These NRA Members aren't confused

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Oct 24, 2003
Info to counter the false claims by NRA detractors re: HR 2640...

"NICS Improvement Amendments Act" Not Gun Control!

GOA Has Mental Health Problems Of It's Own - Compulsive Fibbing


Responding to Tragedy: CRASS V. CLASS

Mike Haas
NRA Benefactor Member, volunteering as...
Electronic Communications Director, NRA Members' Councils of California - aka
President, NRA Members' Council of West Contra Costa County
NRA-ILA EVC, CA Congressional District 7
Webmaster, Fifty Caliber Institute,
Webmaster for NRA Attorneys in CA.,
Owner and Author,
You may enjoy some of my personal web sites...
Thanks for posting this Mike.

I am so mad at the GOA and the people who keep posting that crap here, especially since I am their prime target (I take antidepressants, which I will soon be stopping). I'm sick of them trying to scare me into believing this bill would take away my right to buy guns. If you think it would do that, post the text of the bill that supports it. With all this recent crap going on I don't hold the GOA in a much higher esteem than the Brady foks. :fire:
This bill will do nothing to take the guns out of the hands of ordinary people. But when it finally passes the antis will crow about how painless this new law is and use the momentum they've derived to introduce newer, better and even more 'reasonable' bills.

The bill

the bill might not say it does anything more or less to help gun owners

but the second amendment says in plain english "shall not be infringed"

how has that stopped even the Federal Government, which according to the supreme court, are primarily the only ones who have to follow the Constitution? (exc. certain 14A cases)

and its almost like the 10A doesn't EXIST...
With all this recent crap going on I don't hold the GOA in a much higher esteem than the Brady foks.

Neither do I. I do not approve of their tactics and I believe that if it is left up to them to defend our rights, the RKBA will vanish in no time.

Yet by opposing restrictions that truly are reasonable, you are doing just that; painting firearms owners as wacko extremists who want felons and the mentally unstable to have access to deadly weapons.
This bill will do nothing to take the guns out of the hands of ordinary people. But when it finally passes the antis will crow about how painless this new law is and use the momentum they've derived to introduce newer, better and even more 'reasonable' bills.
And crying wolf about what this bill does, helps us stop bad legislation, how?

The question isn't really about "momentum." GOA isn't saying that "this isn't a bad bill, but it's a slippery slope and therefore we should oppose it" They're saying that the bill does lots of terrible stuff that it does NOT do, and that's what I have a problem with.

And back to the parable about the boy who cried wolf...if I read this GOA press release, and find what they say about the bill isn't true, why should I trust their next press release? That breach of OUR trust ultimately does more harm to the RKBA than being honest about this bill would.
Yet by opposing restrictions that truly are reasonable, you are doing just that; painting firearms owners as wacko extremists who want felons and the mentally unstable to have access to deadly weapons.

Funny how the boundaries of what is considered 'reasonable' have shifted so much and continue to do so. Next thing you know, it will be reasonable to jump through bureaucratic hoops to carry a concealed pistol. Oh wait, nevermind.

I guess 'Shall not be infringed' means different things to different folks.
Funny how the boundaries of what is considered 'reasonable' have shifted so much and continue to do so. Next thing you know, it will be reasonable to jump through bureaucratic hoops to carry a concealed pistol. Oh wait, nevermind.

I guess 'Shall not be infringed' means different things to different folks.

I don't like gun laws any more than the nest guy but, getting our hackles up over this is like getting upset a new law changing a 25MPH zone to a 25MPH zone.
I'm a pro-gun wacko. I'm a constitutional minarchist. I'm an absolutist. I'm not your enemy, the idea that you have to "compromise" is.

The NRA said:
Now that the NICS is in place, it makes sense to ensure that this system works as instantly, fairly, and accurately as possible.

i.e. because we dropped the ball and we have this crap, might as well try and make it smell better.

Neither do I. I do not approve of their tactics and I believe that if it is left up to them to defend our rights, the RKBA will vanish in no time.

Yeah, because the NRA has done such a bang-up job over the years. I'll just be going down to buy my MP5 this weekend. Oh...
It seems to me that those having no problem with this piece of legislation are really trying to appease the antis and grabbers in hopes of them being satisfied with the gain, though it may very well be a negligible one.

Appeasement has been shown to be a poor method of dealing with your enemies, be they philosophical enemies or otherwise, yet many keep treading down that path.

