the significance of this video.
I liked it and saw nothing wrong with it being in the general gun discussion area.
I said the government should have done this from the very start, they want to fight dirty, then you Psyche the terrorist out, even if you don't all you have to do is make them thing you did.:evil:
I see nothing at all wrong with using this type of psyops. We should post a vid on the web for them to review showing a munitions factory making rounds with a very small cavity in the center of the round filled with pork.

These fanatics profess to be so committed to their religion that they will kill innocents and die to advance it they must believe the dogma about becoming unclean and being refused entrance to paradise. If they don't really believe it then they are not engaging in "holy jihad" but just killing for
the thrill of killing. I say order up a few million rounds of spam bullets, make sure the islamofanatics know about it and see what happens. I bet the UN
would scream so loud you could hear it without benefit of media.

General Pershing found himself having to deal with terrorists. He had a unique way of making his point:
Plagued by Islamic terrorists in the southern Philippines, U.S. Army General John "Blackjack" Pershing's troops captured six Muslim guerrillas in 1911. "You'll never see Paradise," one officer told the militants before five of them were shot with bullets dipped in pig fat and later shrouded in pigskins and buried among pork entrails. The surviving terrorist was allowed to escape, whereupon he told his comrades what he witnessed. The jihad stopped immediately, and peace prevailed for years.

Sometimes you have to communicate on the only wavelength available.

When horror is all that communicates, then horror is all you can use.

Too bad it has to be that way.
Jihad Culture


When dealing with a culture (or sub-culture) that prizes death in the line of duty (martyrdom), the usual means of deterrence don't work.

You don't get any traction by threatening to kill someone if he actually wants to die.

The threat of death has long been seen as the most severe threat you can make. When death is welcomed, even sought, a different deterrent is needed.

As with any threat, all you want is for them to stop.

You take the action necessary to stop the threat.

With an individual, you can threaten death. If he doesn't stop, you deliver death.

Now, conventionally, that has acted as a cultural deterrent when used against enemies who just wanted real estate.

When the enemy has a goal of complete domination, including extermination of the opposition, and is willing -- even hoping -- to die in the process, the game changes radically.

When contemplating the force needed to stop a foe, when your own extermination is on the line, you don't have time to get squishy.

If that culture lives in fear of dying in the dark, you do your primary fighting at night. If the phobia is plaid skirts, your men wear kilts with the McGregor tartan.

Geneva never had a provision for the kind of thing we're dealing with now.

Our choices are basically, get a handle that gives real leverage over the enemy, or allow the enemy to have the upper hand and allow them to dictate the terms on which the war will be prosecuted.

If the only thing that penetrates is a cultural horror, then that's the thing you're left with.

If you can't get them to back off, eventually you're going to be forced to do something nuclear.

Deterrence can be achieved through respect or fear. Respect is already gone. Fear is something they experience very differently from us.

Unless we just want to give up, we have to achieve deterrence.

Unfortunately, the usual wavelengths used for civilized discourse among nations are not available to us here.

What we're left with is a very very limited number of things that scare them enough to do the job.

I wish it could be some other way.
The surviving terrorist was allowed to escape, whereupon he told his comrades what he witnessed. The jihad stopped immediately, and peace prevailed for years.

Sorta like Vlad Tepes and his Forest of the Impaled.

But I must admit, it (the video) is not very High Road. Perhaps an effective idea.... just not High Road.
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I'm sorry, I object, and it shows no respect whatsoever for our own Muslims here, either on this forum, or in the US.

Purposefully wounding someone with a bullet designed to consign them to hell, given their religious beliefs, is beyond unacceptable. And don't hand me any crap about total warfare. This is irrational hatred given license to sprout like a noxious weed

Well I am sure our own Muslims can see that this isn't directed at them since they won't be on the battlefield.

But really, racist stuff is funny if only because everyone is sooo anti-racist that they are actually perpetrating racism. :D The last 20 years everything on TV has been "erase racism" and other excessive PC lingo. I think most of the youth are no longer "racist" in the old fashioned sense of the word.

Its the 21st Century. Laugh a little.
This one is closed and it's a shame it wasn't reported so it could have been closed sooner.

Think of these terms while you're relishing the thought of dipping rounds in pork. Friendly Fire. Collateral Damage. Noncombatant Casualties. Damning innocents wounded due to a stray bullet is reprehensible. Laughing over it is tragic.
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