This happened to me

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Ol' Bob has something to say to you.
All societies are based on rules to protect pregnant women and young children. All else is surplusage, excrescence, adornment, luxury, or folly which can - and must - be dumped in emergency to preserve this prime function. As racial survival is the only universal morality, no other basic is possible. Attempts to formulate a "perfect society" on any foundation other than "Women and children first!" is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal. Nevertheless, starry-eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly -- and no doubt will keep on trying.
You did good in my book.

If I were in your position, my biggest fear would be his taking the woman and child hostage. I'd send my female companion out of the restaurant (tell her to get in the car, lock it and call the police) and hope I had the cajones to did what you did. If I was carrying, I probably wouldn't have drawn until he turned towards me with the knife and probably would have tried unsuccessfully to calm the situation verbally before offering the initial challenge. "Hey Buddy ... think about this. How 'bout we talk, huh?"
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There's no way I could have just sat there and not done something . The guy sounds crazy. With him running into a crowded place and beating on a woman with a baby I don't know if drawing down on him would have made a difference or not. I think shooting him would have been a nightmare for you probably. There's no telling what was going on between those two and, more than likely, despite what the guy was doing the woman would probably have been on his side!:rolleyes:
Pepper spray anyone?

I'd just spray him, no verbal warning or notification required.

"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
No one has yet hit on the crux of the matter....

TRIDENT: Denny- my friend was a petite female, she made sure the cavalry was on the way.

Seems like it serves you right for taking a date to Burger King. :D

The old saying is, "Some things are hard to do, but easy to live with. Some things are easy to do, but hard to live with."

What you did was (IMHO) completely the right thing to do. Ignoring your personal safety to a great extent, you took a stand against a tremendous wrong. I have no respect for a man who would not have acted in that situation.

As a previous post stated, the world is a better place with someone like you in it. Amen to that!

Now, for the gun issue... If you had your CCW with you in that situation and you came to the defense of the woman (disparity of force put her life in extreme danger), I believe that it would have been proper and, indeed, prudent to have pulled it out the minute the man turned toward you EVEN BEFORE YOU SAW THE KNIFE! The knife would have been the signal to use your weapon (remember - 21 feet covered in one second).

That's just me. Others have different opinions, of course, but this is exactly the kind of situation that responsible gun ownership can help to improve society.
Thanks to all for the good words.
HS/LD - LOL! That was funny. It sucks being a broke college student, glad those days are behind me. No more fast food!
IMO No matter what some of these others say I would have NEVER drawn in that situation. Starting a gunfight in a playground is not a good idea in my book. Chances are him charging at you with a knife would put the women and children directly behind the BG and in your line of fire, weather it be if you miss or if your bullet simply passes through the BG and continues on.

IMO What you did is exactly right in turning his attention off the woman and on to you....If you pissed him off enough he would have chased you all the way outside the Burger joint where assuming you had enough lead on him you could turn with your firearm and order him to stop.

If he has one cell in his brain he should stop immediately because even one celled idiots know you don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

This is just my OPINION! Suggestions welcome....
I don't have much to add, but one thing my 20/20 hindsight picked up on was this:

"Hey A-hole, cut that sh_t out!!!"

Do you really want people at your trial to say they only remember you screaming profanity before shooting/stabbing/assaulting? IMHO, yelling "STOP" a few times is the best idea in any heated situation.

Glad everything worked out as well as it did. (14 year sentence... I wonder if he's still in there? :uhoh: )
I've dealt with too many of just this kind of thing. It is the toughest thing about carrying. There is no good way to handle this. My moral code will not allow me to do nothing, but I think I would have to limit my interention to something less than deadly force. I have to agree with skunkabilly, the safe think would be to not get involved. We weren't there, you were. I imagine it was a good thing for this women, even if she doesn't realise it.

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