Brady Campaign on Colbert Report..

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That wasn't a positive interview for RKBA... It didn't try to deconstruct the liberal argument, at all. Funny maybe, I guess...

It is a comedy show and should be taken in context, I just like how the guy couldn't even make a decent argument with someone who was joking with him.
That wasn't a positive interview for RKBA...

It wasn't exactly a slam-dunk for the Bradys either...

It's not always about hitting a home run for our side, ya know - most times people watch comedy central to be entertained, not to deal with heavy issues. For what it was, I think we came out of it looking pretty good.
I got Brady's Email: They were not happy with the interview,

I have read Stephen Colbert's book though, in that he comes off as a slightly pro-gun person, ( in politics he falls under the libertarian side I think)
I like Colbert, he's an extremely talented comedian and watch his show all the time. I have this episode on my DVR I'll have to go watch it now.

Just watched it.

I thought it was very funny but the end wasn't very pro-gun when he was citing all the ill-effects that the antis use when they argue that guns are bad. However I still have a sense of humor and I found it funny and enjoyed it.
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It's parody!
He doing his best Bill O'Rielly!
It's comedy!
It's a spoof!

Where The Daily Show pokes fun at the news media by acting like them, so Colbert makes fun from the a conservative view. He's making fun of Fox news.

Personally, I think he's anti gun but he does make you think, and laugh.
Some people don't get it. Or they think he's making fun of them.
Unless you are a politician or in some position of power it shouldn't bother you. If it does then maybe you need to lighten up.:)
"if you saw his "rant" at the end of the interview it's pretty obvious what he REALLY believes. Fun to watch though."

I just saw it. Colbert is good. He actually had me thinking he might not be an anti for a minute.
According to Wikipedia, Colbert self-identifies as a Democrat.

That Paul Helmke comes off poorly probably has more to do with his apparent inability to grasp irony and his being a half-wit. At least judging by every other television appearance I've ever seen him make.

We really should consider ourselves lucky to have Helmke as the spokesperson for the Brady Campaign.
I think Colbert's intention is to take no side and take all sides at the same time. The first 3/4 of the interview was pro gun. The last 1/4 of the interview came out of nowhere and was anti-gun. I saw him on Larry King. He did the same thing on other issues - plenty of jokes from both sides.
Colbert has always taken the anti route. This is nothing new.

The execs probably thought putting Brady people on a "hip" show that lots of young people watch would be a way to draw in more people to the antigun cause.
I saw it a couple hours ago, and it looked much more anti than pro-gun, from what i saw, especially that lenthy spiel where he quoted gun stats " the fact that you're more likely to be shot with your own weapon than get to use it in self defense " ( or something to that affect). He did the Brady guys job for him, by spouting off several of the antis favorite arguing points, and did it as though he were accusing him of something. Clever, but still B.S. of the highest order.
Can I ask why liberal is seen as bad or is that not related I am quoite confused coming from the UK system
Watched Sarah Brady and Wayne LaPierre "debate" many years ago on a local Seattle tv show. She ranted, raved, acted like a genuine ill-mannered dimwit, while LaPierre was very logical, polite, and respectful. The moderator was a genuine Seattle leftist and let Sarah run her mouth. She made herself and her position look pretty bad.

About the easiest way to defeat some ranting anti-gunner is to let them rant, rave, and carry on, then when they run out of breath point out the total stupidity of their arguments. It's like arguing with the dog, except the dog is smarter, and wags his tail. :D
It isn't that liberal is neccessarily "bad", but the problem with most people who self-identify as liberals are all for the complete disarmament of the American public, usually for the children.

Nothing against all liberals, I know we have a good number of liberal members of THR, but I don't think anyone can say straight-faced that less than a great big majority of self-described liberals are anti-gun.
ok so its about the antigu n rather than policys in other areas I am fairly liberal but disagree with disarming people although where I am I sometimes favour increasingly consevative ideas.

I support mcain even though I dont have any say being a limey because he i dislike least thank you for the answer and sorry for the hijack. I like the colbert show and I am not sure wether him and jon stewart are anti as aposed to very talented satirists I would need a statement from the person outside of the show befor e I commit to any theory.
Can I ask why liberal is seen as bad or is that not related I am quoite confused coming from the UK system

Well the modern intepretaion of liberal is considered "bad" by conservatives who want to maintain the right to keep and bear arms, lower taxes and spending on big goverenment social programs, reduce regulation and are pro-defense/military, etc. There are some liberals who are pro-gun, but I have not met many.

If you like all those things then they aren't "bad" to you.
well I do support those ideals but beleive in a liberal viewpoint on some issues not others I am probably a neatral i was tested and came out as finacaly conservative but liberal for lifestyle
I sometimes find Colbert funny. Sometimes. But I don't have any doubt about which side of the fence he falls on politically: Liberal Democrat. His character is just a foil meant to keep Jon Stewart's show (also sometimes funny) relevant.

There is no doubt in my mind colbert is ANTI. He is still funny though, and the Brady guy still looked like an idiot. I thought it was entertaining.. which is what it is meant to be, unlike the news, which should be news.. but it usually isn't...

I took that test and I came out equal left-wing to Kerry... ugh... but I was substantially more libertarian than any of the U.S. politicians listed. I'm pro union, I guess thats what put me so left wing.
42 asked:

Can I ask why liberal is seen as bad or is that not related I am quoite confused coming from the UK system.

The Republican party has held the conservative label for a while.The Democrats have had the liberal label.

But both parties over the last few decades have been overtaken by the far fringes. On major social issues the Dem's are seen as socialists. Take your money and give it to those who have less. The Reps are seen as facists. Take your money and give it to the rich.

Deficit spending is proffered by the conservatives when there is nothing conservative about it. It's borrowing (taxing) to pay interest on a loan. Give a tax break to the rich and then borrow the money back (T-bills) with interest.It's like borrowing money to pay the interest on your home loan.
They have also during the current president increased the monitoring of all US citizens and spend more money on Homeland Security.And declaring war on countries that have never been a threat.

Like wise the Democrats have been taken over by a bunch of special interest groups. Pro abortion, gay and lesbians wanting marriage, illegal aliens wanting to vote.Tree luggers that now see killing any animal as abuse, while PETA has killed more animals the any SPCA or humane society.

The two parties have created a great divide among the people and neither party is really concerned with obeying the law or doing whats right. And the way the system is set up a third party doesn't have a chance. And every politician in both parties are more concerned about being in power and towing the party line. There is no middle ground.

There is nothing wrong with the words or ideals of the words conservative or liberal but those words have lost their meaning in both parties and are used by one side to insult the other side.
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