NFA 34, GCA 68, AWB 94 (it may have expired, but it will surely be back)... Have we learned nothing? The state/city laws are worse, especially when you look at places like Chicago, California, and NYC.

We need less gun control, not more. Anything that adds to gun control even one little bit is not something that I can support.
"Yet by opposing restrictions that truly are reasonable, you are doing just that;"

Reasonable for whom? You? Me? Sarah Brady? Thomas Jefferson? Just who is this omniscient being that walks among us and decrees what is and what isn't 'reasonable?'
Judging from history and past experiences, this bill or one of its future amendments WILL bite us in the butt. Not this year and maybe not next year, but after all this hullabaloo dies down some congressional clown will bring out a new bill that will "enhance" some portion of this one. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the future bill is already written and now resides in a safe somewhere, waiting, waiting, waiting for us to forget. And we will forget too. Some of us because we just get old and our minds get filled with too much "stuff," but others will forget because they'll be too embarrassed to remember all this.
As for what my enemy thinks of me: I would like to have him/her think I am intractible, unwilling to give up, willing to fight to the bitter end and beyond. Whether GOA does that better than NRA is strictly a matter of opinion, though I believe GOA has fewer highly paid officers than the NRA.
I don't really care for the Idea of throwing money at a bad law to "fix" it.
But since it passed, I have a question.
When is it supposed to fix it?
When can I expect my name to be taken OFF the NICS list?
That is what it is supposed to do, right?
I'll be watching, but not holding my breath.

"Knee jerk reaction Bills that are introduced after gun tragedies are nothing but feel-good measures that deny law-abiding citizens their gun rights." Nobody can deny that the entire reason this bill is being considered is as a result of the Virginia Tech murders. The NRA is Right, don't trust this bill passed in the heat of the moment.

What's more important right now? The removal of the unconstitutional restrictions on keeping and bearing arms or adjusting a statute that would have done nothing to stop the Virginia Tech tragedy as Virginia was already supplying this data. It's feel good legislation and the NRA Zealots are doing nothing but to undermine their own cause.

Hey Chris Cox, Stay out of the Parker case and let those who care about the right to keep and bear arms do their jobs! Try spending your resources on legislation that will reapeal the unconstitutional laws now on the books which the NRA has helped to put there and is now well documented that the NRA is part of the reason for the NFA act. We don't need your legislation that undermines our rights.
I'm not your enemy, the idea that you have to "compromise" is.

Compromise? Ha!

A compromise would be "We'll help you pass the NICS improvement if you help us pass national reciprocity."

This is just concession.
Because we all know that the no fly list works just fine...

Just ask Ted Kennedy :scrutiny:

Let's create another federal database to support more prohibitions on citizens.

There's a television show in reruns that addresses "great blunders in history" and politically speaking the NRA-ILA's championing of this new addition to the over 20,000 existing gun laws will be the equivalent of GW Bush nominating Harriet Myers to the Supreme Court.

ILA is clearly a pretty saavy political player on the federal level, but as we've recently seen even the CIA screws up once in a while, contrary to Hollywood myth. Passing this bill will simply enable and embolden the enemies of freedom even further.

"Methink thou doth protest too much"...

Why on earth would NRA-ILA have to convince or "un-confuse" folks including their membership about this bill? Is it because one side says it's gun control (McCarthy) and the other side steadfastly says "no it's not" (NRA-ILA). One of them must not be telling the truth and if the truth is somewhere in the middle, then neither are telling the truth.

It's no myth that Virginia would still be a "May issue state" if it were up to the NRA-ILA.

Let's not forget some recent NRA-ILA history:

In Virginia, ILA introduced and supported the "so called" airport preemption bill, but in actuality, it banned firearms, and ammunition in airports or anywhere on airport property. This included any highways that transected the property. It wasn't any kind of preemption when introduced at all, it was an outright ban!

Last session an assemblyman put forth a bill to give judges permission to carry in courts - how did that help advance RKBA?

More federal gun laws are the absolute last thing we need, period.
I don't like gun laws any more than the nest guy but, getting our hackles up over this is like getting upset a new law changing a 25MPH zone to a 25MPH zone.

And charging 250 million dollars to do it!
(1) IN GENERAL- No department or agency of the Federal Government may provide to the Attorney General any record of an adjudication or determination related to the mental health of a person, or any commitment of a person to a mental institution if--

Here's my question. since the existing law prevents possession/purchase based on being adjudicated or committed, what other determination related to the mental health of a person is this referencing?
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