Me Versus Rebecca Peters on Arab TV

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Dec 6, 2005

After the Heller case demonstrations on Tuesday, Henry from MSI received a call from Al Jazeera asking for someone to come on the air for a debate about the gun issue.

I thought I was going to debate somebody from an Illinois handgun banning group, but in the AM the producers called me and told me I'd be going up against Rebecca!

She got away with so many factually deficient statements because the format of the show didn't allow me to really corner her on all her BS.
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Thanks! I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be...once you get me rambling on this topic it comes pretty naturally. In a more open format where I could take notes and have a chance to rebut point by point I'd have destroyed her. I can't even begin to waste time at work today tabulating all the bullhuckey she spewed.
Many folks have restricted access from work. Can you post this as an mp3 or podcast so we can still hear and follow it?
Excellent job!! You stayed on topic and answered his questions with what really needs to be said. It's not about a need, it's about a right. She even tried breaking out the ol' "American's don't have faith in our .gov and Europeans have more trust in their .gov". At that point, all I could hear from her was the bleating of sheep. I could tell you came just short of giving the true meaning of the 2A when they asked why we needed guns. People just can't handle the truth that the 2A is for protection from our own .gov. Good choice to stay away from that, she would have just labeled you another extremist like she did the NRA members.
I think you did a fantastic job. I for one think that a person that was born and raised outside of this country need not be called for debate on any issue in this country. It is completely silly. This woman has no idea whatsoever about the culture of this country. She is talking about "American's only feeling safe when they have the capabilities to kill someone." like that is fact. She was raised in a country that forces submission upon its citizens. The citizens of this country have rights. She has no rights in her own country and doesn't even know it.

Then she was speaking about countries that have deep roots in hunting. Like America doesn't? Oh, and hunting rifles aren't as dangerous...

The only thing I could have possibly added was this. "Well, maybe you should call a pro-gun control country next time someone starts shooting rockets into your cities."

That is the one thing that absolutely ticks me off. The people of the country beg for Americans to come and save them and know that they would be speaking a different language if it wasn't for America and yet they still criticize our culture.
Nice Job! My blood pressure is still elevated from Wayne LaPierre's interview with her like two years ago!

It's ridiculous she's able to portray her viewpoint as valid to a worldwide audience. You have one side of the arguement closely correlated with facts and data. Then you've got Ms. Peters' side that isn't willing to look past the emotions conjured up in the Hippocampus by the evil, scary, all powerful handgun.

I think you did better than you think you did. Unfortunately, I don't think Al Jazerra's audience was listening; and I don't think anything is going to change Ms. Peters' mind. She's a waste of a human being, and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts her line of thinking has resulted in way more human death than any handgun could ever hope to keep up with.

In summary, Rebecca Peters makes me want to punch myself in the head repeatedly.
You did a good job. I almost lost my _________ and started letting loose the explatives when Peters talked. Also, what is an Australian doing getting involved in our politics?

HighRoadHighRoadHighRoad. Stay High Road. Hard to do!
I thought that they where gonna railroad you after he said he didnt want specific points for debate. Clearly it showed bias, but you more than easily handed her defeat. Bravo Zulu!
My only nit pick on you is to turn down of the tone a little, I know, you had a chance to argue against Powers(For anyone who hasn't heard her speak before, she is for banning guns that have a lethal range of >100m.), I REALLY don't like that woman, either, but it doesn't help the cause any if you come across as a smart ass(not saying you aren't right, but as I'm sure you've noticed, being right doesn't mean a damn thing to many people). Other than that, I think you did a really good job presenting our case, though I think you may have come across as a bit of an extremist to alot of folks not used to such silly ideas as the right to keep and bear arms.
the thing about it is her points have no value. She inst an American. She doesn't live in a country as diverse as America. She is trying to tell an American what democracy is about... which is great coming from someone who is from a historical monarchy.

Is it just me or do most of her arguments seem to be made up on the spot(aka not backed by real facts...rather backed by imagined facts)? I mean saying that America has more gun nuts than another country.... look at Switzerland. 3 million guns and 7 million people in an area where gun crime is mostly suicides?

I couldn't even make it through the first video listening to that brain dead B****! :barf: I'm having lunch now and I want to be able to keep it down.
Her head-shaking and smirking is intolerable. When one side shows that kind of lack of respect, they weaken thier own argument.

(also: "extremist pro-gun lobby"? Is she talking about me?)
Dude, you kicked her silly.

I like how her "people in other countries have more faith in their governments than Americans do" line...

Mistake #1...

Read my sig line... She is clueless!
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I could not bear watching past the part where they introduced her. I have seen videos of her arguing with Wayne from the NRA, made me allergic.

Maybe i will try again later.
I would like to see Peters hit with a variant of my "Gun control is classist, racist, sexist, ageist, and anti-gay - and we liberals can support it no more that we could support Jim Crow or segregated schools. Gun ownership is fundamentally a liberal, progressive, democratic, feminist, egalitarian, and blue-collar value."

I think her head might explode.
You did a great job! Well done!

Your response to the ‘liberal v. conservative court’ nonsense was also well stated.
I finally had to quit listening 11:17 into the first youtube link. Her comments there about "shooting anyone you want" were typical and outlandish. She wasn't worth waiting through to hear the good side of the debate.
I think you did a great job. I especially liked the way you showed how blantanly wrong some of the questions were (like do we "need" guns vs is it our right to have them).

I think you represented gun owners very well.

I think the interview actually saw you point a few times as well.

BTW: did anyone notice the words across the bottom of the screen. Like McCain is against Gun Control, and Hillary is for SOME gun controls! I didn't see how most of what was shown had anything to do with the debate going on. Just propaganda.
So you think the folks in say Iraq where most homes have a full auto AK and a couple handguns for self protection, where folks havegrown up with guns, or say the west bank, or even Saudi Arabia, listen to Ms. Peters and agree they would be better off defenseless??

I doubt that very much.
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