GOP Senators Ask Reid For Floor Vote on D.C. Gun Bill

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Duke Junior

Aug 11, 2008
Cherokee County,North Carolina
What will the answer be?

Sept. 19, 2008 – 1:03 p.m.
Senators Ask Reid To Bring Up House-Passed DC-Gun Bill

Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and 46 other senators have asked for Senate floor time for House-passed legislation to roll back District of Columbia gun laws.

In a letter Thursday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nev., the group asked him to call up the bill before the end of the 110th Congress.

“We ask you to ensure that D.C. residents do not have to wait any longer to realize their constitutional rights,” Hutchison and her allies wrote. The letter was signed by five Democrats.

Pro-gun-rights lawmakers say the District government is not abiding by a June Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller that voided the city’s handgun ban. The D.C. City Council promulgated temporary laws in July, and another set of temporary laws Sept. 16, even as city officials work on new permanent ones.

The letter was sent after the House voted 266-152 on Thursday to pass the legislation. California Democrat Dianne Feinstein has already vowed to filibuster it in the Senate if necessary.

Reid has not decided whether or when to call up the legislation, according to his spokesman.
It is all a political ploy to make everyone feel good since the Senate will kill it anyway.

It provides political coverage for reps at home.
Sounds good

I believe Ms Hutchison wants to keep a handgun with her in DC
I'm in the process of sending e mails to both my senators and am planning to follow them up with phone calls.
Is this one expanded greatly to allow things like reciprocity? Does it provide pre-emption?
My letters

Dear Senator,
I am writing you to encourage you to vote for HR 6862. Since we have over 30 years of evidence that DC's gun ban is ineffective at reducing or stopping crime I believe it is time to give the citizens of our nations capitol the same 2nd amendment rights the rest of the country has especially in light of Heller and since the Mayor and DC city council are thumbing their nose at both the US district court and the Supreme Court, I don't think that should or can be tolerated.

P.S. Could you let Senator Obama know that he needs to clearly state what he believes the 2nd amendment means and the explain why the founding fathers wrote it into the bill of rights (I wrote him but got no response). This issue is killing him among a large percentage of gun owners I speak with. I don't believe him or Senator Biden because neither has shown any consistency or understanding at all that it isn't about hunting or the sporting use of firearms. They have however consistently voted for every anti gun bill that has come up. Until I can believe he has had an epiphany on this issue I cannot vote for him.
I will throw my vote away to the Libertarians or if it looks close McCain. The Bill of Rights are my litmus test if a candidate and I cannot agree on the fundemental beliefs our country was founded on how could I vote for him or her.
name redacted
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