Clinton on the Supreme Court?

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Feb 2, 2007
NC SC somewhere between the mtns & ocean
You know, the only thing better than being president for someone interested in power might be a life long seat the the Supreme Court, and Clinton is an attorney w/ a lot of connections, I've always wondered if she would try to parlay her political clout into a seat on the bench, especially if it was a Dem president and Senate at the time...

Don't know when another seat comes up, and Clinton may never get on it, but I really wanted to bring up the point that the Heller decision was close, and it's hard for me to believe that 4 of our justices disagreed w/ the constitution and popular opinion on this topic.

If you look at the current justices on wiki (scroll down)'ll see many of them are appointed by republicans, and we don't have a straight conservative showing, even of those appointed by rep.

I'm not going to get into a political debate here, but I'm just reminding people that as it concerns firearms, and the laws surrounding them, especially in light of this recent decision, that we may want to consider this decision and other future fights to come, when it comes time to vote this November.

Make sure you're ok w/ trying to at least vote in the best of the two choices in how it may affect laws and the appointment of any future justices, should the need come up...

In case you're interested which judges voted which way, and who appointed them:

Down the right hand side, you see the list of judges majority and dissenting.

Dissenting included Stevens (Ford), Souter (GHW Bush) Breyer (Clinton) , Ginsburg (Clinton)

Majority included Scalia (Reagan), Roberts (GW Bush), Kennedy (Reagan), Thomas (GHW Bush), Alito (GW Bush).

So like him or not, if it weren't for GW appointing Roberts and Alito, this may not have went our way. If Gore had got in and rolled another term, or if Kerry had gotten elected, who knows who they would have appointed when those seats came up.

My .02

I can't imagine her getting consent of the Senate given her inherent polarity. Furthermore, she's been the focus of disbarment attempts, ethics violations and failed the DC bar exam.

Hopefully everyone outside of New York is safe from her for a while.
let them repeal the 2nd. it will unleash a whole new can of worms that is unfathomable to them at this point. when ANY of the bill of rights gets "repealed" its time to clean house. there would be no other way.
She does not have the temperment of compromise and openness to discussion that is essential for a justice, and I think both she and Obama know it.

She's a U.S. Senator. That's a very powerful position and has almost no responsibility to go with the power. A justice has to make decisions and sign opinions. They cannot just make speeches and pass the buck, which is what she does.
Clinton would not want to be on The Court. She likes the public eye and the SCOTUS isn't that kind of place. Not only that, Clinton doesn't really have experience beyond that of a 2nd rate lawyer. She's not even qualified to be on The Court....
A politician - and a very derisive one - on the Supreme Court? I don't care which party it is, that's a pretty politically hot button, as far as I know.

And what pyle said: she's not qualified, thank God.

No, I'm sure we'll get another "academic" judge onto the SC who will be qualified - and just as bad for the health of this country as Clinton would be.

She does not have the temperment of compromise and openness to discussion that is essential for a justice, and I think both she and Obama know it.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I'm fairly certain there are 4 SC judges who sit at this moment who do not meet those qualifications.
pyle said:
Not only that, Clinton doesn't really have experience beyond that of a 2nd rate lawyer. She's not even qualified to be on The Court....
Shades of Harriet Meiers. Not even remotely qualified. The only reason she was withdrawn was because Bush was bitch-slapped silly by his conservative base. Forty years of hard labor and he p*sses away the chance by playing games with political hacks. Hillary is a natural for SCOTUS. Looking at some of the latest decisions I have to question the qualifications of a number of "jurists".
She has too much baggage, Whitewater, who is the guy that committed "suicide" in the white house, the white house travel scandle ect ect.
who is the guy that committed "suicide" in the white house,

Poor Vince Foster,another Clinton victim.There are so many.Gennifer,Paula,the McDougal's.....forget it.Listing them all would take up precious bandwidth.
Wrong Clinton, Bill wants a seat on the Court and would probably get it if nominated.

The only way I think either Clinton could get a Supreme Ct nomination through the Senate is if Dems pick up enough for 60 votes. That would be 57 plus Snowe, Hegel and the other RINO, Chaffee.

As much as McCain irritates me with his global warming, amnesty, don't drill in ANWR hogwash - I will spend $ and put out the yard signs and support the Republican Gilmore running for Warner's seat in the Senate.
The 2 justices most likely to be replaced during an Obama administration would most likely be Stevens and Ginsburg, IMHO. Putting both Clintons on the bench couldn't be any worse.
Wrong Clinton, Bill wants a seat on the Court and would probably get it if nominated.

Was slick disbarred? I remember talk about it. If so would that along with is other baggage keep him from a nomination.
Yes, Mr. Clinton was disbarred by the state of Arkansas and I doubt he is admitted anywhere else. Besides, it's a real job requiring actual work, unlike flying around the world with your jet setter buddies giving speeches for a milion dollars. And the interns are not exactly hotties, either (with an exception or two.)
Frankly I'm of the opinion that a couple of the current sitting Justices are much worse.....

THAT is what's really scary.......

I totally agree, but I was thinking in cumulative terms. She might not be any worse than a few of the current justices, but throwing her into the mix sure wouldnt be helping matters.

Clinton + some of the current justices = scary.
Clinton + some of the current justices = scary.

Agree.But how do you get that unless one of the 5 conservatives dies or retires?
Unless we're unlucky ,it's not gonna happen.And Hillary is 60.
She's finished.
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The Supreme Court has no job requirements beyond nomination by the President and confirmation by the Senate. You don't even have to have a high school diploma, much less have attended law school or be a member of the bar.

Exactly--Kharn nails it: in theory, if he could get Senate approval the Prez could put a ten-year-old kid on that bench... and Junior Justice would probably do a better job than most of the JD's on the various benches of the country!
Well, again, while the thought of Hil trying to get on the SC had crossed my mind before, and revisited since loss of the pres nomination...

The real point of my thread was to reiterate the importance of the positions on the SC, as indicated by the close heller/dc decision.

Think it doesn't matter this election, as some have stated? How many average people were thinking about Bush appointing two justices back in 2000 when he won his first election?

Again, I just hope everyone considers this in Nov, since this may not be the last case going to this level, even if it's not likely a seat opens up the first few years.

Even if it's not a 'conservative' or moderate seat that opens up, it's still an open seat, and we've seen this 5/4 vote. What if the next conservative seat is opened up at a time where a liberal is placed, never put off til tomorrow what you can do today. If you can help ensure a liberal anti-2a judge won't get placed for 4 years, why take a chance that it won't happen w/out your help?

my .02

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