What would happen?

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Heavy Metal Hero said:
I am sure most of the people considering to vote for either of them couldn't care less.

I think it's more of a "OMG VOTE REPUBLICAN NO MATTER WHAT!!!1!one!1!" thing.
Nice. Just to make it 'fair and balanced' you could add Guiliani and Bloomberg.
"Our noble and glorious President for Life has issued an order for all Americans to turn in their guns to the nearest police station. The public has 30 days to comply, after which anyone found in possession of any gun, bullet, ammunition, gun accessory, or gun literature will be summarily executed, along with all persons in a house, apartment or place of work where the illegal item was found. This is being done to save lives and preserve American freedom. This order applies to all local and state police officers as well as private citizens. Only agents under the direct control of our noble President will be allowed to carry weapons. All hail to our glorious President!"

(News broadcast approved by the Presidential censorship and media control board. All hail to our glorious President!)

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