Do people like this make you nervous??

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My friends and I goof around like that to crack each other up: Hold the gun gangsta style, mimic some of the other silliness we see on TV and in the movies. Maybe even make sound effects.

But we never violate the four rules.

I wouldn't condemn the guy. I agree with those who suggest taking him shooting.
I'd immediately show him how to correctly hold and use a gun. I'm one that would jump on any opportunity to teach others safe firearm handling practices. As long as they show the interest, whether childish or not, I believe that most people can be taught how to safely use a gun.
Some people can be "into" guns but have never had someone explain the FOUR or proper handling procedures. I wonder how some of us would have started out if we had been on our own and had to learn gun safety and handling by watching The Terminator, or Scarface or playing Asteroids. We take for granted what we know and overlook sometimes that newbies just want gun love too.

How many had no human being gun mentor you at any time during your disease incubation period? Not many I would think.

Remember a lot of "knowledge" is nowadays disseminated by youtube.

Hell, I'm happy if I show my guns to visitor and their head doesn't revolve and spew green pea soup.
I'd like to say something about video games: I play alot, and I don't remember ever playing a game where the gun was held "gangsta". Even in Grand Theft Auto, you don't shoot gangsta.

Anyways, yes, they make me nervous. But if that'd be me, I'd have grabbed the gun out of his hand and said something like "Aaaaand thats the last you'll touch any of my guns! That was so stupid I can't even comment."

Stark, blunt honesty. Works every time.
Might make me a little nervous. Not much. I have a lot of acquaintances that act like morons pretty frequently, but are nowhere near as dumb or careless as they act.

Case in point: A guy I know, kind of a friend, kind of a friend-of-a-friend, has gone shooting with us a few times. He never did the "gangsta" thing, holding the gun sideways, as I recall. But it's the kind of thing he would do, to be funny. He isn't unsafe, though, and he learns fast and is serious when actually shooting.

If he had done that, I would probably have laughed, and then said something like, "Yeah, man. Real Gangsta. Now here's how you hold it if you actually want to hit something."

As long as he's joking, which he almost certainly was, it wouldn't bother me. I'll be honest: I've shot handguns "Gangsta style" before, just to see what the fuss was about. Not at a range, mind you, but still. Just joking around doesn't make someone a careless shooter, unless that someone is joking around at the range.
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