Carry at home, Married or Single?

Carry at home? What is your status?

  • Single

    Votes: 75 22.0%
  • Married

    Votes: 233 68.3%
  • Significant Other

    Votes: 33 9.7%

  • Total voters
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Married with 2yo son. I carry at home (unless I'm drinking beer like right now). When we go out, my wife makes sure I have my gun on me.
So, what your saying is, when your drinking beer you feel less threatened at home and see no need to pack a pistol? When you and your wife goes out, who drives?
Im married and I carry at home sometimes, usually when Im about to leave or just getting home.
If Im at home for the day I take it off.
Armed and Female

About the protection thing. I never had children but I did feel the need to protect myself, my late husband, my German Shepherd dogs and pound puppy! He felt the same way about me and our dogs. I felt the same way about protecting my land and house.

My MT born/raised husband feels the same way about 'protection'. If I did not remarry and remained a widow... I would still do the same thing. So single or married = MY same reaction to 'protection', self preservation, LIBERTY, RIGHTS - God given, Natural or fill in the blank RIGHTS, the RKBA, etc.

Yours in liberty,

Married for almost 20 years. Don't carry at home. Heck, my wife doesn't even like having guns in the house, so I don't think I'll be carrying here any time soon.
When I have my carry gun I will be wearing it at home because that's where I am 90% of the time and that's where I periodically home along with kids.

DH open carries in the house. And I'm perfectly happy with that. When the weather is cooler he'll wear the cover shirt inside too.
Me and my wife both carry...24/7/365

so, since it's leap year, did you take a day off?

jest kidding. I'm married and don't usually carry at home. but yesterday I carried a shotgun around the house to get used to the feeling of a new sling I got for it.
I carry at home. And, I am married. My wife prefers it. She likes the thouth that, if someone attempts a home invasion, I will have a weapon at hand to protect her.
"crap, if something happens I have to run all the way to my nightstand to get my .45"
That's why I take mine with me. In my rather quiet area, what happens, generally happens at early morning hours. Since I don't go to bed til about 2:30 or so, if I'm in just a pair of gym shorts, which is the norm, I simply pick it up and take it with me to the fridge, to the sink, etc. It's not a pain, just normal now. And if I'm watching the tube, it's sitting there, being good, right next to my iced tea.
I am getting married in six months, I currently live with my love and carry at home or have at least one within arms reach... a few more range sessions and we will have a "house gun" which will be available to both of us if the need arose.
I carry everywhere except at work... and it's a firing offense to have one on you there. Like my signature line says... "don't get killed for a lack of shootin' back"... keep one handy... like, in your hand.

People on one of the martial arts boards were giving me crap about carrying, until I mentioned that 17 out of 23 murders in our county last year were in my zip code.:what: Between drive-bys, drug killings, and gang activity, I even walk my dog carrying a gun in the yard... high capacity, and with a back-up most of the time.

Arriving late in this poll my political science trained mind has determined that the original hypothesis was incorrect. Yes I carry at home and I am married. If I do not have the gun on it is within arms reach, but that generally occurs when I retire for the evening.
That's how I have stayed married for twenty plus years.

Just kidding. But seriously, I carry when I want to and my wife doesn't always know when or what. Recently she did ask if I had a pistol on both ankles.
I carried at home when I was married. I carry at home now that I'm single, and I'll carry at home if I marry my sweetheart. I carry at home, period.
Glenn, I think the SO choice means you are living with someone and single is living alone and not currently dating anyone.

So what does that have to do with showing whether or not I carry at home?
Nothing from what I can tell, yet that is one of the poll questions. I just do not get it.

All the best, Gb

Glenn, the question assumes that you carry at home. I will check into revising the question. I realize that not all people carry at home. So if you do carry at home, are you married, single, or living in an arrangement with someone else (significant other). I currently live single with a GF over on weekends (like the old Neil Young song, a man needs a maid, one who comes in and cleans up and goes away). I carry at home but know of many married men with wives that can make life miserable. Thus the old saying, a happy wife means a happy life! I am just curious what others experience and am heartened to see that the majority of respondents are married. Gives me hope, LOL.
Married, one kid, carry at home.

When I am around my wife and son, I have a responsibility to them. The times I *DON'T* carry are when I'm out by myself running errands or such. Or when I'm home alone. I can scurry my way out of trouble or to a weapon if I'm alone and have no other hindrances. When my main concern is the safety of my family, running, either to a weapon or away from the problem, isn't an option.
"My guess is that if you carry at home and male, you are more likely to be single."

From the current poll results, you guess wrong. I always carry at home, or at least have a pistol within arms reach. My wife doesn't often carry at home but she does when going almost everywhere else. If I'm not home, she will have her gun within arms reach at all times.

My guess is that the majority of males here marry women who share, or at least understand the concept of self defense. I know there are exceptions, but I, for one, would not be with a woman who wouldn't "allow" me the means to protect her and myself. If my wife had shown a dislike for guns early in the relationship I would have moved on before things got serious.

We have a 5yo and 2yo. My wife and I both have CHPs. I carry in the house 90% of the time, and the other 10% it is within arms reach.
this poll is a landslide and would seem to disprove the OP's thesis.

i don't carry regularly at home, but a gun is typically within close reach. either way, i get no complaints from the missus. just takes finding the right woman, my friend. when you do, hoosier8, she'll support whatever [reasonable ;)] choice you make.
I'm a single female who carries at home. I live alone out in the country with credible threats against me and my property documented with the county sheriff, state patrol, state fire marshal, and my attorney. I'd be stupid if I didn't carry at home.
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