Obama Calls for Permanent Assault Weapons Ban

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Nice to lump in us rural individuals as part of the problem.. Obama is going for the inner city old folks vote with this line of poop... makes the old people "feel" safer.. BARF
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Riddle me this batman...

How can anyone seriously consider voting for the morons who have publicly stated time and time again, that their intention is restricting the electorates rights?

The defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

There should be a test to determine if the electorate are smart enough to vote.
Obama genuinely scares me. It is a Manchurian Candidate or Cult of Personality thing. The main stream media reports no faults with this guy. The only "negative" story I have seen that they have reported is the the cute story of him trying to quit smoking and his wife wants to know if anyone catches him sneaking a smoke. Very scary.....
He later added, "There's a reason they go out and shoot each other, because they don't love themselves. And the reason they don't love themselves is because we are not loving them enough."

Apparently he can solve our problems with rainbows.
Next promotion: Guns for Hugs buy back program
Obama is pretty behind in the polls though. I think Hillary could get the nomination.

As a side question. Everyone knows that Hillary is about as anti gun as you can get.. but has she *said* anything about guns at all during her campaign? Maybe she is smart enough to keep her mouth shut about it, and Obama doesn't have enough experience to do the same.
It goes without saying that domestic enemies of liberty, our homegrown anti-patriots like Obama and Clinton, must be stopped at all costs. Their neosocialist ideology threatens the future of all freedom-loving people. They are a bad omen for those of us who take exception to replacing the Constitution with a system closer to mob rule.
It is very troublesome to hear a politician start saying "the government must." I don't like hearing that.

she is smart enough to keep her mouth shut about it
Yeah, until she gets elected...then all bets are off. That's how these critters work.
Assault weapons are used in 1% of all gun crimes.
They are not the weapon of choice for criminals.

I agree that violence is bad and needs to be ended - but banning firearms from people who won't misuse them is not a means to this end.
GUess I dont love my kids and thats why I buy them guns. Just cant figure why they aren't gangbangers and out shooting folks...oh yeah..i remembered to smack their butts and make them learn respect!
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