Obama: doesn't want to disturb the "traditions" of gun owners?

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I have seen plenty if high-line vehicles at the shooting range before. Those guys with five-figure trap and skeet guns usually aren't driving a rusty '83 F-150.
Nothing more than golfers with guns.

Our founding fathers extolled our country's dependence upon an "informed electorate."

Sadly, it seems that a substantial number of today's voters are motivated by vacuous feel good sound bites and promises of "goodies" from the big sugar daddy in DC.

Obama is nothing more than a suit with a smile and a good pickup line.

Hillary has a past, has a plan and will do and say anything to achieve it. I agree, she is far more dangerous.

Obama and Hillary together? Heaven help us all! :barf:
coyote jr

Not sure that one would be entirely enforceable.

It is not about enforceable. On another thread it was mentioned that many CA firearms owners didn't want to sign a petition to bring forward a 2A proposition. They were concerned that they would wind up on a .gov list.

Britain was never big on eforcement as witnessed by Colin Greenwood's finding that year after year about the same number of firearms were turned in during amnesties. They still aren't.

Enforcement isn't necessary to effectively banning private ownership and use of firearms. Simply pass the law and watch people back off for fear of losing what they have.

"A right not exercised is a right that may as well not exist." unknown
many CA firearms owners didn't want to sign a petition to bring forward a 2A proposition. They were concerned that they would wind up on a .gov list.

Anyone got supporting evidence for that?

The reality is that it takes serious money to get enough signatures. CA is a huge state, and getting a proposition on the ballot has become not only a big chore, but a big business.
Enforcement isn't necessary to effectively banning private ownership and use of firearms. Simply pass the law and watch people back off for fear of losing what they have.

I've seen pics of individuals who have 'Molon Labe' engraved on their pistols. Thus, I believe there are some individual gun owners who have no fear of losing them. I'm not suggesting there are enough of these types to fully repel all enemies foreign and domestic, but I am fairly certain there are enough to make the enforcement of banning private ownership and use of firearms quite difficult, moreso, not practical.

The best bet is ammo route.
The reason dems are going with the ''traditions'' argument is that they (obviously) do not believe in the second ammendment. All their material from wikipedia or wherever flat out states there is no individual right to keep and bear arms, that it is some kind of crazy collective right. ''Preserving traditions'' is a lie that dismisses the right without even discussing it.

It would almost be the equivalent of telling blacks in 1952 that he would preserve the tradition of them having their own water fountain.
Obama is a high-octane, Chicago gun grabbers. He has told me to my face that he wants them all.

So are you saying that he was at your house and bought ALL of your guns...then illegally took them back to his home in Chicago? That IS a story! let's spread it around.
Extra Extra read all about it " Obama has illegal firearm ties to Right Wing Indiana Attorney -say's he's aiming for Hillary in '08!!
The difference between Obama and Pinocchio is this. When Pinocchio lied his nose grew. We can tell when Obama is lying because his lips will be moving.
Believe nothing this man says. He is for sale. His mission is prestige and power at any cost. To hell with the future and to hell with America.
"He said something to the effect that gun owners didn't appreciate Easterners "who drive Volvos and sip white wine" thinking they were crazy. "

I'm an oximorron i drive a volvo and shoot gun's.
Hitlery Klintoon is the most polarizing figure in American politics today (or at least tied with Geo. Rex 43rd). Her candidacy is probably the only thing that would convince the apathetic to turn out and vote for the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. Obama is an unknown quantity with charisma. You can bet bet the Republicans are doing their homework to present him as an orthodox liberal, and he will no longer be an unknown in the glare of a Presidential campaign. Also, don't fail to note that the Democrat Congress has a popularity rating right up there with Jeffrey Dahmer or Osama Bin Laden. The race really hasn't kicked off yet- it's still in the stage in which the talking heads have to make up something to say to fill the alotted time before the commercial. When Fred Thompson declares, the whole dynamic will change for the Republicans, and should Algore decide to participate, for the Democrats. There's still a lot of time between now and the election, and a poll taken today has nothing to do with the realities of Nov. '08.
Barak's charisma won't hold for anything if he gets the nomination. I'm not saying that any of the Republican candidates are particularly good conservatives, but as politicians, they could eat Obama for breakfast.
Obama and Hillary are the democratic party's worse nightmare. In my opinion if either are nominated, the defeat of the democratic party will be the result- and that would be a shame. Yes, I am a southern Democrat that is a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment.
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Neither Hitlery or Obama fool me and even before this thread I wasn't voting for either one of them.
One or both may be pres. someday but not by my vote.
Um, Obama sucks for gun rights. So does Clinton, so do most of the Democratic Party. don, I understand where you come from, but the liberal Northeast and Left Coast run the Democratic Party. Obama might talk about people like me not understanding Volvo, wine swilling Northeasterners, he's wrong. I do.

I'm even willing to let them have their own states resemble a socialist Swede style dream. But, I get off this train when we discuss applying it to the whole country. And that is the problem. Obama, if he has the power would try to make folks like me more comfortable in a mid 90's Ford pickup who are more likely to drink a local beer not do what we do.

What's more, he tries to paint all gun owners into the corner I currently occupy. We are a varied group with many nuances. I like all those things, but I'm a black and white Jew. So, I'm not entirely in that category myself.

His statements concerning guns have been few and far between for a reason. He doesn't want to scare off the Union vote. A full quarter of Union members are in the NRA, and most own guns. Most of them aren't latte swilling, Birkenstock wearing hippies. My town is crawling with these folks, and most of them prefer Edwards or Richardson on the Democratic ticket. Obama doesn't want to kill any chance of their support.

The dark, dirty secret that Obama harbors, is that he could care less about their industrial jobs, and their pensions, and their legislation designed to keep the labour market tight and well paying.

If he did, he wouldn't be for illegal amnasty, and he'd be talking about taking China to the woodshed (metaphorically). Now, these things (whether they are right or wrong) are what the Union guys are about. They are also about having guns (including some nice EBRs), and Obama is for none of the above.

He has to keep this quiet, or there will be the same split within Democratic factions as there is in Republican ranks.
He'll never be able to keep his stance on gun control quiet before even the primaries. I assume that the armed demographic is one that his campaign has decided is not necessary to win the election. Hopefully that is a serious miscalculation.
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